When parents have a child that has some type of life threatening disease, they want to do everything possible to save their child’s life. Stem cells from umbilical cord blood offer a last resort for many parents in order to save their child. To obtain the genetically matched stem cells, parents look toward medical technology in the shape of pre-implantation genetics disease. Pre-implantation genetics is where there is a genetic survey of embryonic cells prior to their implantation into a uterus. Its advantage is to screen for genetic diseases prior to implantation to prevent abortion. Many parents of critically ill children look to pre-implantation genetics to provide biological material to effect a treatment or cure of the older sibling. The pre-implantation genetic egg will become a donor sibling. The donor sibling is intended to save the life of the sick child by donating umbilical cord blood or bone marrow. The donor sibling is like a savior sibling. …show more content…
It is simply exploiting the biological capability of available genetic material and technology. The technology is useless if we don’t utilize the capabilities. It can be argued that would be unethical to not allow parents to use every technological resource to save the life of their sick
The first type of stem cell, an embryonic stem cell, is known for being able to continuously multiply, as well as for being pluripotent. They can be “derived in vitro from the blastocyst of an embryo usually left over from in vitro fertilization” (Forraz & McGuckin, 2011, p.61). Unlike other types of stem cells, embryonic stem cells have yet to be used in any kind of clinical treatment of patients. The high risks of “immune rejection” or “teratoma formation” are serious obstacles (Harris, 2009, p.182). The second type of stem cell, adult stem cells, is primarily considered to be multipotent and may be found in “specific adult human tissues” such as the skin or bone marrow, just to name a few. Over the last twenty years, the amount of scientific research and trials using adult stem cells has grown significantly, despite their lower potency than embryonic stem cells (Forraz & McGuckin, 2011, p.61). Lastly, cord blood stem cells, are technically considered to be a special type of adult stem cell, but their youthful properties give them “greater restorative and regenerative potential.” Directly following the birth of a child, these stem cells can be collected from the blood in the umbilical cord (Steenblock & Payne, 2006, p.9). Embryonic, adult, and cord blood stem cells
STEM cell research according to scientists might be the key to saving lives due to organ failure, brain damage or even heart problems. The idea is stem cells provided by fetuses that have been aborted typically
We know that many have made expansive claims for the benefits of human embryo research. However, all such claims are conjectural. Embryonic stem cell research has not helped a single human patient or demonstrated any therapeutic benefit. At the same time, adult stem cells have helped hundreds of thousands of patients and new
Through change and uttermost struggle, the people who care about a subject always seem to push through for what they believe in. For the sake of Embryonic Stem Cell research, the advocates tried their best to show the advancements stem cells may withhold, and for the people who disagree with the research, always seemed to put a new light on the subject, simply humanizing the research. Although the destruction of a human embryo is not something many people would view as ethical, it is something that could hold much promise for those who suffer from terminal illnesses (Sherley). When the miracle of assisting those who could not reproduce children through In Vitro Fertilization transpired the world of stem cell research was acquired (Tauer 924).
A brief introduction to stem cells; Stem cells are cells that are undifferentiated, or, simply put, a cell that has not yet been given a job, such as cells that create molecules. In recent years, scientists have discovered the potency that stem cells contain, due to their versatility. For example, stem cells could be studied and used to cure a man of liver disease, a child’s handicap, a woman’s breast cancer, etc…, etc…. One may now be asking themselves? “That’s great… then why are so many people against stem cell research? What could possibly be the drawback? “. You see, stem cells are acquired by human embryos, or, in Layman’s Terms, unborn fetuses. Take for
Stem cells are grown on Petri dishes in a laboratory and are never implanted in a woman’s uterus. These cells can be used to create stem cell lines that can grow indefinitely under optimal conditions (“Stem cells and diseases,” 2011). Embryonic stem cells can be obtained from existing stem cell lines (any group of cells that came from the same original embryo), aborted or miscarried embryos, unused in vitro fertilized embryos, and cloned embryos created from somatic cell nuclear transfer (the nucleus from an unfertilized egg is removed and replaced with a nucleus from an adult stem cell). This technique would be used for therapeutic cloning, which could grow organs or skin grafts for patients. However, the only research that is federally funded are a few embryonic stem cell lines created from unused embryos at in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics before 2001 (Dunn, 2005; “Embryonic & fetal research laws,” 2008; Therapeutic cloning, 2009). These lines are not enough to allow scientists to fully explore and take advantage of potential findings.
These cells come from fetuses which is why stem cells are such a controversial issue. In order to actually use embryonic cells, they must be harvested from an unborn baby that is in the early stages of life. Embryonic cells have the ability to be all 220 types of tissues in the human body. “This makes them ideal for regenerating diseased heart tissue, repairing spinal cords, and replenishing brain cells”, Elizabeth Svoboda, an author in the publicized Popular Science magazine, illustrates in her article about stem cells (60). Embryonic cells have limitless possibilities in medical advancement. These cells can become whatever type of cell a doctor program them to be. With the use of embryonic stem cells, doctors can cure several diseases, as well as curing people who have suffered injuries, but research is being slowed down by the ethical dilemma of aborting a
Australia should not legalise the genetic modification (or GM) of human embryos. Australia should keep genetic modification of human embryos illegal because if we allow genetic modification to embryos it could lead to some babies DNA having been carefully selected to enhance their appearance, intelligence or something that is not a normal thing to have chosen. These enhancements may also be unevenly distributed among the population, leading to a society of genetic haves and have-nots. One side is to allow genetic modification to embryos and take out diseases that run in family blood lines. The other side is against the genetic modification of embryos mainly because people do not want want people who are all perfect for one thing
Imagine a world free from disease. The idea of a utopian society has been far from reality until the research from embryonic stem cell therapy surfaced. Since former president George W. Bush banned federal funding on embryonic stem cell research in 2001 it has caused a halt in advancements and caused controversy in the public. According to an article by Beau Watts, an accredited physician; embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells (Beau Watts). This means they have not decided what function they perform yet. Since the cells do not know the function, it can be determined by scientists. As described in the “Guidelines for the conduct of human embryonic research” by the international stem cell society; medical professionals can take an embryonic stem cell and “reprogram” it to eliminate the disease. Today 2,200 people died from heart disease (American heart association). Heart disease is only one of many diseases that can be cured by embryonic stem cell research. Religious and/or conservative groups now condemn the research, for multiple reasons. Embryonic stem cells are donated by patients of in-vitro fertilization. After a “round” of IVF, they can choose to donate, freeze, or discard their leftover embryos. Embryos contain two layers, it is the innermost layer that contains the cells used in embryonic stem cell research (Society for stem cell research). It is very important to know that, the embryos that could be used in the research are donated upon request of the patient.
Therefore, much of the critic’s arguments are invalid due to the fact that the embryo won’t develop into a child. Stem cells are the beginning of an enormous scientific breakthrough, a breakthrough that critics are simply putting off. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to treat some of the worst diseases we face today, such as cancer. Many critics argue that adult stem cells offer a good alternative. However, adult stem cells have become specialized and only have the ability to become specific type of tissue. Unlike adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells have the ability to create any type of cell within the body, as well as replicate themselves. This difference is proof alone that embryonic stem cells are vital to treating the more complex illnesses. Due to this, embryonic stem cells would create a larger bank of replacement cells and tissues. This is important because although there is organ and tissue donation, there is a higher demand for them than we have to supply. With embryonic stem cells, there would be more available treatment for patients with diseases such as macular degeneration, spinal cord injuries, heart disease, and more. In the case of heart disease, with the use of embryonic stem cells, healthy heart tissue could be generated in the lab and then transplanted. This would lead to a quicker treatment option than waiting for an available tissue and organ through
New technological advances and scientific methods continue to change the course of nature. One of the current controversial advances in science and technology is the use of genetically modified embryos in which the study exceeds stem cell research. Scientists have begun planning for research involving human embryos in the genetic modification field. Many technological developments are responsible for improving our living standards and even saving lives, but often such accomplishments have troubling cultural and moral ramifications (Reagan, 2015). We are already beyond the days in which virtually the only procreative option was for a man and a woman to conceive the old-fashioned way (Reagan, 2015). Genetic modification of human embryos can be perceived as a positive evolution in the medical process yet it is surrounded by controversy due to ethical processes. Because this form of genetic modification could affect later born children and their offspring, the protection of human subjects should be a priority in decisions about whether to proceed with such research (Dresser, 2004). The term Human Genetic Engineering was originally made public in 1970. During this time there were several methods biologists began to devise in order to better identify or isolate clone genes for manipulation in several species or mutating them in humans.
October 2000 - A child conceived in part to provide therapeutic tissues for an earlier-born sibling is born; techniques of preimplantation genetic diagnosis are used to ensure that the child does not itself carry the disease
Embryonic stem cell research is a highly controversial topic in today's society, this kind of stem cell commits to regenerate any type of tissue. Unfortunately, Embryonic Stem Cell Research has a dark side. To obtain these cells will kill the embryo automatically. In other words, the acquirement of the Human Embryonic Stem Cell includes performing an abortion. To obtain these cells, it would kill the embryo. This has created controversy since abortion is such a divisive topic. Politicians are uneasy to take sides. The Human Embryonic Stem Cell issue is today's Pandora's Box due to all the unwittingly chaos that it can bring to our lives. By having this new option available in the medical world,
Over the past two decades, the stem cells became an important part of a medical research. Today, stem cells are used to assist in treating numerous diseases. The umbilical cord blood can now be saved in special banks to preserve the youngest stem cells for an unlikely event the child later develops a certain kind of illness. Although there has been a lot of talk about research using stem cells, most people don’t come in contact with the topic of cord blood banking. This issue is exclusively presented to expecting parents. I want to use this question to inform unfamiliar readers about cord blood banking and its use in stem cells research. I intend to use this a question as an introduction to this topic in my research essays.
One thing that many people disagree upon is whether or not eugenics and genetic cloning is ethically right or wrong. On one hand, it could eliminate children being born with life threatening diseases by forewarning parents of potential medical problems. “It is known that hemophilia, albinism, and certain structural abnormalities are inheritable. Family gene maps, called pedigrees, can help families with serious diseases avoid having children with the same diseases through genetic counseling, and, increasingly, prospective parents can be tested directly for the presence of undesired genes.” (Prothero)