
The Reaction Of An Enzyme Essay

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An enzyme is a macromolecule that acts as a catalyst, a chemical agent that speeds up a reaction without being consumed by the reaction (Coleman 2016). With different pHs and temperatures the enzyme’s rate of reaction can drastically alter. For example, peroxidase, a type of enzyme that is found in various plant tissues, was used to look into the reactions of Guaiacol + H2O2 -> Tetraguaiacol +2H2O mixed into test tubes. Following the extract of the enzyme the process of standardization was taking place in order to determine the amount of extract of peroxidase to use. Then data about the production of tetraguaiacol absorbance were recorded into a scatter plot and tables. Factors that were recorded in 15 second increments were the amount of extract, pH values, and boiling rate of reactions altered. The 0.5 mL had a lower change of reaction rate than the control while the 2.0 mL also had a lower rate of reaction. Then for boiling it seems that it hit a point of denaturation, because of the slope reached positive at first, then it had a negative slope, which lead to the process of breaking down hydrogen bonds. Containing the data about the three factors used for peroxidase is important, for results may alter or would not occur, due to the lack of optimal conditions met (Barron 2014).
Metabolism is the totality of an organism’s chemical reaction, which contains catabolic and anabolic pathways (Coleman, 2016). It is important to an organism for it allows growth,

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