Although illegal in most states, marijuana remains a popular substance and it does not influence the crisis prevention professionals as the same level as harder drugs, it continue to represent a problem. The use of “pot” often finds the user lethargic, mellow, and prolonged use of the substance can lead to memory gaps and a lack of productivity. At the extreme end of substances is the one considered the most addictive and dangerous to the human body, heroin. It is problematic at a number of levels. For example, heroin is administered mostly by injection. Therefore, it is one of the most common ways the HIV virus is transmitted when not through sexual contact. Another issue is there is little to no quality control so its potency is not regulated
The question of whether or not marijuana should be legalized for recreational and medicinal use has been a three decade long conversation. There are many pros and cons to legalizing marijuana. There are many different ideas about the effects of marijuana, but as with any drug answers are going to vary depending on the person you survey. Age, health, and mental stability are all factors to consider how a drug can positively or negatively affect you, and marijuana is no different. To be legal or not to be legal is the million dollar question up for debate.
The use of marijuana is quite a controversial topic. Some people believe the use can be helpful, to society, while others greatly disagree. Three of the popular marijuana uses, which are smoking, eating, and vaping, are a great representation of this dispute.
Before 1937, marijuana was freely bought, sold, grown, and smoked in the United States. Since that time, all of these activities have been illegal, but many groups and individuals have fought to decriminalize marijuana. The congressional decision to classify marijuana as a Schedule I drug in 1970 has made the legalization campaign more difficult, since it officially established marijuana as a dangerous, addictive drug with no medicinal benefits.
The uses of marijuana amongst teenagers has increased over the years making it the most accessible drug in America as well as one the most beneficial due to its medical uses. According to the article of Marijuana Use Among Youths Is a Serious Problem, written by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) (2004), stated that the uses of marijuana has impacted the youth in many ways due to the unknown factors of marijuana such as admittance to treatment facilities, and being admitted into emergency rooms. The CASA took the con side of the argument dealing with the issues of marijuana use with teenagers. The second article Marijuana Should Be
Cannabis is becoming increasingly widespread and increasingly common in modern-day society for both recreational use and for medication. The article by Craig Reinarman, ‘Criminalisation, legalisation and the mixed blessing of medicalisation in the USA’ generates many controversial issues of cannabis.
What is Marijuana? According to, Marijuana is, “a preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria”(marijuana). Marijuana, also known as “Mary Jane”, is drawn out to be an extremely horrible, life-ruining drug. Children learn that marijuana is a “gateway” drug and that it only does harm. Though it can be quite addictive, Marijuana is safer than commonly used drugs like Tobacco and could possibly be more helpful medically than many of the prescription drugs currently available. The legalization of Marijuana would have an extremely advantageous effect on the economy, healthcare, and focus of police on more violent criminal activity of the United
The plant Cannabis Sativa, also known as Marijuana, weed, ganja, or hemp, has been linked to cure some types of cancers and neurological defects. According to A. Douglas Kinghorn and Manuel F. Balandrin; Cannabinoids, which are found in marijuana, are being developed for the use in Glaucoma and neurological disorders, such as epilepsy (Balandrin, 1992). How is something that can positively impact our lives, be illegal to use?
In making a case for the medical use of marijuana, I am not saying that all drugs should be legal and that advances in the medical use of marijuana is the first step towards everything being legal. But my argument will do more than prove that one particular industrial chemical has certain toxic properties. In this article, I will also talk about the positives of medical marijuana use, and why its medical uses separates it from other, more harmful drugs. My point about the national obsessions with sports reinforces the belief held by many scholars that students should learn how to think and communicate in an intellectual manner about topics that interest them like sports before thinking intellectually about topics that do not interest them,
Marijuana has many uses in the world today. Most of these uses are bad. However, there are some good uses for marijuana. Therefore, you could say there are many pros and cons of using marijuana. Sadly, there are more cons than pros on the subject of marijuana. However, this is expected, especially whenever discussing a drug. Also, the legalization of the drug would only be for recreational usage.
Marijuana is internationally the most commonly used illegal substance. Marijuana is psychoactive drug that affects different parts of the body. It has been classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. Surveys say that approximately 34.9 percent of high school Seniors in the United States use marijuana and close to 6 percent of seniors report using the drug on an everyday bases. As stated by the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 19.8 million adults in America had used marijuana the month before being surveyed.
Growing up we were all raised on this simple fact, at some point in your lifetime whether it's a friend or loved one, they would always tell you “drugs are bad for you!” or “you should never do drugs!” I strongly agree with these stamets, if one takes cocaine or heroin that person could suffer severe consequences in the long run. But a Simple “drug” Such as cannabis also known as weed; He or she that takes this drug is going to be completely fine. Weed is a common drug, but an illegal drug. At some point in someone's life they tried it at least once. whether you enjoyed it or not, weed isn't going to harm you.
Of the many social issues that plague American society, the issue over the legalization of Marijuana remains as one of the most controversial topics. Marijuana, also known as Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States. According to national surveys conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), “marijuana use rose from 4.1 percent to 9.5 percent of the U.S. adult population in the past decade.” The increase of Marijuana use created an ongoing debate over whether it should be federally legalized or not. Supporters of marijuana legalization emphasize the benefit of marijuana as a treatment option for some life-threatening illness and claims that legalizing the drug will boost the economy
Although it is a highly common defense that marijuana is not addictive, it in fact is. Many regular smokers find themselves ridden with very similar withdrawal symptoms of a tobacco addict (Marijuana Addiction Symptoms and Effects). Around 9% of people who use find themselves dependent on marijuana (Is Marijuana Addictive?). That may not seem like much, but that is almost 1 in every 10 people hooked on a drug that is supposedly “non-addictive.” Legalizing a drug that causes disorientation, paranoia, depression, anxiety, dizziness, and a slowed reaction time is not safe, not to mention the fact that it is a gateway drug, often leading users to use even more damaging and dangerous drugs (Is Marijuana Addictive?). With the legalization of a drug like marijuana comes increased use and abuse of the drug. Marijuana is unsafe medically for the individual using and for the people around them when the user is under the influence, it will cost the government money and time and it will cost employers tons. Legalizing marijuana would be a huge mistake by our country.
Marijuana has many names like pot, weed, grass, Mary Jane etc. but it still a drug that is talked about a lot in the media. It is consumed in many ways, whether it be for recreational or medicinal use. It came from Asia and is now worldwide and is common in the United States. The legalization of marijuana is still an issue today because there are misconceptions about it. As of now twenty states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana use. Only Colorado and Washington have legalized marijuana for recreational use.
Should Marijuana be Legalized? Over half of Americans answer ‘’Yes.’’ Marijuana is greatly frowned upon, not just in America, but all across the globe. But these laws against Marijuana are up for debate in several countries. Especially in the United States. There are sixteen states in this country that allow medical usage of Marijuana.