Adoption takes place as one option for couples to raise children for many years, but same sex adoption has risen as a big controversy recently. People’s opinions on with same sex couples and their rights remain particularly biased and sturdy. Each child needs to be loved by a family no matter the parents’ sexual orientation. Same sex couples deserve the same adoption rights as heterosexual couples.
In today’s society more and more children become orphans each day. While the number of orphans rise, so does the demand for families these children. By legalizing same sex adoption in the U.S., the number of orphans could drop substantially. In 2003, adoption agencies received many homosexual applicants, especially gay men (Gilgoff, 2004). In 2014, around 400,000 children entered in the United States foster care system. Out of those entered, only 100,000 of them were eligible to be adopted. A large amount of those children could have been adopted by the eager same sex couples who desperately want to start a family of their own. In 2011 nearly two million children lived in a foster home run by a same sex couple (Maxwell and Kelsey, 2014). That number has increased since the legalization of same sex adoption. Diane Goodman, an attorney and lesbian mother, stated that parents, disregarding their sexual orientation, have multiple similarities. All mothers and fathers deal with the same struggles, no matter their gender. The commonalities shared by hetero and homosexual couples help
In “Laws Should Support Loving Households, Straight or Not” (2002), Becky Birtha argues that homosexual couples should have the same right to adopting kids as heterosexual couples.
This article talks about the support of second parent adoption for gays everywhere. They support the idea that children with two capable adults no matter what gender are able and should be able to care for a child. Although they support this, the article does not show any sort of negativity toward the opposite side relating the issue. The site details the rights that the second parent should be guaranteed through an adoption. They also think that pediatricians and other professions dealing with children should get more familiar with learning about gays and the children they adopt. The authors are the Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. The people in the committee have many different backgrounds and are advocates for children’s
The majority of people will decide to change their health behavior throughout their lifetime. The reasons for the change might be quite different from individual to individual. Some may be motivated to take action after experiencing a life threatening illness, while others are proactive and change their health behavior to decrease the risks of developing a potential disease. However, even if the reasons for the change are valid and well understood, there is a great possibility that one will not follow set goals long term. Stacy Carter, an assistant of professor and an author of the Social Validity Manual, expresses her opinion about people implementing a scientifically proven health behavior change treatment in their routine, “if it's something that is going to cause them a lot of effort, or is difficult to implement, then they probably are not going to use it for long” (Cranford, 2011). Use number superscript 1
The unjust and prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex is discriminating; according to the Oxford dictionary. This term does not empower them, but instead make people feel powerless. Same-sex couples in particular, who are looking to adopt, feel unequal to their heterosexual associates. In relation to adoption, there shouldn’t be preference to heterosexual couples over same-sex couples. Adoption typically is not an easy process, but when it comes to people of the same sex trying to adopt, what seems to be as simple as to buying a puppy, is very intimidating and discouraging. The laws that govern these decisions do not help at all. The inconsistency amongst all of the states in America makes the process even more challenging, to the point where couples give up. Same-sex couples who are fortunate enough to be allowed by the courts to adopt, are still being judgmental. The judgments are based on their parenting abilities and the effects their lifestyle they live, whether it will have a negative backlash on the children. The intention of my analysis on same-sex adoption is to examine some of the bifurcation and the challenges that these individuals encounter while trying to legally adopt a child.
In the "Call Of The Wild" By jack London expresses a theme of suffering to show how life was like for buck and the other it also tell how buck and the other sled dog that did not trust humans because they were abused by their owners. First buck was take from all he knew and was sol as a sled dog to a team. Then buck faced starvation, and his natural instinct to become leader. Final he show how buck natural instinct has taken over but is still friend with some humans.
Homosexual people have faced many trials and tribulations in pursuit of living a normal and happy life. There are many controversial events and topics that are barriers blocking complete happiness. Although those barriers are in place, the people in the LGBT subculture seem to making the best of every situation. Fighting for their rights and changing laws to protect them are paving the way for a brighter future. In hopes of being normal, many same-sex couples want to have a family and for some the only option is adoption. Well, same-sex adoption is not legal in most places which makes this dream for some impossible. This caused controversy between same-sex couples and the general public who believes that same-sex adoption should remain
Should gays and lesbians have the same rights to adopt as heterosexuals? The laws of most states permit an unmarried person to be an adopted parent. However, many states have enacted laws limiting and in some cases prohibiting, lesbian and gay men from adopting. Adoption of children by lesbian and gay men remains controversial. A court must first find that the best interest of the child will be served by the adoption. Some courts have strongly rejected the notion that adoption by a lesbian or gay parent could ever be in the best interest of a child. This applies to same sex unions as well. Yet the United States has many children waiting to be adopted. Older children and those with special needs are the hardest to
Since the 1990’s approximately 8-10 million children in the US alone are raised in a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (LGBT) household. Same-Sex Adoption is controversial because many people throughout the world are against LGBT adoption; but when faced with the number of kids who pray everyday for someone out there wanting to be the parent of a foster child, it is difficult to understand why the topic of gay adoption is controversial. Yes, there can be a bad outcome but there can also be a very good outcome of these kinds of adoptions. The LGBT Adoption situation can be fixed by allowing any adult or parent to adopt a child if they have the right living environment or the knowledge and skills that it takes to raise a kid in the proper way. But social workers have reservations on considering gay adoptive parents because they are fearful of how the parents will treat and raise the children and how they will grow up feeling. People who oppose same sex marriage, including U.S. elected officials, have argued that a child raised by a LGBT parent will need additional emotional support or will face social challenges compared to children with heterosexual parents (Borreli). Although many people believe that LGBT parents shouldn’t be allowed to adopt because it affects the child, LGBT parents should be allowed to adopt because many kids need a place to call home or someone they can call family, they need someone in a similar situation that they can talk
There are currently 107,011 kids in the U.S. foster care system that are hoping and waiting to be adopted, so just imagine how many of those children could be adopted if more lesbian and gay couples were able to adopt. According to lifelong adoption agencies more and more gay and lesbian couples are becoming parents through artificial insemination, a surrogate, or LGBT adoption. It’s hard for same sex couples to adopt because adoption agencies that have religious beliefs against same sex couples reject them, or a state law prohibits same sex parents. Same sex couples face much opposition from a large number of people even though they do not have well supported arguments for their beliefs. Many studies have been done in an attempt to figure
Good parenting is not influenced by sexual orientation, but by parents creating a loving and nurturing home. With increased inclusiveness, more children are now in homes with qualified parents over being in the state system. Adoptive parents are being discriminated on adopting children based on gender identity, sexual orientation, or marital status and so more children are “aging out” of the foster care system. Children are aging out of foster care because the federal government is not allowing parents to adopt based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status and those children are going without having the loving and nurturing home that they need so the Every Child Deserves a Family Act should be put in place.
What if this was you or your child in the situation, how would you feel? Many people believe in same sex adoption and believe it should be legal everywhere. But many others think same sex adoption is wrong and should not be permitted. Many studies have been done for both sides and it all depends on what you truly believe in. Many people debate whether same sex adoption is right or wrong. But it shouldn't be about what's right or what's wrong, it should be about the kids in the foster care system needing a loving family. If a same sex couple will do that, then that's a fight, they are gonna have to fight. There has been a lot of evidence for both sides, and they both are putting up a good argument.
“About 19 percent of same-sex couples raising children reported having an adopted child in the house in 2009, up from just 8 percent in 2000.” As society changes there opinions on same-sex marriage they more gays and lesbians are adopting. There was recent rise in same-sex adoption but there is still people in U.S. that are against same-sex adoption. Recently a judge in Kentucky objected gay and lesbian adoption. This caused a huge uproar and had people thinking whether or not gay and lesbian adoption is okay for the children. One article feels that state legislators are putting more hurdles in the way of adoption and preventing children from getting into loving and caring homes (“Adoptions are declining,”2017). Gays and lesbians being able to adopt will provide loving homes, get kids out of foster care, and they choose to be parents.
Abstract –Machine learning is a subdivision of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is concerned with the design and development of intelligent algorithms that enables machines to learn from data without being programmed. Machine learning mainly focus on how to automatically recognize complex patterns among data and make intelligent decisions. In this paper, intelligent machine learning algorithms are used to classify the type of an eye disease based on ophthalmology data collected from patients of Mecca hospital in Sudan. Three machine-learning techniques are
Energy runs the world. From cell phones to cars to computers, every technological advancement of the last millennium is dependent on one basic fundamental: the need for energy. However, within the last century, a global energy crisis has shocked the earth. Current power production methods pollute the environment, tearing ecosystems apart and destroying species. A clean, renewable, and powerful energy source is needed to survive. Nuclear energy is this source. The field of nuclear power is a modern, rising newcomer; however, nuclear energy is not as prominent within the energy industry as it must be. To truly stamp in change, the U.S government must grant more funds towards nuclear research and nuclear energy production must increase. Nuclear energy is the ultimate power source because it boasts only a minimal impact on the environment, leaves little waste, and is safe for humans.
Since the early 1900s, homosexual people have become increasingly popular and greatly resisted. People that are homosexual face barriers placed upon them by the political system and society. Due to these challenges, homosexuals fought to have the same marital and parental rights as heterosexual people. Same-sex adoption is not prohibited in most states in the United States of America and many places worldwide. Family is not determined solely on blood relations and should be legalized in all parts of the world; because homosexual parents are just as good as heterosexual parents, if not better, and can provide an enriching second chance for many children waiting to be adopted.