Many times, when I am faced with a situation of lying or telling the truth I can never bring myself to do the former. Whether in academia or at home I always find myself being honest. That is why my best characteristic is my honesty and reliability. I take pride in my ability to be honest. And it is because of this honesty that I realize that I must by responsible for my actions and must act reliable. This can also be shown in both school and at home. I take pride in my reliability in academics. Whenever assigned anything or when I am working on a group project I always do my part and try to finish my work the most efficient way possible. However my reliability is not just limited to school. When I was playing soccer earlier in this year I was asked to get the scoreboard remote from the athletic director. I took the responsibility quite seriously and I knew the importance of bringing the remote to that home game. When I brought the remote the first day, I decided to take the responsibility of bringing the remote back and forth. Ever since that, the coach was able to rely on me for helping around with the team. At that moment I truly understood that being reliable is very important and the effect of being reliable. …show more content…
In soccer I was reliable and the effect was that the coach knew so and appointed me for captain of JV soccer. This was the first true position in my life in which I was a leader and was able to show leadership. I would lead a warm up run around the field at the beginning of every game. Afterward I would lead a stretch and a drill. Occasionally I would make new drills and keep my colleagues on track. I learned how to delegate responsibilities with my teammates such as who would pick up the cones and balls and etc. As a result of my experiences as captain of soccer I was able to get other leadership positions in and out of
I was part of the Air Cadets, a program to help the youth with leadership and teamwork skills, I showed my leadership skills by raising money for my squadron. Air Cadets allowed me to take part in my own community. I am active in many sports such as; golf, tennis, table tennis, soccer. I also enjoy playing chess with my brother and father and I enjoy skiing and skating during the winter time. At school, I try to enjoy it instead of seeing it as a stressful job, I make sure that even if I have stress, I can deal with it calmly and effectively. I easily understand concepts and learn new things quickly which will benefit me if I miss a month of school for this program. I usually do my assignments beforehand so that I have time to add any final touches and have it edited by my peers and teachers. I show my leadership in many different ways. I take the initiative of helping teachers, my fellow students and my parents. I help
Elizabeth and I share the trait of being honest. Elizabeth displayed her honesty when she got questioned about the poppet in her house that Mary Warren made her before she was taken to jail. Elizabeth would not lie she was a good Christian woman. Not only is Elizabeth honest I am honest as well. My mom will take me shopping and she’ll and ask me if I like something or if it fits her okay, i'll be honest and i'll say no or yes. Sometimes she doesn't like my answers but i'm being honest with her. Another way i’m honest is when something happens in school, usually people would lie to get out of trouble but i'll be honest and say what happened. I don't lie because I know
Leader – the main job of a leader in sports is to help the team organise properly, motivate others, and work as a team. By doing all these things your team can make a big impact when playing. The leader should communicate and organise well in order to help his players understand. The equipment should be organised properly during every training session which helps players improve. Any equipment that is broken which could injure the players should not be there.
I have been the president of my school’s Junior Civitian club for 2 years now and I was color guard caption for two years also. I have learned how to become a leader. I also went to Girl State where I learned how to become a better leader. Becoming a leader is challenging, especially in high school, when you want to do what everyone else is doing. I have learned that being a leader you should be fair and treat people as if they are your peers and not lower than you are. As a leader I am the first person their and the last person to leave. I also have made myself available to the people in Junior Civitan and the people on the color guard team. I also have an ambitious attitude, as should ever leader. I will always try to keep everyone cheerful
Honesty plays a vital role in my personal code of ethics requiring integrity, especially in dealing with those near and dear to me. Integrity plays a vital role in my ability to hold myself accountable for any decisions or actions I make.
heard my parents say many times growing up that “ you are as good as your word” and the older i have gotten the more I see how true that saying is. If you are honest that shows others that you meet in your life that you can be trusted. Thomas Jefferson stated that "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” Meaning that is one of the first traits out of a personality perspective, to have.
Soccer has helped me the most with leadership; through the Kicks program as I mentioned earlier and being alternative captains in my spring leagues and this year in varsity soccer for the school. With Kicks I was in charge of many children who looked up to me as a role model, I had to teach them many footskills and other techniques. In my spring league of soccer I was one of the four captains in that league and through this leadership position I tried to be a positive and very upbeat person who encouraged her teammates. Finally for this years varsity soccer team I was given captain after one of our girls got hurt. Taking over this position put a lot of pressure on me that I was able to overcome; as I felt weird because I was not originally voted captain and didn’t think that my team would be happy. After a few games I realized that I had become comfortable with the new position and it made me work harder. As a leader I realized that my fellow team members had started to try harder if I tried harder and it meant so much to me. All of these things have helped me strongly understand leadership and why it is so important.
I have demonstrated my leadership in both Student-to-Student and my track and cross-country teams. In eighth grade, I was one of the captains of my track team. I would help lead stretches, warm-ups, and sometimes the workout. I was not a captain my freshman year, but I exhibited leadership skills and influenced my teammates to do their best. Being a new student to RHS, I was not a captain in cross-country either, but, again, I proved my ability to be a leader through my actions and motivating those around me.
To begin, I exhibit qualities of a great leader. Firstly, at my Saturday morning bowling league, I am positioned as the anchor, which means I am expected to lead my team to victory.. Secondly, I lead by being a good example to my peers, and I am a positive role model. Lastly, when my friends have problems they come to me and I lead them to a positive solution. This is being a good leader.
I started out as a student-athlete in which I depicted great leadership skills and positive role model qualities such as diligence, enthusiasm, and passion for the sport. Hence, after my first year of college, I was named the team captain. I worked closely with the coaches, helped to resolve team conflicts, established the tone for practice, and modeled responsibility, decision-making, and a strong work ethic. I also promoted a positive attitude and team interactions, and encouraged and supported all of my teammates. Throughout my experience as team captain, I showed mental toughness by remaining confident and focus, and respond to individual and team mistakes in an appropriate manner.
Honesty. – Honesty is most important to someone who is seeking the characteristic of loyalty. One who is dishonest, is not a loyal person. To be loyal, you must be entrusted to tell the truth and nothing but the truth at all times.
Being a leader on a sports team meant that I had to be physically and mentally strong in situations where others might be weak. Physically, I had to be an example on my team by never quitting and never giving up when things were tough. That way when my teammates seen me pushing through physically adverse situations they have someone to follow
A strong example of my leadership experience is my senior season of football. Following the 2016-2017 academic year, our head coach resigned on short notice and lacked any coach to fill the position. Because he left on such short notice, we didn’t have a coach for the first two weeks of the preseason, a crucial developing point in the season. However, a small group of other seniors and I were able to schedule workouts until we got a new coach. This established our group as team leaders and allowed us to lead the team to success in the regular season. I was later named a team captain for my leadership on and off the field. This gave me the ability further lead by example as well as keep the team’s morale up in the face of adversity. I ran extra
After being honest about the situation, one can move forward and progress. One characteristic that I am known for is being honest. One can ask both my friends and family and they will all say the same thing: Riya is not afraid to point out the truth. My personality allows me to be confrontational
My personal experiences of leadership started when I was younger, roughly 7 years old, I was elected the captain of my travel soccer team. At the time I didn’t think much of it, nor did I have any extra duties that I was explicitly told that I needed to perform. Later throughout the season, I started to notice my teammates mimicking my styles and techniques and I highly enjoyed this feeling of being looked up to. I didn 't realize until years after that the recognition and pride I felt was leadership. This privilege of being captain was the first time I had realized that people weren 't necessarily following my actions because I was extraordinarily skilled, but because I provided this role model status with my confidence and encouragement. Some of the most valuable leaderships traits that I acquired and fortified are: