
The Reason For God By Timothy Keller Essay

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For my book review I chose The Reason for God by Timothy Keller. I have read this book before, but I wanted to go through again, summarize and analyze it. The purpose of this paper will be to summarize The Reason for God and analyze it’s writing style and arguments. The Reason for God defends knowledge of God and is naturally an apologetic work. Interestingly enough though, it reads more like a pastoral than it does an apologetic work.


Keller begins his book by giving the reader a little insight into his personal ministry. He writes that the number one stumbling block for people when they consider religion is exclusivity. He then goes on to agree, saying that the exclusive nature and teachings of some religions are off-putting. In a secular worldview there are three ways to deal with this: outlaw religion, condemn religion, or keep religion private. However, Keller’s next point is a rather important one: Christianity can save the world. Dr. Keller teaches that Christianity in its purist form is not an exclusive religion; rather it is a religion that is open to any and all to join. Chapter two teaches about the problem of evil. Dr. Keller writes that evil is not evidence against God, but rather it is evidence for God, if anything. Keller then goes on to write that readers should remember that Christ and God the Father both suffered and went through evil. They, however, went through it willingly to save mankind. He teaches that through the cross the resurrection of

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