
The Rave-Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

I woke up feeling like someone had put weights on my eyelids, because I could barely keep them open. Last night I had stayed up late to plan every detail of what I am going to wear to the Rave, what I am going to do at the Rave at every second of the night long festival that is this weekend. Also every other thing that can be planned. I don’t even know who is going to be playing there. The only thing I know is that I am going to be the coolest person with the coolest group of people there. As I got ready I realized that I still had not asked my mom if I could go, but I already knew she would say yes. “I am going to leave you here if you don’t come downstairs right now” my aunt Jamie yelled for the fifth time. “Coming” I yelled back for

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