A nice day to us; Dearest people, Filipino or not we are all family who give light in this world.
First of all when we hear the word Golden and Purpose what enters to our mind?
To understand this, let’s defined first the meaning of these two words, Base on Merriam
Webster, Golden is being very happy or success then Purpose is the aim or goal. Now we know the meaning of it, let’s elaborate it far in order to understand the true essence or message of the golden purpose that i am pertaining to all of you. I prepare some question to all of you i8n order to explain it properly, the question is What?, How?, When?, and the last is Where?. To all listeners and viewers I want your heart and mind to be one’s because I am
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What is the Golden Purpose that I am saying? Listeners with respect to your own opinion if you did not aware to the reality that happen to us, I want you to know that my aim is to share and acknowledge all of you to the true that sometimes cover by the lie, that’s why our world now is full of sin, suffering, discrimination, and not equal treat to people and also the crime like in our community sometimes crime is cove by the lie in order to be safe, listeners we should not always said that the government or being poor is the reason why we do bad thing like rubbery, killing, and being addict in the forbidden drugs. I know that you know it and you know that we are the one who suffering it, but we could not always blame to other what the mistake that we have done, we should confront it in order to a good communication with our neighbours and God. It is obviously that the Golden purpose is the value that I wish rise again and be priority first to heal the wound in our heart and mind and to know how to forgive …show more content…
How we can do that or how we can achieve that? Again listeners the only aim of this goal is to value the people like us, saw how? There are many way to value our self and others like Education they said that “Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world.” By means of that saying we need to be educated in order to be a good person and to understand the little things that sometimes we throw without regret. But not only to be educated is the way to commit with a good value because listeners even child non know how to do bad things, did you know that some people who are not educated is the one who know the good values and the one who respect others like my grandfather and grandmother even though they did not step their foot in school still they teach me to be a good person. Listeners we need to save the only wealth that we can have even though without money, because money is not the basis of a good life nor it’s the
As a society, we mainly focus on short term benefits and don’t acknowledge all the benefits which higher education will bring over the course of one’s life. In conclusion, education brings about positive changes among individuals, society, nations and the world as a whole. Benefits of education cannot be justified until one goes through it. The world without education would be a world in a state of turmoil. Hence, to be successful in this life, one must enhance their skills and knowledge through the virtue of
of achieving our purpose in life can be a daunting but awarding task. Christopher McCandless
he is preparing me for my greater good . With everything That I have shared with you my purpose is
to see God with his or hers faith in Him. This source is useful to see how others
Turn on the television set or watch a movie, and chances are that you are going to see someone meet their fictional death. It is a frequent occurrence that is seen every day. Our culture accepts this as undisputed and unnoticed fact; it has become a commonplace minutia that has gotten lost in the speed of everyday life. Although we witness these horrific ends daily, it is important to recognize that this is a very real event that everyone will have to experience at some point. All too often, this point is ignored in contemporary American culture. The rites and rituals of death and post-death are critical to the American culture, yet are often overlooked.
I was in a dark, moss-ridden dungeon where the air vigorously hung with the scent of death and suffering. Chains lay on the cobblestone walls, with hammered metal shackles on the cracked stone floor. My lab coat collected dust like a dead old skeleton six feet under. The gun felt gelid on my temple, my scrawny legs were shaking extremely fast, I thought they would run away but I knew I could escape.
But to fix the problems and to serve the students we must first have a vision of what good education is (Ravitvch). What is a good education? A good education isn’t just learning and comprehending, a good education should also teach us how to work well with others, to use our common sense, to expand our range of friends and how we think. Now, what are the goals of a true education? The goals of a true education are learning how to work for yourself by yourself, to grow and adapt as a whole person, to build up your character, and to have a desire to learn more. If our schools were to meet the goals of a true education, it would leave us with a thirst for knowledge that leaves you restless at night, that only education can fulfill.
Education as a whole has been the key to the future and provides to the students with skill that they could not get anywhere. The new age has clearly shown us that education is a vital ingredient for a person’s future. Education has shown that one who studies further has a better lifestyle and will be highly respected, but what education cannot do is offer everyone the opportunity to succeed. Only a few students can take advantage of education; because if suddenly
Once one determines their purpose, one may achieve fulfilment through living a righteous life. Specifically, by determining ways to benefit and contributing society. Socrates touches on how righteous attributes are beneficial to not only to yourself but to the community as well. “Wealth does not bring about excellence, but excellence makes wealth and everything else good for men, both individually and collectively.” (Plato, n.d.). One may live a fulfilling life through mission work and focusing on the needs of the people around them.
It defines our purpose or mission in our life, which can be a called our vocation which has implications for our work or occupation that deals with our gifts and talents. "The immediate responsibilities - those tasks or duties God calls us to today" (Smith, 2011, p. 10). Example; taking care of my disabled brother since he was a child gave me a special call to take care of the many developmental disabilities for many the that I have accepted knowing that it was given to me since we were children. has called me to
to be the best it can be. Even though we fail sometimes, we can always pick the pieces back up and
This is what glorifies Him. Therefore, in this we find that God has given us a reason or an objective for our existence, or better still, a meaning for our existence. We were created by Him, according to His desire, and our lives are to be lived for Him so that we might accomplish what He has for us to do. When we trust the one who has made us, who works all things after the counsel of His will (Ephesians 1:11), then we are able to live a life of purpose.
Empires are essentially multiple, large city states that are more stable and can control more power. The term empire was usually given to those areas who were able to provide major stability in politics, economics, and social interactions, all under a strong ruler such as Qin Shi Huang. This stability was a definite factor that led to philosophical and spiritual flowering.
Leaders have made decisions using a variety of methods. The method could ensure the success of their higher education institutions. Consequently, the leadership in higher education is often a determining factor of whether the institution will be able to lead employees successfully and effectively. There are leaders who lead according to the Golden Rule (Nodstrom & Hall, 1986). However, the Golden Rule could be counterproductive because it states that we should treat others, as we prefer to be treated. When leadership is practiced according to the Golden rule, it does not take into consideration the different motivation of employees. Potentially, conflict would ensue because the Golden Rule does not consider the needs and/or feelings of the employee. This research considers the Platinum Rule, treat others as they prefer to be treated. Both the Golden Rule and the Platinum rule are considered in the religious and ethical systems. The Platinum Rule, however, is a more recent concept, defined by Dr. Tony Alessandra as a basis. The Platinum Rule corrects the flaw of the Golden Rule; by suggesting that we “treat others the way they want to be treated”. When a leader considers the Platinum Rule, he is accommodating the preference of his employees rather than himself (Alessandra, 1995). The researcher sees this as a more humanistic approach to leadership.
“The Mission” is a motion picture, directed by Roland Joffe in 1986, about a Jesuit mission that is threatened by greed and imperialism in the late 18th century in the Brazilian jungle. Father Gabriel, played by Jeremy Irons, climbs the mountains of Brazil to bring Christianity to the natives. He is successful and brings about a golden age among them. Mendoza, played by Robert De Niro, a slave trader, kills his brother, Felipe played by Aidan Quinn, in a fit of rage over a woman named Carlotta, played by Cherie Lunghi. Only Fr. Gabriel's leadership prevents his suicide. Gabriel brings Mendoza to work at his mission with the natives, and Mendoza finds peace and asks to become a priest. The Church, under pressure, gives the land up to the