
The Research Article On Vaccination Essay

Decent Essays

From 1995- 2001, late VKDB was found in 18 out of 475,372 case of live births.
• Over a 6-year period (458,184 live births), there was only one case of early and four cases of late VKDB. In 2003, a third dose of oral VK was introduced into Swiss guidelines to better prevent VKDB (Laubscher, Banziger & Schubiger, 2013).

• The quantitative article found that the incidence of late VKDB was 0.87/105 (95% CI 0.24-2.24). In comparison to the 1995-2001 data, there were significantly less cases of late VKDB (Chi square test with Yates correction for continuity, (P=0.007). The research article concluded that VKDB prophylaxis with 3 oral doses of VK seemed to better prevent infants from developing VKDB.

• The qualitative article addressed three main topics in its study:
• Attitudes regarding vaccination,
• Knowledge about vaccination
• Decision-making about Vaccination

There were mothers who wanted their infants vaccinated (“vaccinator,” n=25) in which they agreed to, did not question, or accepted vaccination but had significant concerns (Benin, Wisler-Scher, Colson, Shapiro, & Holmboe, 2006). Where in contrast, mothers who did not intend to vaccinate (“non-vaccinators,” n=8) either rejected or purposely delayed vaccinating, chose only to vacate their newborns with some vaccines (Benin, Wisler-Scher, Colson, Shapiro, & Holmboe, 2006).

• In conclusion, establishing a trusting and positive relationship was an underlying theme in the decision making about administrating

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