
The Relationship Between Sleep Deprivation And The Human Body

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Jason Sohn WRS 102 Roger Graves October 9, 2015 Annotated Bibliography: The relationship between sleep deprivation and the human body The act of sleeping is well acknowledged as an essential and healthy part of every human being 's life. Until the 1950s, sleep was widely believed to be a passive act that every human had to go through at night. Through extensive study and research, scientists have learned that sleeping affects our physical and emotional functioning during the day, including mental accuracy, productivity, mental balance, physical balance, and even weight, although scientists are still not sure exactly what sleep does. Previously people commonly thought sleep was a stage in their day when their brains shut down. This has …show more content…

To add, I am specifically focusing on the physical repercussions of extreme loss of sleep. The research focuses on how the body reacts to the negative repercussions of losing beneficial sleep. The third source differs from the 2 other sources as the third source focues on the organ of the brain and how the brain reacts to the loss of sleep. The other 2 sources focus on the body 's response to the deprivation of sleep for instance, the body 's changing levels of hormones and the effects on the human body. The first two sources specifically focus on the aspect of the effects of changing levels of hormones. All three sources and their respective authors state that the field of sleep is a recent area of study as the study of sleep is not fully understood scientifically. Priyadarsini, Nibedita, Manasi Behera, Dipti Mohapatra, Tapaswini Mishra, and Anugya Aparajita Behera. "Sleep Deprivation As Risk Factor For Obesity." International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (2015): n. pag. Web of Science. Web. 9 Oct. 2015. . This scientific article, from the International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (IJPB), investigates the modern issue and association between sleep deprivation as a risk factor for obesity. The journal begins to explore the idea that inadeqaute sleep or partial sleep deprivaion may contribute to the development of obesity as a result of metabolic changes in the body. To add, the

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