The pros and cons of owning a cell phone Broc Barchard COMM/112 April-08-2013 Kerry Moquett The pros and cons of owning a cell phone Annotated Bibliography: Are cell phones controlling us? I generally like this source because it goes into great detail about the evolution of cell phones. Starting back in 1984 the first cell phone was basically a brick, and now the cell phones used today are way smaller. Also this source talks about devices becoming more sophisticated. They talk about other functions of today’s cell phones, like being used as watches, internet stations, credit cards, mp3 players, digital cameras, dictionaries, alarm clocks ect. This source seems to be a well respected Asian …show more content…
In this case they have published a really nice article that talks about finding a cell phone/service that is best for each individual person. For example some people may need internet on there phone so spending the extra 30 dollars a month on cell phone internet would be a good choice for them, but some people just pay the money but do not actually utilize what they are paying for. So downgrading to a cheaper plan of service or provider would be best for them. They talk about all types of providers and what they can offer to help people find what phone is best for them. Yip, P. (2012, Jun 03). Avoid cell shock. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from CELL PHONE DRIVING This is an article that is very important to contributing good studies and information related to driving while using a cell phone. This source states that this is a very big issue that is overlooked by politicians because it does not do much for them in the polls. They are more focused on other topics, such as assault rifles laws because those crimes are publicized more then the silent killer (cell phones behind the wheel). This is a well put together article that was published by the Idaho state journal. I cant wait to use this information in my research paper. Cell phone driving. (2013, Feb 13). Idaho State Journal. Retrieved from Cell
In her blog titled “Total Cell Phone Ban is a Bad Idea”, Bonnie discusses why it is important to be able to use a cell phone while driving. You may need it for safety reason, in case of an emergency, or to report a crime. The only people that should be reprimanded are those who endanger the lives of others by irresponsibly talking on their phone. (Sesolak, B. 2009). This is a credible source because it comes from an organizational website and Bonnie is a director for the NMA.
The cell phone Timeline: Jan 1,1870: telephone Jan 1, 1965: cordless telephone April 3, 1973: the first cell phone was invented Jan 1, 1979: Inmarsat Satellite telephone/ first generation cellphone Jan 1, 1990: second generation cell phone Jan 1, 1992: bag phones Jan 1, 1999: blackberry was invented May 1, 2001: third generation cell phone Jan 1, 2009: fourth generation cell phone
Ruth Ellen Galgano: Once I was driving down 65 north bound and saw this lady on her phone. She was clam but as soon as the kids started fighting she became very distracted with driving. There are so many things that can and will distract driving we don’t need to have one more and cells phones are adding another problem to the long list that already exist. I would love to see the law changed on this issue.
Across the country, most states have laws prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving. Research shows that cell phone use while driving significantly
Picture yourself sitting in your car at a red light. As you sit there waiting, you notice a car in the lane next to you completely speed by, and that the driver has a cellphone in their hand. The car disregards the red light ahead, and crashes into an incoming vehicle, killing not only themselves but the other driver as well. For reasons such as this, I support the idea that some states should make it illegal to drive while using a handheld cellphone. Driving with a handheld cellphone is a dangerous distracter that is just as dangerous as texting and driving, which is illegal. Accidents that involve drivers using a handheld phone can occur just as frequently as accidents involving texting and driving because the attention of the driver is focused on the
Although some may disagree, I agree with the state law that using a handheld cell phone while driving should be illegal because it distracts drivers from focusing on their surroundings, potentially causing a fatal crash. Drivers should be attentive to what's going on in the busy street around them rather than their cell phones. Distracted driving has caused many deaths and injuries according to News Channel 3. Of course there are emergencies in which using a cell phone while driving is necessary but most of the time, the cell phone conversations can wait. Many people will regret ever using their cell phones while driving for there rest of their lives, while others will never receive the opportunity to be remorseful of their actions. While using a cell phone, drivers will be more focused on their conversations and less on the road,
News reporting, articles and public awareness highlight the dangers of using cellphones while driving. Drivers refuse to ignore the fact that our focus should be driving. We need a dramatic shift
Cell phones could be both good and bad. Some people say that cell phones are dangerous. While, other people would argue that cell phones are a great invention. With every invention comes positives and negatives. Some of the advantages that cell phones provide is that testing is a fast and easy way of communication, texting and have social media all on your phone can always keep you updated and social with your friends, and people always have all of their personal information at one touch and carries it with them everywhere. Then, there are the disadvantages of cell phones which include texting at the wrong times such as driving is highly dangerous, while you are social and updated with friends through texting it can diminish your communication skills when it comes to talking in person, and also if you have all of your information on your phone and it gets lost of stolen then somebody knows everything that is on there. In the duration of this paper there will be a comparing of both the negatives and the positives of cell phones and their capabilities.
An estimate of 1 in 4 car have been reported being in an accident due to the use of cell phones. The use of cell phone is a main distraction in driving. It not just teens, but sometimes adults that have a mindset that constantly using their phone is of importance. There is some much we the people can do to put it end to it not just the state. Many people argue whether the state is to blame.
Using a cell phone is extremely unsafe when driving because it can distract driver attention from the road. Picking up a phone call while sitting behind the wheel should cause a driver to an aggressive because a phone call from someone can be a good news and bad news. The emotional driver could cause an accident on the road. All those careless actions could result in the life lost. Many people die yearly by accident that caused from cell phone use behind the wheel. The government needs to create a law against cell phone use when driving to decrease the amount of yearly dead people and increase safety on the road. All types of cell phone use in the car should be prohibited because the hands-free device is the only way to avoid an auto accident
The effects of technology on society will always be a double edged sword. The debate is a never ending one, in which both sides have valid and compelling arguments. The Industrial Revolution reduced manual labor in the long run, but had negative consequences such as child labor and sweatshop conditions. Nuclear Power reduces the cost of producing energy, but raises serious environmental issues like pollution and radiation. In this day in age refusing to assimilate to at least some form of modern living is simply not an option. One invention causing controversy today that has yet to cease being alter, modified, and “improved” since its debut is the ever present cell phone.
Using your cell phone while driving puts everyone’s safety around you at a higher risk. You not only need to think about your safety, but also the safety of your passengers and the people around you also operating motorized vehicles. There has been studies showing that people who use their phones while driving puts the driver at a four times more crash rate (Staff, By Live Science). An estimate that was created by the Harvard Center of Risk Analysis, says that nearly 6% of crashes in the Unites States have contributed to the use of cellular devices while driving (Staff, By Live Science). This 6% of crashes link to the $43 billion tab and also to the 636,000 crashes, 300,000 injuries, 12,000 serious injuries, and 2600 deaths that occur throughout the year (Staff, By Live Science). Don’t risk your life or the life of others for one look at your
Today, we use our cell phones for just about anything and everything to include; texting, talking to our loved ones, and connecting with the rest of the world via social media. Cell phones have become a natural way of life to where we pick up our phones and use them like second nature. However, the dangers present themselves when we get behind the wheel of a car and carry these habits of cell phone addictions with us. If all states ban the use of cell phones while driving, then there would be a reduced amount of fatalities each year.
Technology has advanced over the years, causing our lifestyle to change drastically and head down a new path. With these advances in technology, the cell phone appeared and has evolved throughout time. The cell phone has become a necessity to many. All ages use this mobile device for either personal or business use. Higgins states that the amount of cell phones active has increased from “one billion in 2000 to 6 billion.” Although cell phones play an important role in the lives of many, the negative possibilities could cause destruction to our society.
It is known that the use of cell phones, specifically handheld use such as texting, while driving decreases driver awareness and the overall safety of roads. In response to this knowledge, some states have passed laws that have outlawed the usage of handheld devices, and while there should be laws that definitively outlaw handheld usage, is there enough empirical evidence to outlaw hands free usage of cell phones? In other words, does handsfree usage of cell phones, via bluetooth, speakerphone, etc., distract drivers enough to the point where states should legally ban the total use cell phones while driving. The following essay will introduce arguments for both sides of this topic, one for hands free cell phone usage and the other against cell phones usage entirely.