Stem cell is a multicellular organism that raises more cells that are the same type, stem cell is considered to be the master cells of the body, and they have the potential to become many different types of cells. Stem cells have the ability to multiply into different cells in order to replace all the damaged cells. Embryonic stem cells are cells delivered for the inner cell mass. (Thiroux, 2012)
The pros of stem cell research can help find cures for many different medical problems, the research can help scientist move closer to finding these cures. The diseases the research can cure are Parkinson’s disease, Heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and many others. Stem cell research can play a major role in the battle with cancer. There are always
Embryonic stem cell research is a highly debated and sensitive topic. There is a lot of good that can come from researching this technology of stem cell research because many people all across the globe would benefit from it. The United States will soon fall short while other countries are already using this advancement if we cannot come to a logical conclusion on this vital issue.
Embryonic Stem Cell Research are pluripotent stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst. I believe that the use of Embryonic Stem Research is beneficial to society because these cells have unlimited potential. They can allow permanent repair to failing organs by injecting healthy cells into the damaged organ. They also can used for finding and preventing cures for cancers, Parkinson’s disease, birth defects, spinal cord injuries, and strokes. However, Stem Cell Research is a controversial topic, especially when referring to Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
There are many benefits that come from stem cell research; the government should be more open to obtaining stem cell research in other manners because it can be used to regenerate brain cells, it promotes nerve repair, and insulin secreting cells. If the government was to be more open to obtaining stem cell lines in other ways than just donations from fertility clinics, there would be much more stem cells available to be cultured. Since there have been so many limitations set on stem cell research, it has been difficult for scientist to find the many benefits of stem cell therapy. As far as we know, stem cells could be used for the possible cure of incurable diseases such as, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, and paralyzed human beings. Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease are caused primarily due to the loss of brain cells, which our body does not regenerate. With other common diseases such as diabetes, stem cell therapy can play a role if they promote insulin secreting cells, which are the cells that humans with diabetes are lacking. It is very likely that these incurable diseases can be cured by stem cell therapy if it became easier to obtain such stem cells.
Did you know that there are people who decides the fate of the future? Who gives human beings the right to play God? To decide who lives and who dies. There comes a time where we have to ask ourselves, how much of our lives will we let the government control? Embryonic stem cell research should be discontinued because our future is being decided by regular humans who make several mistakes.
There are pros and cons to stem cell transplants. I believe the pros outweigh the cons in stem cell research and is very beneficial in the end. Stem cells provide potential for finding treatments and cures to diseases including different cancers, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, Alzheimer's, MS, Huntington's, Parkinson's and more. Embryonic stem cell research is one of the most controversial researches.Recently there has been a success with the research, “Professor Mats Brannstrom, carried out the first womb transplant in 2014 which allowed a Swedish woman to give birth to a healthy baby boy. Since then he has undertaken nine more procedures resulting in a total of five births.”
Stem cell research and use is good because it can cure over 56 diseases that could be deadly. Also it can replace damaged cells, it can even cure blind people's eyes. Then there is always a dna match so it will always work. Finally it is able to treat treatments faster that normal drugs and medicine such as parkinson disease.
Stem cells get their name from the fact that they are basic cells that other cells develop from. They are capable of developing into a wide range of cells. Stem cells could potentially be used to grow new cells to replace the cells that were destroyed or damaged by
Many issues that have arisen with stem cells are mostly ethical. For many, the act of using human embryotic stem cells for research – no matter its age – is unsettling, but the solution that has risen for us is the possible development of an iPS cell to a human embryo; if this is ever completely the case then the main issues that have caused the halt of the research, and for it to be ethically/morally incorrect would be ridden.
Embryonic Stem Cell Research is a controversial topic when it comes to the morals of society. What exactly is ESCR? It is defined as the biological research on stem cells derived from embryos and their use in medicine. The stem cells from embryos can be made into almost any kind of cell in the human body. One of the first successful attempts at reversing a disease using embryonic stem cells was conducted on July 12, 2011 at UCLA’s Jules Stein Eye Institute.
The pros of Stem Cell Research and Treatment are never ending. There is an account of two women being completely blind, but due to stem cell research, their sight was repaired. Another case is that of a ninety-five year old woman who was taken off medication and her health somewhat restored due to the use of stem cells. Doctors were able to inject stem cells into her heart and they took the shape of heart neurons.
. However, embryonic stem cell research is also generally considered to have the greatest potential for delivering medical and scientific breakthroughs, since they are even more flexible (so to speak) and undifferentiated than adult stem cells (see Bongo and Richards).
There is a lot of controversy about laws and beliefs in respect to stem cells, specifically embryonic stem cells, regarding contraception, abortion, and in vitro fertilization.
Using embryos for research is referred to as embryonic stem cell research and it mainly focuses on stem cell lines (Hug, 2015). These cells have been taken out of human embryos which come from the inner mass of blastocyst (Kington, 2009). They have the ability to divide without differentiating for a long period of time when cultured and are also known to grow into cells and tissues that form the three primary germ layers (Kington, 2009). The resulting research and their uses are the topic of consequentialism debate concerning both intrinsic and extrinsic values. The consequences of their use include the destruction of the embryos and therapeutic cloning (Hug, 2015). Although their use can have devastating results, there are some positives to
Pros of stem cell research is the fact that it can cure diseases, and possibly provide a cure for some cancers. The cons of the therapy is that it takes a life to do it.
). To opponents, stem cells are harvested to make tissues and organs for others from embryos farm just like corn when it is harvested, collected and shipped. To opponents, embryonic stem cells research is like the selective breeding of people that resulted from the ethical slippery slope of the human eugenics. To opponents, women’ eggs are used as factories and human embryos are used as raw materials. On the other hand, to proponents, stem cells are the stringent component for repairing the engine of life. To proponents who support the United States’ stem cells research, Europe and Asia have made United States left behind the competition unless it shifts quickly to grab the science for its own advantages. To proponents, it is better for embryos to contribute for the development of medicine instead of the death or the deep freeze’s fate that is waiting for them by Bush policy (Furcht, 92-93).