
The Pros And Cons Of Public Asylums

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Private asylums seem to be like summer camps. In both instances, you are constantly watched and monitored as so you don’t hurt yourselves or others, you are fed, and given a place to sleep. Public asylums are the ones that horror movies and games are based off of. The dingy walls, medical smell and patients that may not be as mild mannered as the private asylum patrons. When presented with the article: Fear and Brutality in a Creedmoor Ward, Philip Shenan describes the lowly treatment of patients locked in the in Creedmoor public asylum. This article helps state the facts about how public asylums aren’t safe for patients nor are they safe for the doctors that work there. And most of the time the people that go into public asylums aren’t getting the help they need. Overall it is more worth it to spend extreme amounts of money on private care over spending nothing and going to a public asylum. The fact that a man, Roberto Venegas, was killed at Creedmoor at the hands of the aids that were supposedly there to help is inexcusable. He was bound in a straitjacket without the permission of a doctor then was further restrained to a pole. On the day of his death a nurse had heard screaming and found that Mr. Venegas had been put into a straitjacket and was being sat on by two therapy aids (Shenon 8). The fact that two people who were there to help him heal and help him get well were treating him like this and later were responsible for his death is awful. With public care, the

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