
The Red Badge Of Courage Chapter 8 Summary

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Henry feels he's overcome his fears, until the enemy charges again. Henry, no longer feeling part of the team, pictures the enemy as super human soldiers about to trample him. He runs. He overhears generals celebrating their victory.

Chapter 7

Henry resents the victory, accusing his fellow soldiers of being stupid and lucky. He throws a pine cone at a squirrel and watches it run off.

Chapter 8

Henry starts to head back the way he came from. The noise of the battles are very loud. There are dead men all over the place. There are also men bleeding and falling to the ground. Henry spots a wounded man with a shoe full of blood laughing. A man latches on to Henry and tries to talk to him and ask Henry where he is wounded. Henry moves as far away from the man as possible …show more content…

Jim eventually runs off the road and dies.
Chapter 10 Henry and the man are amazed at Jim Conklin's strength. The man thought Henry was his best friend at back home. Henry runs back to the road and lets the man die.
Chapter 11
Henry sees a group of soldiers and wishes to join them. He is trying to think of an excuse of why he has been missing.
Chapter 12
Henry sees a group of soldiers fleeing. He grabs one of them to ask them what is going on but the soldier responds by putting the butt of the gun into Henry's head and leaves Henry slightly wounded. A compassionate soldier helps Henry back to his regiment.
Chapter 13
Henry returns back to the unit where everyone is asleep except the guard. They take care of Henry's wound.
Chapter 14
Henry wakes up. Nearly half of the unit left during battle but returned in the night.\
Chapter 15
Henry scorns the other soldiers for running wildly while he ran with discretion

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