
The Pros And Cons Of Pre-Implantation Genetics

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When parents have a child that has some type of life threatening disease, they want to do everything possible to save their child’s life. Stem cells from umbilical cord blood offer a last resort for many parents in order to save their child. To obtain the genetically matched stem cells, parents look toward medical technology in the shape of pre-implantation genetics disease. Pre-implantation genetics is where there is a genetic survey of embryonic cells prior to their implantation into a uterus. Its advantage is to screen for genetic diseases prior to implantation to prevent abortion. Many parents of critically ill children look to pre-implantation genetics to provide biological material to effect a treatment or cure of the older sibling. The pre-implantation genetic egg will become a donor sibling. The donor sibling is intended to save the life of the sick child by donating umbilical cord blood or bone marrow. The donor sibling is like a savior sibling. …show more content…

It is simply exploiting the biological capability of available genetic material and technology. The technology is useless if we don’t utilize the capabilities. It can be argued that would be unethical to not allow parents to use every technological resource to save the life of their sick

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