
The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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The death penalty is, and always will be, a lightning rod for debate. Proponents on both sides of this issue have both valid and invalid reasons for the way they feel. Those that are against the death penalty state that it is unfairly biased against minorities and the poor. There is not a consensus among local, state and federal governments on how this punishment should be seen. I, personally, fall on the side of those against this major issue. Although I respect the opinions of those who are for the death penalty, I do not think any argument will change the way I see this matter in question. The death penalty has been a topic of discussion for years and years. The arguments against the death penalty include such facts as it is legalized murder, it violates human rights, it is biased and in some instances, the wrong person is being executed. It is impossible to find a time in American history, even well before the birth of the Republic, when the use of the death penalty was not racially affected (Steiker and Steiker 243-294). No matter what the person’s race is, they get the same amount of punishment, despite what others think. Not everyone talks about the black on black crimes or the white on white crimes. Everyone wants to talk about how the people committing the crime should be put on “death row” receive the death penalty. Some crimes are so atrocious that some of those opposed to the death penalty may change their mind. For those individuals truly committed to

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