
The Reliability Of Honesty In Football

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Many times, when I am faced with a situation of lying or telling the truth I can never bring myself to do the former. Whether in academia or at home I always find myself being honest. That is why my best characteristic is my honesty and reliability. I take pride in my ability to be honest. And it is because of this honesty that I realize that I must by responsible for my actions and must act reliable. This can also be shown in both school and at home. I take pride in my reliability in academics. Whenever assigned anything or when I am working on a group project I always do my part and try to finish my work the most efficient way possible. However my reliability is not just limited to school. When I was playing soccer earlier in this year I was asked to get the scoreboard remote from the athletic director. I took the responsibility quite seriously and I knew the importance of bringing the remote to that home game. When I brought the remote the first day, I decided to take the responsibility of bringing the remote back and forth. Ever since that, the coach was able to rely on me for helping around with the team. At that moment I truly understood that being reliable is very important and the effect of being reliable. …show more content…

In soccer I was reliable and the effect was that the coach knew so and appointed me for captain of JV soccer. This was the first true position in my life in which I was a leader and was able to show leadership. I would lead a warm up run around the field at the beginning of every game. Afterward I would lead a stretch and a drill. Occasionally I would make new drills and keep my colleagues on track. I learned how to delegate responsibilities with my teammates such as who would pick up the cones and balls and etc. As a result of my experiences as captain of soccer I was able to get other leadership positions in and out of

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