
The Rearranging Spell Summary

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Charm Name: The Rearranging Spell Description/Summary: This spell is used to put back everything in a house or other establishment which has been removed from its place of origin. It is similar to the spell used by Albus Dumbledore to rearrange a Muggle's home whom Professor Horace Slughorn was utilising as a hide-out, while the Muggle was on holiday in the Canary Islands. The spell replaced everything that Horace Slughorn had broken or destroyed, after he attempted to fake his death in order to throw off Death Eaters who had come to call and order him to ally with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. When Dumbledore used the spell, everything was repaired, replaced, and rearranged into its original spot. The spell used by Dumbledore appears to also

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