
The Pros And Cons Of Sex Selection

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From family inherited “secrets” about what food to eat or which position to engage in during coitus to medical interventions for the implantation of a specific sexed fetus, sex-selection has been – and continuous to be – a reality of human reproduction. It will likely continue to be a reality – whether others agree or disagree – until authorities become more stringent in the application and regulation of legal policy (e.g., spending more resources on preventing and catching practices and individuals who perform sex selective services). But such force is an action unjustifiable when the question of whether sex selection is ethical or not still persists. The key here, is thus, to put to rest the concern of right and wrong and show, once and for …show more content…

Freedom of religion is a right of every individual, so when the differences come down to differences here, arguments become inefficient and inapplicable. For it allows the concerns to be disregarded – and a simple “agree to disagree” attitude taken – on the basis of personal preference. This is true, intuitionally, for the same reason that if one individual likes the color red they cannot force every other individual to like the color red. The second sets of arguments work from the idea that every individual life is worth the same. Here, the belief is that sex selection implies that to be part of the human species one must be a certain way or possess particular physical, emotional, and mental characteristics . By aborting fetuses who possess genetic anomalies, we collectively further and perpetuate the idea that there is such a thing as a type of person who is not worthy or fit to be part of the human …show more content…

There is no way to know for sure whether the life will be one of suffering and pain or happiness and joy. But harm is not a simple or linear principle. There are countless intricacies and complexities. Conceiving individuals weigh their decisions against probabilities, chances, risks, and losses (e.g., finances, cure, or presence of disease). The driving desire behind all those decisions is minimizing the chances a child has at a life debilitating disorder. This is not arbitrary, it is difficult. Sex selection requires people to make life affecting decisions for other individuals based, sometimes, on nothing but likelihoods and rarely on definitive information. Either way, the decision is always arduous and the primary mover is the future quality of the unborn child in question. Thus, sex selection for medical purposes does not contradict the belief that all human life is created equal, but reinforces it. By making these difficult decisions, conceiving individuals ensure that their child has an equal chance at a healthy life as most other children do. It does not make a statement about what characteristics are “worthy” of being part of the human race. It reflects the unfortunately cruel reality of human biology; humans are in terrible pain when they are severely

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