On Monday March 6, President Donald Trump signed a revised executive order that bans immigration from six Muslim countries, including Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and Sudan. The previous executive order also included Iraq, but was dropped due to the state’s significant role in the war on ISIS. This order also bans all refugees from coming into the United States for 120 days for the purpose of stronger security in the U.S. But, there are a few flaws in this ban, like the fact that the none of the six countries have committed a terrorist act on U.S. soil in the past 40 years (Gibbs). The ban will prove to be more unsuccessful overall than effective in strengthening the national security. Trump’s travel ban will be detrimental to the global economy because it will …show more content…
Last year, the travel and tourism industry grew by 3.3%, producing $7.6 trillion internationally. This is around 10.2% of the global GDP, meaning the industry is considerably important around the world. The U.S., accounting for 20% of the travel and tourism industry, generates $1.5 trillion to the economy. But the ban is already proving to impact the economy; after Trump initially signed the executive order, the next day it was apparent that the ban would have negative economic consequences. The value of the dollar decreased in relation to international currencies. Moreover, individual states’ economies have been directly affected by the executive order. Hawaii is the first state to sue the administration due to its’ substantial loss of tourism. The state, which is the number one tourism country in the U.S., contends that their tourism industry will suffer greatly because the ban creates an international perception that America is an exclusionary country, so no one would want to visit. Hawaii predicts they will lose hundreds of thousands of tourists, resulting in millions of
Immigration started with Spanish settlers in the 1500’s and eventually moved on to French and English settlers in the 1600’s and so on and so forth. Nearly 1 million immigrants arrive in the United States annually. Though you may see this is as a bad thing, there are actually so many pros to immigration. One of the main pros, though, is that immigrants are taxpayers, consumers, and job creators. The United States benefits from these things in multiple ways such as getting new homes and stores.
Outside the sirens are singing and someone’s parents are taken away from their family because they are not a citizen, they didn’t do anything wrong they just weren’t citizens in the country. Not every immigrant is the same, everyone is different and they all have different opinions. Immigrants are helping out their family like every other family would and they aren’t just the only people who do wrong choices so do others. Some American’s can’t accept them in their country and say immigrants are taking their jobs. Imagine having children born in the country with foreign parents and they have to be deported with their kids waiting to be adopted by “parents with better lives.” Immigrants are like everyone else, they risk themselves but they don’t
Immigration is a hot button topic today and so many people have different opinions about it, but who oversees its laws? Our government is split into three main branches, Legislative, Executive and Judicial. Every branch contributes in a different way to have a law in action. The Legislative branch, which contributes to the first step of making any law, consists of the house of representatives and the senate, which together form the United States Congress which have the supreme authority to enact legislation, the privilege to confirm or reject many presidential appointments, and massive investigative powers (“The Legislative Branch”, 2017). The Executive branch, contributes to enforcing the laws and it mainly involves the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the federal agencies, including the Cabinet (“The Executive Branch”, 2017). The Judicial branch, puts the final touches on the law and polishes it. It consists of the United States Supreme Court and lower federal courts. The Supreme Court's primary function is to hear cases that challenge the constitutionality of legislation or require interpretation of that legislation ("The Judicial Branch", 2017). Immigration laws are made within the Legislative branch, carried out by the Executive branch, and evaluated by the Judicial
“I came to America because I heard the streets were paved with gold. When I got here, I found out three things. First, the streets weren’t paved with gold; second, they weren’t paved at all: and third, I was expected to pave them” an old Italian immigrant once said. Immigrants faced many obstacles coming to America such as finding work, finding a place to live, acclimating to their new surroundings and learning to communicate. When immigrants came to America, they expected their life to become better and have an easier life.
Similar to Mill, Singer follows a utilitarian way of life, and believes that those who live in affluent counties are obligated to help those in need. For instance, if a child was drowning a few feet away from you, it is your duty to save the child as long as you’re not sacrificing something morally comparable. If saving the child means that you’re sacrificing your shoes or clothes, then you should do it because the death of a child would be morally bad. The same rule applies if the baby was 5,000 miles away because under this premise, proximity, and distance is irrelevant.
Everybody knows that the United States is a nation of immigrants. Immigration to the United States first began when the first English settlers arrived at Jamestown,Virginia.
Immigration and naturalization seem to be a relentless ever present concern of the American government. The immigration of different European, Jewish, Asian, and Hispanic groups during different eras of American history have continuously raised interest in how the government should balance America’s reputation for being a welcoming place where anyone can succeed, without sacrificing the economy. One group which was especially targeted and discriminated against by the legal system throughout American history was Asian immigrants. This is evident in naturalization laws, and the results of Supreme Court cases petitioned by predominantly Chinese as well as other Asian groups such as Japanese and Hindus.
Twenty million undocumented immigrants live in the United States today. About one-hundred thousand immigrants cross the border each year, and nearly sixty percent of undocumented immigrants enter the U.S. legally but stay after their visa expires (Wepman 314). To enter the U.S. legally, one must have a secured job in the country. Another way to enter is by having a family member who can prove they can support the person they want to bring into the U.S. Most immigrants do not have a secure job waiting for them, or a family member inside the country. All they have is their family living in poverty, their children not being able to get an education, and their family not having enough to eat or anywhere to sleep. It is extremely expensive and may take up to ten years to go through the legal process.
In the late 1800s, the era of immigration had begun. America’s borders were flooded with various ethnic groups pursuing the “American Dream”, an opportunity to better oneself through hard work and perseverance. Yet for most people, the “American Dream” never came true, because of difficult and dangerous work, few advancement opportunities, and racism. The Slovak families in Out of This Furnace, the Krachas and Dobrejcaks, provide good examples. The first members of these families, Djuro Kracha and Mike Dobrejcak, were first generation Slovak immigrants. These two men and other members of their families, like Kracha’s daughter Mary and Mike’s son Dobie, never achieved the lasting material prosperity that was the American Dream. Much of their
Illegal immigration has been an important and serious issue for decades; which affects everyone, both Americans and immigrants themselves. Illegal Immigration has three main purposes: first to find a better life in the ?promise land?, second: free healthcare, and third: for criminal activity. Most illegal immigrants come to America with the best intentions for themselves and/or their families, but many others have alternative motives. The thing that must be remembered is that illegal immigration is illegal. It?s all in the name.
The fact that 1.25 million immigrants enter the United State per year may frighten many Americans (Card). The fact that that number has risen 8% in the last 43 years may frighten them even more (Penn Wharton). The idea of immigrants in such large amounts may bring to mid people stealing over the border or arriving on boats and planes en mass. They may think about people stealing their jobs, homes, resources, and even their children's’ education. However, as this paper aims to show, immigrants are not a threat to Americans or their society at all. The push to immigrants to leave the country or to be regulated is not necessary nor is it true to American ideas. The United States Government should allow immigrants to continue to enter and live
“When you cross [the border illegally] with the expectation that you’ll be released, there’s no need to hide, there’s no need to run. You just look for a uniformed agent and turn yourself in.”
In 2009, President Obama became the first African-American president of the United States of America, which makes him the 44th president. President Obama made a lot of promises in his 2008 presidential campaign that he has fulfilled, broken, or compromised. Many Americans know that a promise that a presidential candidate makes is a major deal because those are the reasons in which why the people vote for that candidate. Once those promises are not fulfilled, Americans will feel like the president has failed them. One of the major promises President Obama made was on immigration. He had 6 proposals only involving immigration. Four out of the six proposals President Obama initiated met half way, and two out of the six proposals were not fulfilled.
The issue of immigration has become a major debate for everyone. Many people argue over the negative impacts of immigrants living in America, such as overcrowding, fewer jobs due to immigrants taking them, drug trafficking, and threatening of American culture. However, immigrants still have a positive impact on the American society. The United States is by far the largest destination for immigrants, annually receiving over a million legal immigrants and about seven hundred thousand illegal immigrants. Many people come to the United States to get a better life for themselves, as well as for the education system for their children. Others come to America to practice the freedom and right given to the American people. What many Americans do not
Immigration is the movement through which an individual permanently moves from their place of residence from one country to another. Immigration is a topic which divides political parties and general debate. Whilst some people see the positives of immigration, such as the filling of skill gaps in low and highly skilled jobs, others see the negatives of immigration, such as the strain on services such as the NHS, schools and housing.