
The Punic Wars: Is Carthage Equal To Rome?

Decent Essays

Although each controlled their own dominion, Carthage was not considered an equal to Rome. This essay will first give a brief overview of each, how Rome and Carthage compared in terms of their strengths, and in turn perhaps, their similarities to each other, ending with how Rome became a naval powerhouse where one had never been before.

In the case of Carthage, myth tells us that Queen Dido, along with the Phoenicians from Tyre, fled and settled in northern Africa. Morey (1901) tells us that the Carthage was an empire based upon trade and business. She grew strong as a merchant, trading many products, including oils, linens, and minerals, as well as establishing trade pacts with many countries around the Mediterranean. According …show more content…

According to Rickard (n.d.), before the outbreak of the Punic wars, Carthage was the more well-known of the two, as the Phoenicians had been trading across the Mediterranean for many years. While they were not considered equal in their strength and resources, each could be deemed the powerhouse in their own area of the Mediterranean. Rome’s expansion into the western Mediterranean and the continent surely caught the attention of Carthage.

Due to an extensive trading system, Carthage was considered a more wealthy empire with increased commercial resources. Rome was a highly organized and disciplined nation when it came to her people, her army, the countries she conquered, as well as her political system.

Carthage had the most potent and impressive navy of the time, while Rome had a highly competent army. The army of Rome was conceivably “one of the longest surviving and most effective fighting forces in military history” (Lloyd, 2013).

Carthage had only a few leaders, but they were highly intelligent, motivated leaders. Rome had multiple leaders over time called consuls. Rome’s people were unwavering in their courage, loyalty, and direction. The strength of Carthage was based on her successes, while Rome based her strength on her people’s “character [of] patriotism, fortitude, and steadfast perseverance” (Morey, 1901) in their darkest

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