Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, explores the theme of the pursuit of knowledge and scientific discovery through the main characters; Victor Frankenstein, the Creature and Robert Walton. This pursuit of knowledge drives the plot of the novel, leading Victor to create the Creature in his attempt to break down the mortal barriers that surround him and unlock the secret of life. Robert Walton’s quest for discovery leads him to the North Pole, far beyond the reach of Humans at that time. Ultimately Victor’s thirst for knowledge and scientific discovery did him more harm than good with Victor’s hatred of his creation driving him to death. Frankenstein’s message to the modern is age is simply put as “humans should not meddle in the business of the gods”. Mary Shelley’s is using Frankenstein and the actions of the characters in the novel to warn us that although we have the technology to for example, create a human being, some things are better left to nature. In our quest for knowledge we can do ourselves more harm than good. Through her novel Shelley tells us that on our path of scientific discovery there are some trails better left unexplored. Victor Frankenstein had a great childhood surrounded by love and happiness. He had a very supportive mother, a best friend in Elizabeth, and a school friend named Henry Clerval. Victor also had a mentor, a natural philosopher who explained to Victor the ideas of electricity. Through his amazing childhood Victor’s curiosity was born.
In the real world, the power of knowledge has a real affect on human nature as it gives them a sense of the world and its surroundings. Knowledge is facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education. They are known to create separation between people, the smartest usually coming atop. While the monster and Victor’s adventures are told, the power of knowledge in Shelley’s Frankenstein are a big influence into the advancements of their actions and plot of the story because it gives a new outlook for them.
Victor Frankenstein is the first character in the novel. His life starts in a wealthy and noble family and after some time decides to attend the University of Ingolstadt to study sciences. Victor becomes so obsessed with his studies that “the stars often appeared in the light of morning whilst I was yet engaged in my laboratory”, (30). Studying night and day, Victor eventually “made some discoveries in the improvement of some chemical instruments”, a contribution that undoubtedly led to improvements in the science and medical aspects of the 19th century (31). However, the main focus of Victor’s compulsive studies comes later in the novel when he creates the creature. He grasped for the idea of creating a living human frame from scratch: a concept that had never tested
Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein cannot merely be read as a literary work of the early 19th century. It represents the workings of young Shelley's mind. Further, it represents the vast scientific discoveries of the time, combined with Mary Shelley's intuitive perception of science. She views science as a powerful entity, but also recognizes the dangers if uncontrolled. Shelley demonstrates this fear in the book as science drives Victor Frankenstein to create his monster. In the end, it is also his use of science that inevitably becomes his demise.
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein explores the concepts of knowledge and science and the dangers involved with the pursuit and investigation of these ideas. The novel conveys Shelley’s attitudes towards science by portraying it as having the capability to exceed the bounds of human restraint. Through the development of her protagonist Victor Frankenstein, the romantic and gothic aspects of her novel, the period of 1818 and the influences of the world she was living in that
The critically acclaimed novel written by Mary Shelley and published in 1818, delves into a multitude of universal themes throughout the text. One value that drives the plot forward, and leads to character development is the theme, human fulfillment of the pursuit of knowledge. It is Dr. Frankenstein 's unquenchable thirst for knowledge that leads to the future predicaments that ensue after the Creature is conceived and future moral dilemma. An example of Dr. Frankenstein 's disposition that lends itself to the validity of the stated theme, is as follows; “It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things, or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied me, still my inquiries were directed to the metaphysical, or, in its highest sense, the physical secrets of the world” (Shelley 30). The doctor 's preoccupation with his studies, that results in controversy over the suitable nature of such an unobtainable desire, is clearly exemplified in the quote, “If the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your affections and to destroy your taste for those simple pleasures in which no alloy can possibly mix, then that study is certainly unlawful, that is to say, not befitting the human mind” (45).
To truly understand Victor Frankenstein, one must look first not at what he does, but why he does it. Each and every individual is molded by their upbringing and surroundings, and rather unsurprisingly, Victor had an atypical childhood; however, it was neither hostile nor malevolent, just strange for the
What exactly is the pursuit of knowledge? One might say that the pursuit of knowledge is when one conducts irregular experiments and actions. One might say that the pursuit of knowledge is the process of the collecting information needed in completing that test. However, the universal truth says that one can never accumulate all the knowledge in the world. However, one might opinion that the pursuit of knowledge is a wonderful thing to have because knowledge is power. But what exactly is knowledge? Mary Shelley has her visions of the pursuit of knowledge all the way back in the 19th century. To tell her thoughts to the world, she creates the characters Victor
Knowledge is given to those that understand the power it holds, this power could either destroy or help one in their path to success. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, we see this idea being practiced by individuals in the novel. However, they are incapable of seeing the dangerous potential outcomes of misunderstanding knowledge and the power it offers, leading to their ruin. We see the suffering as a cause of knowledge through Victor Frankenstein’s creation of life, The Monster’s dream of fitting the norm, and Robert Walton’s dangerous journey to the North. The characters in Frankenstein pursuit of knowledge leads to certain destruction, showing us the potential negative outcomes of misusing knowledge.
Thank you June for sharing your comments! I enjoyed learning many things about Frankenstein. I also enjoyed learning many things about evolution. Yes, science is involved with the laws of nature. Science does involve culture. Culture may be able to affect the society overall. Different cultures have a different way of living. Yes, some people may believe that it is good to earn power. Evolution does deal with organisms. Did you learn anything new while conducting your
A bat and ball cost a dollar and ten cents. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? A vast majority of the people who come across this simple question answer quickly and confidently. The answer must be 10 cents. However, while this answer seems obvious, it is wrong. The correct answer is 5 cents. Through education and increased knowledge, people begin to use mental shortcuts to almost completely skip the normal thought process. This means that people with seemingly intelligent minds often are prone to over-confidence, extreme predictions, and the planning fallacy. In Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, this same mental performance is seen in the main character, Doctor Frankenstein. Not only is he overconfident in
Victor Frankenstein’s childhood influenced his ultimate destruction. From a young age, Victor had “an eager desire to learn” (Shelley 33). His parent’s supplied him with several resources to better his education path such as easy access to books and eventually a chance to attend a university. He enjoyed learning and was able to increase his knowledge due to the assistance of his parents, but his focus was too narrow. He chose “not to learn all things indiscriminately” (Shelley 33). Rather he focused on “the physical secrets
In the novel, “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley, the search for knowledge is a major theme in the story, being the tragic flaw in Victor, and a few other key characters. Majority of the conflicts that arise in Victor’s life are caused from his curiosity with the dead and science. Victor’s tragic fate was sealed when he pursued knowledge over his personal life and those closest to him Not only was the search for knowledge a crux for Victor, but a few other characters in the book as well.
when he felt lonely and when he was hungry there was no one to guide
Frankenstein at first may seem to be promoting the ideas of Enlightenment with Walton exploring the North Pole and Frankenstein studying natural philosophy and trying to find the secret of life through the deductive reasoning of science. However, with Walton failing to explore the North Pole and Frankenstein¡¯s scientific creation spinning out of his control, Frankenstein emphasizes the theme of the danger of discovering knowledge with reason and science. Frankenstein devotes almost his entire life to the study of natural philosophy and the creation of the monster in eagerness to understand the secret of life, yet this act of creation eventually results in the destruction of everyone close to him and his ultimate isolation. Likewise, Walton attempts to surpass previous human explorations by navigating to reach the North Pole but eventually finds himself trapped between sheets of ice unable to reach his goal. Mary Shelley is conveying a message as a Romantic, with the characters of Walton and Frankenstein, that the thirst for knowledge and the attempt to explain life through science, both of which are valued during the Enlightenment movement, can be destructive.
Why do young bright minds of India want to take up science or research as a promising career path in the first place? Doesn’t it feel like a risk? What career opportunities does one have after getting a PhD? These questions are bugging me quite a lot these days. For most of us, born and brought up in middle class urban society are taught right from the start to work hard and be well educated enough to secure a good job. Seemingly it is the gateway to lead a comfortable life. I think in India it is the most important thing in life. Getting a decent job. It’s the only thing that matters. No matter how creative you are and harbor any kind of alternate ambitions otherwise it becomes secondary after a point. So growing up, the thought of pursuing science and research could only be such a far-fetched dream for many of us I guess.