There is one thing that most people look forward to for their entire lives. Grow up, get married and have that perfect, happy family. Sometimes for this to happen, it involves adoption. Whether someone wants to start a family with it, or if they want to expand their family. No matter what the initial reason is adoption is everywhere and involves many people. Most people don’t go through life and say that they don’t know anybody who is adopted. Many people are related to, or know at least one person, that was adopted. So all countries should let people continue saying that by letting them adopt whether they are from a foreign country or not. It is estimated that there are 2 billion kids in the world. Of those 2 billion, 15 million are living without parents. Millions more, not counting the 2 billion, have been abandoned by their parent or guardian forcing them to fend for themselves (SIRS, International Adoption-Babies without Borders, Para 1). While there are many things that we can do to help this problem, America seems to be focusing on other issues. Instead of looking to take care of the people of tomorrow, the politicians and others are focusing on the present only. …show more content…
The parents gave the child a family, and the kids gave them something back just to make their life better without even knowing it. There is one specific country that banned adoption to the America mainly because they had parents back out, normally after adopting older children, because they didn't know how to deal with the emotional and behavioral problems (Rodriguez, Para 6). Sometimes, it may take years to adopt a healthy baby. On the other hand, it could only take weeks. If all areas allowed adoption to the Unites States, that could cut down the time for any adoption process by adding new kids into the system for the searching parents to
The sorrowful events that came with opening our adoption proves that if a closed adoption is chosen, it needs to stay that way. Adoptive children need protected from unhealthy lifestyles. Closed adoptions need to remain closed to protect children from experiencing a life they were supposed to be taken away from. Children need to feel loved and should be able to live life as a child instead of fearing situations out of their control. They can contact their biological family if they chose at the legal age, until then closed adoptions should remain just
When you adopt out of the country you most likely will not know the medical history or the parent’s information. Most of the time the child or baby will not be able to speak English or speak at all. Before you adopt the child or baby you may have to have fundraisers because it costs a ton of money. Once you adopt the child or baby it does
In today's society, the idea of adoption is an open and welcome one. “When an adoptive family begins to explore the idea of adopting a child, it is easy for them to quickly become overwhelmed with information, questions and decisions” (American Adoptions, Inc). However, one of the biggest problem most adoptive parents could run into is whether they are wanting to adopt domestically or internationally. With the number of celebrities’ advertising the ease of adopting internationally and the publicizing conditions the orphans live in it makes American families want to adopt internationally. The number of children in the United States in foster care approved for adoption and the number of newborns born unwanted does not make the news so it domestic adoption is not as glamorous. Domestic adoption should be the first choice to help improve our country and give the children born in the United States a chance at a family.
The image of an American family has changed dramatically over the last fifty years. American families are no longer modeled after the Cleavers. International adoption has contributed to this changing family view, bringing in children who are not biologically related to their parents and often of a different race. This new American image has helped eliminate race related issues. So, what is the controversy with international adoption? Children are the future of a country; children are human resources. If a country is losing their children to international adoption; the county is losing the gifts and talents that are irreplaceable in those children. Intercountry adoption should not be a viable adoption source because this process does not adequately benefit those involved, international adoption exploits poor children and hurts their countries of origin.
Adoption is the action or fact of being adopted. International adoption is a type of adoption in which an individual or couple becomes the legal and permanent parent(s) of a child who is a native of a different country. The United States has the most domestic and international adoptions each year. Most adoptions to the United States come from China, Ethiopia, and Ukraine (Top 3 Countries). International adoption, especially through Afghanistan, is a long and complicated process.
Love, Faith, Happiness, Laughter, Warmth, Comfort, Joy and Safety. This is what every child wants and needs. A loving family that can accept them for who they are. According to Pettit, (Intercountry Adoption) claims that adopting children from anywhere can be tough. Adoption requires long waiting periods and lots of paperwork; but in the end it is all worth it. By hearing a little child’s cry, laughter, and the happy smile on their face brings joy to families. Children are adorable human beings that need a chance at life. When I was younger I lived in Brazil for three years of my life. If my parents would not have heard or saw the adoption notice I would have not been writing you this paper today. Who knows? If I would be in America? Or what I would be doing at this exact moment if I did not get adopted. Who knows? Maybe some children or all of American children will grow up to become entrepreneurs or one of the greatest people in history.
Some people believe that the price of adoption should not be lowered. They believe that with all the costs it helps keep the bad people from getting ahold of the children. The authorities need to make sure people will be good parents and would not be abusive or not able to provide for the child (WIASE?). This shows that the authorities are taking extra precaution with who they allow adopt a child. Also, the cost goes towards many court fees to make sure that child becomes fully and legally your child and it gives you a peace of mind (WIASE?). This shows that when you pay all that money you are paying so many different places, so that you know in the end that child is fully your child.
The image of an American family changed dramatically over the last fifty years. American families are no longer modeled after the Cleavers. International adoption has contributed to this changing family view, bringing in children who are not biologically related to their parents and often of a different race. This new American image has helped to reduce race related issues. Children are the future of a country. If a country is losing their children to international adoption; the county is losing the gifts and talents that are irreplaceable in those children. Intercountry adoption should not be a viable adoption source because this process does not adequately benefit those involved, international adoption exploits poor children and hurts their countries of origin.
Why would anyone care if a child is adopted from another country? Does the care of adopted children from another country really matter? Since the last couple of decades, couples have been able to adopt children from other countries including the United States. Ethnic adoption can ruin a child’s life. It can ruin a child’s life just because love is not enough. There are many factors that need to be emphasized in regards to ethnic adoption. The factors include: the child becoming culturally deprived, the child having weaker family bonds, and that there are other children in America that need
Many people believe that international adoptions are a positive thing, and help provide a brighter future for the children they adopt. However, many countries have strict laws on international adoptions. The article Home Alone ventures to say that, "poor countries should fix their adoption systems so that, once domestic possibilities have been exhausted, foreigners can step in" (Home Alone). International adoptions can sometimes be tricky. Many countries have constantly changing laws on international adoption. "Adoption laws change from year to year, and from country to country. Changes in intercountry adoption bans and regulations in different countries may cause unexpected challenges for prospective international adoptive parents." (Child Welfare Information Gateway). Often times many international adoptions can become corrupt. Children are sometimes smuggled across borders. "If the children travel through an official border the adult who accompanies them needs to have paperwork, but in its absence a bit of money in an envelope does the trick"
People in the U.S who want to adopt are being put on hold for long periods of time. “The sad reality is that adoptive parents are beggars with no “rights” in the process” ("Why So Many Families Who Want To Adopt, Can't”). International adoption agencies seem to take too much time and way too much money to help a child in need. The process feels as if it’s going nowhere. For the people trying to adopt, becoming a parent is all they want and are left eagerly waiting for a child when there's so much children who need a
The problem with this myth is that it serves as a “storefront” within the adoption industry for those involved in the child-trafficking trade within multiple countries, including Ethiopia. Intrigued by the fact that a few orphaned children could end up as the “lucky ones” adopted into American families, the American public believe that these kind of stories would inspire more people to adopt from international countries. In an article by E.J Graff, she writes:
At times families wish to adopt from the country of the family’s own ethnic origin, or they may be familiar with others who have successfully adopted overseas. The research also suggests that the major reason families choose to adopt international is the manner in which most international adoptions are conducted; a process that minimizes the threat that a child could be offered to potential parents and then withdrawn. International birth parents transfer their parental rights to a third-party adoption agency or orphanage before the adoptive parents get involved in the process. This may not be the case with domestic adoptions, mainly when a child is expected, but not yet born. Birth parents may change their minds about adopting out their child during the period before the adoption is finalized (Fain, n.d.,
Adoption is a great thing when it comes to saving children from harsh lifestyles, however it should be done fairly and properly so any child can have the same chance of a better
When a couple or individual decides to adopt a child, they know they are going to take on the responsibility of taking care of someone else’s child. Due to the biological parent(s) who can’t take care of that child anymore, because of either drug abuse, alcohol abuse, abuse to the child or if the parent(s) had died and there is no other care for the child. So that’s why this gives other couples who cannot have kids, the opportunity to promise themselves to be a great parent to a child in need. Though there are some bad things about adoption as well. Like adopting a child from another country of another race, because once that child is adopted into an American family, he or she will be cut off from their culture and never know about their