
The Protagonists In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The Essay involves the two protagonists from opposite family fighting for their love, while the family members want to separate them. Throughout the play the protagonists must face a lot of obstacles for their love. The protagonist’s names are Romeo and Juliet, they never had an easy life to live. As the protagonists are faced with a new obstacle and the setting of the play changes. With a change to the setting, which also brings a change to environment and the atmosphere. In “Romeo and Juliet” the protagonist life is considered to puzzle due to their and their family’s action. Black, James. "The Visual Artistry of Romeo and Juliet." Studies in English Literature (Rice), vol. 15, no. 2, Spring75, p. 245. EBSCOhost, …show more content…

The essay states that authority isn’t as good today, they authority couldn’t do anything while the play stated to develop. As the crisis and tragedy grows and authority levels decreases, so the rival family took everything in their own hands. They took the tile known as the authority and didn’t care about the rules of old days. Channing Briggs, John. "Romeo and Juliet and the Cure of Souls." Ben Jonson Journal, vol. 16, no. 1/2, May 2009, pp. 281-303. EBSCOhost, John’s essay focuses on them being cured from the beginning of the play because the family are rivals. When two different family that hate each other, and can’t get along will always have problems. These problems play a significant factor in their children’s life and their children’s life. Franson, J. Karl. "`Too Soon Marr'd': Juliet's Age as Symbol in Romeo and Juliet." Papers on Language & Literature, vol. 32, no. 3, Summer96, pp. 244-262. EBSCOhost,

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