
The Race Drama Analysis

Decent Essays

This little book is a treasury of your birthrights; not religious rights. It is about reclaiming the power imparted onto you as a divine being to live a life, without race drama. Each of you, regardless of your bloodline, birthplace, or language you speak, is entitled to live without fear or restriction; to express, create, and love simply because you’re the humans occupying born to evolve this great planet. Historically, nations have used race, religion, and social class as ways to hijack and control its citizens’ birthright. In its earliest days, American colonists sought to establish a society unlike England, one that reflected the pride of a forward-thinking, independent nation. However, while sidestepping a class society, they instead formed a race, culture that bred white privilege and anti-blackness. Ultimately, this attitude rationalized two centuries of slavery, reinforced 100 years of segregation, and even now sustains our racial conflict. This is the true reason racism flourishes in our country today. Ditch the Race Drama shows how to remove racial roadblocks and claim your divine birthright. Racial roadblocks are negative racial beliefs deeply rooted in the collective psyche of whites and blacks. These beliefs are not new they have been in existence since our country’s founding. And …show more content…

Here’s a reminder—change begins one person at a time. Individual desire is the only way to gain freedom from an outdated structure. No legislation demanding whites and blacks comply. Now let’s get started. Begin by reviewing the list of negative racial beliefs and ask yourself honestly do I agree or disagree with each statement. Being completely honest is crucial for without your truth you will be unable to continue this process. Oh sure, you can continue to read, but half-truths will stop you from accessing greater understanding. And that is what you want, let’s

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