The world in continuous evolution and development, which has no limitations. As a result, screen technology came in present. Like any human’s product, screen technology has it’s potential risky or beneficial impact on humans and their cognitive ability. Therefore, scientist have been studied it for years to find it’s actual impact. The researches on this subject shows different results. However, the results can be classified in two major groups. The first group state that screen technology in general has a positive impact on people and their cognitive development. For example, the neurologist Adam Gazzaley (cited in Abbot 2013) discovered that screen technology can improve people’s capacity to multitask, also it can enhance people’s cognitive skills such as focusing, task switching and memorizing. In addition, video games which considered under screen technology can help in mental development, due to the requirement of the continuous attention and focusing while playing …show more content…
The marked improvement in participants of Gazzaley’s experiment proved the theory, and give it more strength. Whereas the oppose position which says screen technology has negative impact, has no practical evidence shows the negative effect in reality. When evaluating the oppose position, it is worth to take into consideration Goldacre’s (2011) article with the title: “Why won’t Professor Susan Greenfield publish this theory in a scientific journal?”. Greenfield’s hypothesis was not presented in scientific way, and lack from evidence, precision and transparency (Goldacre 2011). In addition, Levy (2012) stated that age factor can play a major role in accepting or declining new technology. Compared to Greenfield, young people are more familiar with new technology. On balance, generally, screen technology has proved positive effect in brain and cognitive ability whereas it’s negative effect needs more
Technology in today's world affect everyone about the same since we can not live without. The amount of different activities and possibilities to do on the internet using different devices is immense . Whatever you want if it is food,games, or researching something anyone can receive in a matter of seconds. Tammy Kennon who is the author of , “ 5 New Brain Disorders that Were Born Out of the Digital Age” states the negatives about the technology devices that run the world. She tells us about how our patience, attention spans, and memory are all affected due to that fact that we are obsessed with electronics. In today’s world everyone relies on web searches like google to answer a question or do something for them. When a research was conducted by researchers they found out that”[O]ne -Third of them did not even try, reaching for google immediately” this shows how much people rely
Technology is affecting children communication skills. Face to face conversation have become gruesome to kids now a days. The studies have been shown that too much technology is the lead cause of behavior disorders. The technology has a hold on the 21st century kid were more active. Specialist have stated that technology
(SIP-A) The Internet and screen time, the virtual gateway to everything in the world, can affect your mind’s ability to store memory. (STEWE-1) Researcher Daniel Wegner found that “when people have access to search engines, they remember fewer facts and less information because they know they can rely on “search” as a readily available shortcut”(Wegner). This is exactly what happens in the book, people rely too much on technology and they end up having difficulty holding onto information. (STEWE-2) “Students who have trouble remembering distinct facts, for example, may struggle to employ those facts in critical thinking”(Wegner). Because we rely on the technology, it’s basically become our “digital brain”. It holds all our information so we don't have to, leading to a lack of holding onto information because of technology. (SIP-B) Looking at screens constantly can cause severe or irreversible damage to the body. (STEWE-1) Based on an article, “too much time in front of TV and computer screens is causing increasing psychological problems, such as depression and anxiety”(the guardian). These are direct effects from too much technology. (STEWE-2) “The effects, particularly on mental health, were most pronounced for those children who spent more than four hours a day using some sort of screen-based technology”(the guardian). Mental damage can overtime be healed but if the brain is damaged to a certain extent, then the damage will be irreversible. This is caused when someone stares at a screen for long periods of time or is actively engaging in what is appearing on their
In “Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era,” Richard Restak considers the effect of technology on our brains. As we process increasing amounts of information at ever-faster speeds, Restak argues that our brains are undergoing “profound alterations” in order to adapt to the changing needs of our modern world. As technology connects us to more people, places, and information than ever before, Restak warns that we are losing important cognitive functions, in particular our ability to focus and concentrate. However Restak fails to mention that technology has created significant affordances as well. Allowing society to advance as a whole, via social media, e-mail, cell phones, and other various communications. Technology is reshaping our habits of mind.Yes technology created a slight defect to the mind but many advantages came about using technology as an asset.
Technology has consumed this generation to believe we need to rely on it. Although technology has helped us to save more lives than in previous decades. The technology that is affecting us are the ones with screens. These devices are useful for entertainment, news, communication, and to learn. They are powerful devices that can change someone's life in both a negative and positive effect. It can be easily obtained and used by anyone at anytime if accessible. Looking at screens are a waste of time.
Nicholas Carr’s target audience is anyone who uses technology, whether they are the younger generations for it or the more traditional generations against it. He establishes common ground by pointing out some of the positive, along with the facts to back up his theory on the negative. His motive for writing this essay is to provide a connection between the increase of technology to the decrease abilities in learning behaviors.
Twenge is thorough and credible in listing the many ways in which youth and young adults of today are affected by new technology. The article was intended to prove that children who grow up with a phone or tablet in their hands will have
In the article “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price” by Matt Richtel gives a study done by the University of Rochester shows that “players of some fast-paced video games can track the movement of a third more objects on a screen that non players.” This evidence shows that games give people faster reaction time and the ability to pick stuff out of a crowd easier. Richtel later stated “those games have a very strong both rehabilitative and educational power.” These games can improve safer drivers on the road and better learning for the student as they can simulate drives with students so that the student and instructor will be safer while getting a better education.
Published by the University of Rhode Island, the text allows for a more technical and expert methodology on the effects of technology on adolescents. By the end of the report there is a bibliography that includes a large compilation of citations giving credit as to where the information was found. The intended audience is geared more towards professors, researchers, and students that are relatively familiar with the information and the specific field of research. Rather than a popular source, the formatting of the report follows a abstract, results, conclusion, and bibliography format. There is concrete scientific data throughout the text that was conducted by researchers in the field including charts and graphs demonstrating actual ‘experiments’. There is a large amount of formal and technical language used throughout the report including, “praxis,” “vestibular,” and “proprioceptive,” that can be seen as difficultly understandable by a general public audience (Hatch 23, 37,
Technology has been part of our daily live more frequently than before. Screen time has been more popularly used on kids and adolescents. On a daily bases many kids seem to spend more time inside on their tablets, instead of having to spend time with other kids. This is a problem that is becoming more popular over the years,on whether kids need to spend that much time on technology or not. Parents either seem to have strict technology usage, or they either don’t. There has always been a huge controversy with experts, who either think that screen time is beneficial or could cause problems later on in life. There are many views towards this topic, from hurting kids brains, to helping them during school, and socially.
What effect does modern digital technology have on individuals who rely on it heavily in their everyday lives? Innovations such as video games, internet search engines, and online databases receive great praise as well as great criticism depending on who answers this question. Nicholas Carr and Steven Johnson have both written pieces stating their opinions on technology’s effect on the human brain. Carr’s article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” explains how accessing information quickly and easily through search engines like Google negatively alters the way people seek and read information and think. Johnson’s book “Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter” covers the positive attributes of digital technology, video games in particular. He explains how video games are intellectually stimulating and help develop complex skills. Digital technology has interesting effects on the different processes of our mind.
Most children today have access to devices such as television, smartphones, computers, and tablets. These devices can be used in a variety of ways, with both positive and negative outcomes. For example, preschool aged children may use a device to learn letters, numbers, or colors. School aged children may use a computer to conduct research, or watch an educational show. A child may also sit in front of the television for many hours, reducing physical activity, and become obese. I believe it is important for the parent or caregiver of the child to monitor the amount of screen time, as well as the content to optimize the benefits these devices can offer.
Electronics change the way brains process information. Data from a test between gamers and non gamers, non gamers used their spatial memory system while gamers used their caudate nucleus (McDonald). The brain started using different methods that it learned while being subjected to video games. Nowadays, we have a wide variety of video games out there, each to make your brain think differently to a point where it’s better than passive learning (Jenkins). The brain is able to pick up on new types of learning which help your brain learn better than passive learning, helping you to get
Education has found its way into the loop of technology. Teachers are using ipads and laptops during class time to help conduct experiments, or share a presentation. This is allowing the students to gain instant access to the information they are seeking. Students also receive the opportunity to complete their homework online and print off their assignments instead of just using paper and pencil. Another pro for Technology in Education, there are countless sources out there which help enhance learning. In one research conducted, they compared the performance of teaching kids how to read a clock. One group was coached by an online app, another was shown by a toy clock, and the last group was trained by a drawing example. The results revealed that the children that were taught by the toy and app exceeded the paper drawing group (Galetzka).
Over the years, technology has increased in usage within many ways and has caused successful changes in a person’s lively routine. However, technology has evolved since the very beginning which concern has grown over the negative effects of its excessive use. Nicholas Carr’s article “Is Google Making Us Stupid” addresses the tendency of technology to create a sort of mental laziness where people look for instant answers rather than thinking for themselves. Daphne Bavelier, C. Shawn Green, and Matthew W.G. Dye have written in “Children, Wired: For Better and for Worse” on the transient and persistent effects of technology on children, particularly in terms of media exposure of television, movies, and video games. Additionally, Matt Richtel, writer for The New York Times, states in “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price” that the tendency of the brain to respond to immediate stimuli has a negative impact on the average user, ranging from disinterest to daily tasks to the risky behavior of texting and driving. Ultimately, these three articles agree that regardless of potential conveniences of heavy technology use, the tradeoff is something to be strongly considered.