
The Pros Of The Viet Cong

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The Vietnamese had a large advantage during the War because the civilians helped fight, the jungle came with many dangers and helped with guerrilla warfare, and the Vietnamese knew the land and tunnels. “No war is easy for those who fight it and each conflict brings its own challenges” (Llewellyn). The Viet Cong were successful fighters because they were used to fighting countries to stay communist. This allowed them to develop many tactics. The American mission was to secure South Vietnam, gain trust and loyalty of the citizens, and eradicate the Viet Cong. However, it seemed nearly impossible (Jennifer). Most American soldiers who were drafted completed eight weeks of basic training, followed by courses in infantry, artillery, engineering …show more content…

“One historian estimates between 150 and 300 US personnel died in Vietnam from the effects of a snakebite” (Jennifer). Not only did they have to worry about the enemy, but they also had to worry about the environment which was an enemy in itself. Sometimes soldiers would accidentally kill members on their own side because of the dense foliage (Geographical). Additionally, “The heat, humidity, monsoonal rain and groundwater meant that uniformed Gls were almost constantly drenched with water or sweat” (Jennifer). Most of the time, the soldiers were sleeping on the jungle floor so animals also posed a threat to them (Effects). Due to all of these factors, “...Americans were forced to kill civilians even if they had no proof that they were for sure enemies, because there was no definite way to tell” (Sarah). The nature and animals in the jungle added to the conflict in the War for American …show more content…

For example, “Many animal species were exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War” (Effects). Agent Orange was later found to be cancer causing which was not only detrimental to the soldier's health but the animal's health as well. TCOD also caused uncommon tumors in the animals who were in the environment during the war (Effects). It also had an effect on the trees, “The combination between eco-toxicants and napalm bombs led to the destruction of nearly 3 million hectares of natural forests, and the disappearance of nearly 90 million cubic meters of timber… (Effects). That is how the War also had a negative effect on the

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