The purpose of this review paper is to learn about the relationship between concussions and the human brain. This is relevant because if people learn about concussions and are aware of the effects of a concussion, they may be more careful and avoid activities that could cause concussions.
A concussion is a trauma-induced change in mental status, which includes confusion and amnesia, and may cause someone to lose consciousness for a bit . It happens when the head hits or gets hit by an object or when the brain is struck against the skull with a strong force to cause temporary loss of functions. In addition, concussions can cause brain damage. Concussions can be caused from motor vehicle accidents or from playing sports like football.
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Marijuana has its strongest long-term impact on young users whose brains are developing and maturing. Researchers see a decline in verbal ability as well as general knowledge in children between ages 9-12. (National Institute on Drug Abuse August …show more content…
The research shows that concussions can cause people to lose consciousness and can have negative effects on the brain. Concussions could also lead to diseases like depression. In addition, I learned that the brain is made of three parts: forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. Some things that affect the brain includes not enough sleep, smoking, and stress. Information from previous experiments gives evidence for the relationship between the independent and dependent variable, since it shows how the dependent variable is affected by the independent variable.For example, the American Academy of Neurology has called for a ban on boxing. Boxers repeatedly get concussions over the course months or years, which can lead to increasing head injury. The cumulative brain injuries suffered by most boxers can lead to permanent brain damage.This gives evidence for my independent and dependent variable, because it shows that if someone repeatedly gets concussions, it could lead to brain
In this article the author talks about recent studies in concussions, that show they may be more damaging to the brain than previously believed. Typically, after 7-10 days, concussion patients are considered good to go, simply because they have stopped exhibiting the symptoms of a concussion. Recently it has been discovered that structural changes to the brain caused from the concussion can last over 6 months to unknowing patients. The main structure of the brain effected is white matter, which is made of nerves and considered connective tissue. White matter is very important because it is in charge of sending messages throughout the brain. These recent findings have made doctors rethink when they should be clearing patients- Should they
One could even have a brain scan, and it would not be able to detect if one sustained a concussion. Concussions are rated on a mild to severe scale. A mild concussion might result in a small change of consciousness. While a severe concussion could have symptoms ranging from unconsciousness, coma, to even death. A concussion is one of the most common sports-related injuries. Concussions have also been found to be related to CTE. In her book, McClafferty reports that, “17% of people develop chronic traumatic encephalopathy that have had repetitive concussions” (McClafferty 77). This helps support the link between traumatic brain injuries and concussions. Scientists, before brain trauma was considered an exceedingly serious element of sports, expressed their disquiet for football and long-term mental illness. A scientist by the name of Guskiewitz and his research group conclude that their “findings suggest that the onset of dementia-related syndromes may be instituted by repetitive cerebral concussions” (Fainaru-Wada and Fainaru 343). Ultimately, brain traumas known effects are expanding with each study that is done; it raises an even grander amount of concern for the safety of those who participate in sports.
In this article a clinical evaluation was used to study the mild traumatic brain injuries that college football players receive. Images of the brain was taken before the injury so they can tell what I normal brain of the person looks like from a brain that has a concussion. This will give doctors a better understanding of what is really going on. This article gives me another perspective and way on how to look at a concussion. This way of observation is different from the one ones that I collected in my other sources. I found this source also in google scholar. It took the same amount of time as I found my other sources to find this source. One big take away form finding this source compared to my other ones is that having different perspectives on one subject will help me gain a better understanding on concussion in
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head, fall, or any other sudden movement that shakes or jars the brain inside of the skull (Healthwise
The phrase concussion details an injury to the brain occur from an shock to the head from someone(Cunha 1). A calm concussion can affect a loss of awareness feeling dazed or a actual terse loss of consciousness from taking a blow to the head or being knocked down(Cunha 2). A harsh concussion can affect delayed loss of consciousness. A concussion outcome starting with a head shot that is close is a type of injury and do not consist of trauma when there is bleeding in the skull under it(Stoppler 3).
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that is cause by a blow to the head or body, fall or any other injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull. Usually, a concussion commonly occurs in fights, playground injuries, or car and bike accidents. However, they can also occur in sport activities such as football, soccer, boxing, and hockey. When a concussion does occur, there is a big verity of symptoms and signs that can help detect a concussion after an injury. Also, some symptoms and signs can take time to appear.
Psychology Professor at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Louis De Beaumont, Benoit Brisson, Maryse Lassonde and Pierre Jolicoeur wrote “Long-term electrophysiological changes in athletes with a history of concussions” to inform certain individuals about the long-term effects that are associated with one or multiple concussions. Although De Beaumont’s article is strictly addressed to people in the medical or psychology fields, Jonathan C. Edwards and Jeffery D. Bodle wrote “Causes and Consequences of Sport Concussions” to inform active and former players of contact sports, coaches, trainers, and physicians of the consequences and many different effects of concussions. “Long-term electrophysiological changes in athletes with a history
During the time I’ve had to do this project I have come upon many interesting things that involve concussions. In my project I have researched what a concussion is, what the symptoms are, how more then one can affect you, and how you can receive them in different sports. On the right side of my trifold the section named “By the Sport” will show current research as to how and why concussions occur in various sports, how to prevent them, and finally what positions sustain the the most concussions in that sport. I've done all this research with sources to back the findings. Then, I will explain how concussions are different in adults and in children. In addition, I will share with the reader how concussions are treated at different ages. The learner profile I used in the summary of my project is Globalization and Sustainability. This is because I am explaining facts about concussions to the reader and showing them how concussion impact sports today.
These surveys were evaluated using multivariable logistic regression. Then put into categories of male or female, contact or non-contact within the division of competition. For the Survey, the coaches were put into groups on if they had or had not had concussion education which was the independent variable (t). Through the experiment they looked at what kind of education they got and if they feel it benefited them in being able to determine if an athlete has concussion symptoms. The type a validity reported was criterion based and to limit the potential of biased estimates they used the Levene’s test and then comparing the results to the analysis variance with Bonferroni. This test was used to limit any other factors contributing to the coaches’ knowledge of concussions that did not come from concussion education classes. The results of this study showed that out of all the coaches asked to take the survey the respondents were about 62% of males and 38% females, and out of those that responded about 55.1% of those coaches coached a contact sport. About 47.8% of division l, 17.3% of division ll, and 34.9% of division lll coaches responded and out of those that responded 67% of the coaches had received concussion education from their
The purpose of this study was to determine the association between having a previous concussion and then experiencing concussive signs and symptoms following head impacts. It was hypothesized that previously concussed athletes would have more severe and frequent signs and symptoms of a concussion following a head impact compared to athletes with no previous concussion. To test this hypothesis, 201 college athletes participated in a questionnaire. They were asked about previous concussions and if they experience concussive signs and symptoms when they had head impacts. After the results were all collected, it showed that nearly 60% of athletes who had zero previous concussions reports experiences signs and symptoms following head impacts! compared to nearly 80% of athletes who have had a concussion. These results show a significant correspondence between previous history of concussion and the reoccurrence of concussive signs and symptoms following a head
A concussion is a brain injury from a direct hit (blow) to the head or body. This blow causes the brain to shake quickly back and forth inside the skull. This can damage brain cells and cause chemical changes in the brain. A concussion may also be known as a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI).
A concussion is a type of mild to moderate brain injury caused by sudden hit to the head. This sudden blow can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull which damages brain cells and causes chemical changes in the brain. Some symptoms of a concussion include “blurred or double vision, seeing stars, sensitivity to light or noise, headache, dizziness or balance problems, nausea, vomiting, trouble sleeping, fatigue, confusion, difficulty remembering, difficulty concentrating, or loss of consciousness”. It is important to note that you do not need to be knocked unconscious to have a concussion. Concussions cause damage to the frontal and anterior temporal lobes which are the very place where one’s emotions and self-control are located. Some concussion victims claim to experience loss of
According to SCI, a concussion is defined as a complex pathophysiological process that affects the brain (SCI, 2016). A concussion is commonly known as a mild traumatic brain injury, often sustained in sports, falls, motor vehicle accidents, assault, and other incidents (Cornell, 2015). A blow or jolt to the head that disrupts the normal function of the brain (Brainline, 2015).
Lastly, having multiple concussions produce long term effects on athletes. This was proven by a study performed that compared athletes with a history of concussions to athletes with no concussion history using a concussion test known as: Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT). This is a computerized test that measures memory capabilities to determine if an athlete has a concussion. It was taken by the athletes prior to their season to find a baseline level. This baseline would then be used to determine if someone has a concussion by comparing it to a post-concussion result of the ImPACT. Every athlete in this study was given the ImPACT test within five days of sustaining a concussion. The results from this
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head or body falling. In a sense any other injury that shakes the brain around. Your brain is a soft organ that is surrounded by spinal fluid and protected by your dense skull. Now if your head or your body is hit too, severally your brain can crash into your skull and be injured. A perfect example of a brain having a concussion is from the movie concussion in which is an American biographical sports film directed and written by Peter Landesmen and it was based on the book Brain Game by Jeanne Marie Laskas. The film star in the movie is Will Smith, who plays the role of the main character Dr. Bennet Omalu a forensic pathologist. Now in the movie the way Dr. Bennet Omalu explains what happens to the brain when getting a concussion injury is by putting a potato in a jar that is filled with water and shaking it. The potato is the brain and then jar filled with water is a human's skull with spinal fluid in it and when shaking the jar and seeing the potato bounce around and collide with the jar is supposed to show what is happening in your skull when you receive a head injury that causes a concussion.