
The Puritan Government

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Puritanism and Government

The Puritans were a group of people who are English Reformed Protestants. The Puritans came from England during the 16th and 17th centuries to America. What English Reformed Protestants basically means is that the Puritans, were Christians who did not like the way the church was in England. They wanted to “purify” the Church of England from all Roman Catholic practices hence the name Puritan. The Puritans tried to purify the Church of England, but failed because the English laws restricted them. Although they failed to change the Church of England their ideas spread, thus increasing the popularity of the Puritan ideology.The Puritans decided to migrate to the colonies of the New Word for multiple reasons- the most important being religious freedom. The …show more content…

Once the Puritans arrived in America, they found that the Native Americans believed in polytheistic religions mostly centered around nature. Even though the Puritans believed in theology and in how God watches over everyone and is smiteful of sinners, the Puritans found since the Native Americans were mostly savages and heathens, it was okay to find them inferior and in some cases it was okay to kill the “savages”. The Puritans established two important and prominent colonies being the Boston colony and the Salem colony. The Boston colony was the more successful colony of the two. Although the Puritans did not fully agree with the Church of England in some instances they still were allies as well as allies with England. Because of this the English supported the Puritans and traded with each other, Boston’s population increased and it became a very populous and thriving colony. Since the colony became so popular many English men came to copy what the Puritans did, to escape religious oppression and persecution. Unfortunately, since the Puritans are the government of Boston they control all the laws, and one of the laws is that if you wish

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