UTSA does not offer a parent portal, as a result, students need to give their parents their IDs and passwords to sign-on onto the UTSA system to perform electronic payments for tuition and fines. Additionally, a unknown portion of the electronic identities sent to “student applicants” are sent to a parent’s email which was the email utilized on the Apply Texas application and subsequently the parent is the one who sets up the account and establishes the password for the student’s account. Both of these scenarios subsequently allow parent’s unauthorized access to additional restricted FERPA data (e.g. grades) without documented authorization from the student.
Once, i finish my basic classes at the Alamo Colleges I wish to futher my education by attending the University of Texas
The UCR, also known as the Uniform Crime Reports, is a report put out by the FBI that shows a series of data on crime. It is summary based and a group level of analysis. The FBI gets the information for the UCR through agencies/jurisdictions volunteering the information to them. Some of the positives about the UCR is that it can compare certain agencies and areas in which more crimes were committed. The UCR also is quick, efficient, and easy to acquire the information. One of the drawbacks for the UCR is that it does not encompass all the crimes reported to the police. Since providing the reports is voluntary, jurisdictions vary in the completeness of the data they sent. There can also be clerical or filing problems. Only the most serious crime
In the article “College Kids Have Too Much Privacy,” Michele Willins explains how FERPA, a program that means parents have no right to know how their children are doing in school, is not only hurting college students’ future but also how frightening it can be to oblivious parents who have no idea about this privacy policy. Even the best students can be academically challenged when they go to college. Parents would have no idea that their child is struggling because he or she has succeeded in school thus far. Even if college students are not the best in a school setting, the parents would have no idea if he or she is failing out of classes because officials are not allowed to let the parents know. This marks a major flaw in the FERPA organization.
This federal law (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 2015) protects the privacy of student education records and is applicable to any school that receives funding from the U.S. Department of Education. It outlines requirements for a process for students and guardians to review and contest information in the records. Additionally, the school can only disclose information from the records to authorized personnel under specific circumstances outlined in the act or those given written permission by the student or guardian.
Texas a&m has many traditions, ones that include going to Kyle Field at midnight and sacrificing a small child in an opposing team uniform to appease the football gods….I mean…practicing our ever so grand yells, being super nice to people(so nice that our niceness can make people feel uncomfortable), putting current students at a&m through torture by making them stand all through out the football games we play while giving them a false sense of purpose by calling them the 12thman, calling our seniors elephants who are about to die and making them walk around campus remembering all the good or bad times they had ("aw yes! I remember this spot. It's where my girlfriend, who I was with since junior year in high school, broke up with me after
The UBCJA supports issues that will increase worker rights as well as the quality of life of its members. One of the cores issues of the UBCJA issues is wage-and-hour laws. Since its founding, the UBCJA has worked for fair hours and fair pay. Part of this is prevailing wage laws which encompass an hourly wage as well as benefits and overtime. The UBCJA supports laws concerning wage laws because it prevents employers taking advantage of its members and ensures that their members are adequately compensated for their work. They also support more welfare reform. The UBCJA calls for proper payment of welfare plans for multiple-employer workers. These workers often will not receive proper welfare because their employers aren't willing to pay due
The Uniform Crime Report or the UCR is the official crime data collected by the FBI from the local police. It is not always a hundred percent correct. It uses the Part 1 and Part 2 crimes way to help solve the crimes. Though one of its weaknesses is that some crimes go unreported. Another weakness is that police records are not perfect and only the serious crime is reported. So, some of the crimes in the Part 1 which involves murder, nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, arson, and motor vehicle theft. Whereas Part 2 crimes involves all the other crimes reported to the FBI; which are less serious crimes and misdemeanors, excluding traffic violations. Some of its strengths is that it helps the FBI tally and annually publish the numbers of reported offenses by city, county all other United states. And that is easy to contact them when in needed of turning in a crime.
Privacy was once taken for granted in public education, but now through the 1974 law, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act it is pushed to the forefront of the minds of every educator in the United States (Cossler, 2010). This law has paved the way for many lawsuits regarding privacy of student’s records, which have left teachers scared, undereducated and unaware of certain regulations of the law. FERPA laws provide protections for students, but also allow access of all student records to the student’s custodial parents, which in some situations has cause problems and in some cases have specifically brought clarifications of the law. Has the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act provided the much needed privacy for students
There once was a time when students were enthusiastic about going to school; However, for many Texas students that couldn't be farther from the truth. The Texas state standardized test was once used as a building block for our children's education, accessing their progression ; however this is no longer the case. Now, our children's education is structured around passing the test, not actually learning the academic curriculum. This test not only takes away from our children's education, but places a magnitude of stress on the students , teachers, and administration. So, is State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STARR) really helping our children?
When people think of the education system, most can say that there are some problems, though they might not be able to pinpoint what needs to change first. If you ask most teachers, they will say that the first thing that needs to be changed in the schooling system to help the students more is the standardized testing. They will say that while it can be helpful it has a lot of faults and needs to be updated or changed to help its students. Standardized testing has often been a topic for discussion, between parents and people in the schooling system. It seems that a lot of people either hate standardized testing for not giving every child a chance to succeed, or love it for being a fair way to test whether a child knows what they need to know at their age. There have been many articles, books, and documentary’s debating on whether or not standardized testing is doing more harm then good. There was a comic made that shows the brutality and bluntness of what standardized testing is really like. Standardized Testing causes too much stress by putting unfair expectations on teens and doesn’t give every single student the chance to succeed.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects student records, so they are confidential to the parent’s knowledge. FERPA is where when a student turns 18, all of the rights under FERPA pass over from the parent to the child. The parents will never know how their child is doing, other than what the children tell them. Young adults should be more responsible and take school seriously when they are in college.
Each year high school students from around the country take the SAT or ACT. The ACT and SAT are both standardized test used by colleges to determine the knowledge of a student and predict what their performance will be in their first year of college. An immense amount of pressure is put on student to receive certain scores in order to obtain scholarships and admission into college. Even just one point on a student’s score can determine if they will be accepted into their dream college. However, the results from standardized tests, such as the ACT and SAT, are often inaccurate. Because of this one’s knowledge and academic ability are misrepresented, and they are denied certain opportunities. Standardized tests such as the ACT and the SAT
Universal College is the college I prefer to attend because: I am going to graduate with high grades to contribute to the college and make this university look good, I will accomplish nursing school , and also participate in cross country and track. Firstly, I will contribute by getting good grades of passing or higher. This will be possible because I have gotten at least a 3.5 GPA throughout high school and rarely get distracted away from school work. Getting my GPA to a 3.5 or higher should prove that I will contribute to the college and be a good fit for Universal College. In addition, I hope to obtain my master’s degree or a higher degree in the medical field for my major. The way I would accomplish this is by focusing on school work because
Once a student turns eighteen, or attends school beyond secondary school, the rights of access to all the student’s records—including GPA, academic transcript, academic warning, academic probation, or discipline records—transfer to the student. Without specific, written permission from the student, parents are not privy to the
Virginia requires all students to take year-end tests known as the Standards of Learning. Many people hate these SOL’s because they cause unnecessary stress. Other students love them because it gives them a goal for the year. Regardless of the various opinion there are many pros and cons, of the SOL’s.