There were beliefs that the industrial changes in Britain accumulated from a long process of development. Agriculture also played a huge role in the start of the Industrial Revolution and it turned out to be a positive aspect. At the time, farmers were creating new ways and methods of farming. The productivity had improved and suddenly there were plentiful crops being sold at a lower price. Farmers didn’t have to spend every dime they had in order to provide for their families. Manufacturing was also a positive result of the Industrial Revolution. Since customers were spending less money on agriculture, they were spending more on manufactured goods.
The new technological advantages that created Britain’s largest cotton textile mill led to new productions and social relationships among customers. Therefore, people were easily making the transitions to the new factory systems that were being provided. James Hargreaves finally invented a cotton-spinning machine and this was one of the major breakthroughs in the cotton textile industry. It was simple and inexpensive. There were also new advantages such as the invention of the steam engine, which burned coal and produced
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While there were many disagreements between people and their own opinions, this era shaped the country in a positive way. Liberalism was developing were citizens demanded a representative government and wanted individual freedom. They believed in laissez faire which involved no government intervention. Nationalism was the second idea that was destined to have a major impact on the world. They thought each person had their own genius separately and cultural unity. Romanticism also emerged as a movement that was a revolt again classicism and the Enlightenment. In addition, new music and arts were being composed and that gave some people the opportunity to have their voice heard through songs and
Two positive effects of the Industrial Revolution is that it created factories and it commercialized agriculture. Factories greatly benefitted the Industrial Revolution because it created business practices that still exist today such as the assembly line and working hours. The assembly line was a way to boost productivity by dividing one whole task into smaller tasks among men. The assembly line greatly boosted the economy by making products faster, was less expensive and created many more jobs. Another positive effect of the Industrial Revolution was the commercialization of agriculture. This was a huge benefit because it allowed for land to be sold as a marketable item and produce enough food for populations. Document 1 proves this point
Industrialism, Capitalism, and Socialism all have pro’s and con’s, positives and negatives. Industrialism is the economy were inventions reduce the labor needed to produce goods, and this is one of the positives of the Industrial Revolution. However, there were also some negatives. For instance, dangerous work conditions, child labor, loss of farm jobs, as well as the workers being paid poorly. Although the negatives are bad, the positives include faster and more production, more profits for industrialists, and more material goods.
The Industrial Revolution had both positive and negative consequences on society. Many say that the Industrial Revolution would have never happened if the Agricultural Revolution didn’t occur. The Agricultural Revolution began with the creation of new labor saving inventions and techniques to help increase farm productivity and efficiency. The British Parliament then enacted The Enclosure Act which fenced off many small, peasant owned farms, and transformed them into one big farm. This drastically increased farm output. However, this threw many small farmers out of work and it was these farmers who became the major workforce for the textile factories. In the factories, the workers would make .While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of economic growth and the higher standard of living, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s
The Industrial Revolution was a huge turning point in history. The place where the Industrial Revolution began was in Great Britain because they had many natural resources and a strong economy. By the 1850’s many country villages had grown into industrial towns and cities, and their inhabitants bought food and clothing in stores that offered a large variety of machine-made goods. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of poor working conditions, it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were transportation became more efficient, more jobs were available, and more inventions were created.
The different political systems each have benefits and downfalls. Communism is where the government controls everything from what car to buy to what color paint to use in your house. This system had little to no benefits since the government has complete control. Another system, socialism, is where government has little control but not complete. A benefit is that things are more equal, but people do not have as much freedom, and still has to follow the government. The last system which has many benefits is capitalism. Capitalism allows people to have ownership of things with no government interference. The three political systems, communism, socialism, and capitalism, are vastly different, in terms of ownership, but capitalism is the best option because it lets people have private ownership, free competition, and improves standard of living.
The industrialization of America affected all workers in both positive and negative ways. One of the pros to the industrialization was the freedom that skilled workers gained. These skilled workers often "commanded high wages and exercised considerable control over the production process" (Foner, 2013, p. 600). The skilled workers were granted what was known as "the miner's freedom," which consisted of rules that left the skilled workers free of supervision (Foner, 2013, p. 600). This allowed the workers to fix output quotas and control the training of apprentices; however, this group of skilled workers was very small in comparison to the rest of the working class. The rest of the workers, the semi-skilled workers, did not have an easy life.
Have you ever had struggles in life? Well in the Industrial Revolution a lot of people’s life is a
The Industrial Revolution began in England in the late 1700’s. The Industrial Revolution was a time of new inventions, products, and methods of work. The results of the Industrial Revolution led to many short and long-term positive and negative effects. These results have been assessed from many viewpoints such as the factory workers, the factory owners, the government, and other people who observed the conditions in industrial cities.
The 1700’s was the beginning of the industrialization of Britain. There was an increase in productivity and abundance in material goods which lead to lower prices. Jobs were plentiful, and it was an exhilarating time of change and growth. Britain had great advantages due to access to water, fertile land and increasing population. All of these things sounds great, however there is a downside to the Industrial Revolution, and the people that suffered were the commoners. The Industrial Revolution was a curse to society do to the fact that, Britain became overpopulated, factory workers did not have adequate conditions, and it was the start of pollution.
The Industrial Revolution was a time period of rapid growth in society. Referring to the 1700’s century in England where the output of machine made goods greatly increased. Prior to the changes made during the Industrial Revolution, workers often manufactured products in their homes using handtools and basic machinery. However, industrialization marked a shift of labor from small farms in rural areas to large factories in cities and was a time of new products, inventions and methods of work.The results of the Industrial Revolution led to many positive outcomes because new cultivation methods spread rapidly around the world. The Industrial Revolution made a significant political, economical, and social change throughout Europe. The Industrial
The industrial revolution was an important step for England and the other countries in Europe in the 19th century. It has been debated that the industrial revolution had either a positive or a negative effect on the general public in England, but that depends the on the type of people you ask.
Romanticism was a response towards the industrial revolution. The movement rejected the idea of reason that gripped the educational masses of earlier 18th century Europe. Romaticism idolized the unknown and the idea of personification. As romanticism started to dwindle in the mid 1800’s innovative ideas formed. The new movements that evolved from Romanticism are Nationalism, Liberalism, and Conservatism.
The Industrial Revolution in England brought significant changes to the country both positive and negative. The Industrial Revolution was generally positive because of the development of technology and a better standard of living. However, some of the negative aspects were the terrible labor conditions and the mistreatment of women and children.
The high production lowered the cost of the food and raised the standard of life. On the other hand, small farmer and peasant class was unemployed as they lost their land to rich landholders. There was increase in the labour force. It seems that socially and economically England possessed everything needed to fuel the industrial revolution.
The Industrial Revolution had many positive and negative impacts on society. The positive include cheaper clothes, more job opportunities, and improvement in transportation. And the negative would include exploitation of women and children, workers work long hours and environmental damages. These are just a few that I believe had an impact on the Industrial Revolution.