Self Help groups as a part of technology:
As the world today is moving towards technological adoption, the banking industry is no less to follow the similar pattern. Most leading banks have undertaken this front of making their organization technologically viable, but the one industry that has been left out was the MFIs.
In order to cater these needs, digitization of Self Help Groups is a step towards systematic and faster achievement of the their goals of SHG movement.
Keeping this in mind, NABARD attempted digitization of SHGs under a project called EShakti to take advantage of the available technology to address the problem of book keeping, capturing the credit history of SHG members, generating SHG grading report based on its financial and nonfinancial records and making them available to all important stakeholders. The stakeholders especially bankers can now take informed decisions for extending credit linkages on the basis of reports generated through EShakti.
Project EShakti contemplates mapping of the existing SHGs in a district by capturing financial and non-financial information of the SHG and its members and uploading the transactions including minutes of meetings, through an App loaded on Android based Tablets/ Mobiles to a dedicated website To address the regional GPRS
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Business correspondents are the key players in Microfinance sector with technology-based transactions they are provided Point of Sale (POS) devices and doing EKYC through the finger print technology. They use Micro-ATM (POS) handheld device to perform basic financial transactions like Deposit, Withdrawal, Funds Transfer, Balance Enquiry, Mini Statement and other remittance. The below table depicts the POS based transactions during last five year across various
Self- help meetings can be used for a variety of reasons or addictions, from Alcoholics, Narcotics, over eaters, cancer support, and many other things. These meetings, while the reasons that people are in them might be different all have the fact that people are there for help or support in common. This paper will discuss the therapeutic alliance of AA, the therapeutic factors, and pros/ cons of AA in terms of counseling therapy.
The purpose of the group is to provide support to women who’ve had an abortion in the past. The goal of the group is to relief some of the pain and suffering these women are experiencing and hopefully have more peace of mind. The objective is to provide social supports for these women but also give them tools on how to cope with their decision. The group’s main goal is to be a safe place where women experiencing any type of post-traumatic stress or negative aftermath can express how they feel and what they’ve been through.
In this week vignette it talks about Alonso who leads an addiction counseling group weekly so that he can make some extra money. In my opinion Alonso didn’t come off as a very nice person when certain members asked questions. He was very direct and seemed eager to start the session and collect his money.
If I were to start a support group it would be for people who have lost a loved one to the military. As discussed above I have personal experience in dealing with this. When having the group meeting an example of a metaphor I would use when speaking to the group in order to get them to open up and foster conversation comes from Sarah Brabant’s “Metaphors as Tools in Clinical Sociology” is “loss is a tear in piece of fabric” (Brabant 81) This leads to the persons current status as being a torn fabric and through time and work it can be mended and you can move past the grief you feel for the lost. In addition to sharing their own narratives and to encourage more people to share their own I would find and share narratives from both family members,
Banking-related transactions that typically take long span of processing can now be done in just a few minutes, or even seconds. Aside from this, there are still other brilliant benefits that the IT has contributed to the finance sector, which may bring not only advantages but also possible drawbacks.
In a therapy group members are being help to change their behavior and to help them to cope with their problems in order for them to rehabilate or to have skills that could can be used to help them in their situation. This kind of group is led by a professional that is prepare to assist and have the necessary skills to empower these kind of groups. As for self-group, this kind of group is led by members and professionals that share same kind of problem in common. This kind of group is focus in more changing the social change (Toseland, p.24-27).
There is increasing evidence to show the combination of substance use disorder treatment and association with a mutual-help group (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous) increases the ability of individuals to remain abstinent in the long-term (Ferri et al., 2006; Moos & Moos, 2006a; Tonigan et al., 2000). There is also research that supports the effectiveness of changing social networks and embracing a mutual-help group (Bond et al., 2003; Ferri et al., 2006; Litt, Kadden, Kabela-Cormier, & Petry, 2007; Pagano, Friend, Tonigan, & Stout, 2004; Tonigan et al., 2000). One study reported that, in a 15-month period, AA attendees reported 70% days abstinent versus 62% of those who chose to not attend AA meetings (Litt et al., 2007).
It is crucial for school counselors to be able to measure growth in students who participate in the group counseling. Therefore, students were given a pre-evaluation (see Appendix O) to establish their thoughts, feelings, and views on how they perceive themselves, and how they related themselves in area of self-esteem. After completion of the sessions, the students were administered a post-evaluation (see Appendix P). This valuable information helped see potential growth in students after completing the group counseling sessions.
= There are many forms of treatment for psychological disorders. One of the main ones happens to be therapy. There are multiple forms of therapies, the top two being individual and group therapy. In my defense, group therapy is the best one. Group therapy allows for individuals to share experiences that allows other individuals to relate and learn from one another because they share the same disorder. Group therapy also allows one to receive feedback that is not bias from family and therapist whose job it is to help you based of books and learning they have encountered over the years. However, individual therapy can hold some perks to it. Individual therapy can offer full attention to one patient in the one on one between the client and therapist.
Healing from substance use disorder is found in connecting and sharing empathetically with others who share the problem. For this reason, group therapy (GT) has emerged as a standard method of treatment as those who suffer from this disorder find solace in the company of peers and, under the guidance of a competent facilitator, become inspired to seek a solution in common with them. Substance use counselors can expect to participate in GT as a matter of course, so must understand the nuances involved in facilitating both open and closed groups. This paper will define open and closed therapy groups, explain the major differences between them, and compare their respective advantages and disadvantages in certain treatment environments.
The conclusion on the report of support group’s effectiveness was very interesting to research. There were different methods used to examine the effectiveness of stages of change in organizations such as Alcohol Anonymous, Al-Anon and 12-Steps groups. What I received from the two meeting I attended say that the programs is not positively effective for instance the woman that celebrated her sixteen anniversary at the Al-Anon meeting seen to be very bitter and unhappy. Even though her husband is no longer in her life, she harbors a lot of anger and she constantly relives her husband drinking problem, when she shares her story over and over again. Next, the observation in the Alcohol Anonymous meeting is similar to Al-Anon; they both have
Counseling groups have the abilities to experience change, growth, confrontation, and acceptance in a completely different way than individual counseling. With the compilation of several different worldviews, life experiences, and situations, the group offers a powerful setting for exploration and knowledge, as well as support and learning opportunities. However, it is impossible to create a perfect group, and the consistent search for the ideal group could limit powerful interactions. Kealy, Ogrodnicuzk , Piper, and Sierra-Hernandez (2016) discussed the need to take “calculated risks in developing lively and productive groups,” (p. 313). They also discussed the caveat of excluding individuals who may add
In order to relieve them from these cumbersome and error prone tasks, SKS has embarked on a business transformation model that streamlines the field operations. As a part of digitization, SKS has provided tabs that work exclusively offline. Applications deployed on the tab are customized, secured and encrypted with international standards. The SM just needs to sync the tab with the desktop to get his mundane tasks done in seconds. As a result, he is now able to save much of the needed time, which is now being used to visit more villages and uplift households. In addition, SKS is able to cut administrative costs significantly.
Technological advancement has had a gigantic effect in the banking industry. Over the past few decades, the financial services industry has changed considerably with banking transforming from the pen and paper method to the computers and internet method. The pen and paper method took weeks or even months for the transaction to be eventually completed, and then the dramatic introduction of the computer and internet method which changed that time frame to only a matter of seconds to be completed, which reduced the amount of time and labor needed to complete a transaction significantly. Banking is considered one of the most important economic sectors with it being severely influential and responsive to any little change, whether it is domestic or international. Some extreme changes that were brought about by the development of this new technology turned into a globalized nature for the financial services industry. One stroke of a key on a computer could and would change a person 's life extensively or even have a global impact. The new technologies that were created and introduced changed how the consumers managed their money from that time on. Technology has helped to protect peoples’ hard earned money and make it much more impossible for people to be able to write out bad checks or even holding up a bank. The advancement in technology however, also came with some security risks as most things do, that could affect the money that people trusted with the bank and
The change and advancement in technology are a significant factor in the banking business. Technology has led to tremendous improvements in this industry. Since the commencement of this millennium, people have shown great love for their mobile phones (Ozaki 1992). It necessitated the invention of mobile applications (APPs). From the introduction of the mobile banking, APP people rarely go to the banks. All their transactions get done simply by the stroke of a finger. Businesses face a challenge of adapting to changes in the technology sector. Mobile banking either through actual investing or any other means is on the rise.