Britain controlled many nations such as Canada, India, and Africa, which creates enemies for Britain, such as France, Belgium, Russia and Germany. Power and wealth of a country were shown by its colonial possessions and their expansion abilities, therefore causing large powers to try to conquer smaller nations. Due to this, larger powers try to conquer more land, which is causing more wars, more enemies or
C. England and Prussia fought against France and Austria. Britain's main goal was to destroy France's ability to trade goods around the world.
The British were victorians in their war against the French and Indians but did go threw some struggles. At the end of the war, France ceded all of its land in North America, east of the Mississippi
The British Octopus shows how much power and territories all over the world, which made them both powerful and dangerous (Document 10). Having all of the territories in so many different places led to a lot of raw material and resources for Britain. Having control over so many countries and colonies means that they had a very powerful military because they had so many soldiers. The Colonial Possessions map shows that Britain and France had many territories throughout most of Asia and Africa, while Germany had almost nothing (Document 11). Since Britain and France had more territories than Germany did, they probably had a better military, more natural resources, and raw
Many different countries such as France, Germany and the United States, were trying to make improvements to their empires by expanding their territory. This was a form of expansionism. There was an industrial boom in this period. Many railroads were created, steam power was used and ways to communicate faster, pushed Britain to expand their empire. Countries like Russia and Germany were traveling through eastern Europe to see what land was out there. Russia was looking for new territory so they would not have to be dependent on imports. The lack of land and bread forced Russia to search for new territory. As Germany expanded their arsenal other counties were looking for ways to keep up with the arms race. New technology such as machine guns and trench warfare made other countries aware of the fulled race for empire expansionisms. After napoleon's reign through western europe Germany, Russia and the U.S had to come up with the system of alliances in order to protect their land and political interest.
The French and Indian War afflicted the relationship between the British and American colonies in almost every way possible, economically, politically and ideologically. The French and Indian war altered the economic relationship between Britain and its American colonies because it created a war debt and caused Britain to levy taxes on the colonies. Britain also put tax on us Americans along with them and the United States holding off on trade. In 1777 during the French and Indian war the Stamp Act was passed causing higher tax rates adding on to the previous taxes on goods from smuggling and the seizing of the British Soldiers. The British colonists felt threatened and wanted to separate due to the tax.
Each of the great powers had strong, nationalistic feelings, which instilled in them a sense of superiority over other countries. As a result, each country began dominating nearby countries which they believed to be inferior. The great powers allocated most of a dominated country’s resources to their own countries, which made them more powerful, and therefore gave them more control. However, the peoples of occupied countries often had their own nationalistic feelings, and they refused to accept the cultures the great powers were trying to force on them, became another source of
The United States has faced many conflicts from the 18th century to the mid 20th century on the road to becoming the country it is today. Wars have been part of many conflicts that have broken out between the United States and various other powers during this time. The wars have cost many lives and allowed for the United States to rise to superpower status and stay a powerful nation in today’s world. But, the United States actions caused them to become part of many wars because they increased tensions between themselves and other countries causing war to be inevitable. The United States actions led to war by increasing tensions making war inevitable in many situations from the 18th century to the mid 20th century by the idea of imperialism,
Though Britain gained the territory of New France and French Canada, France and Britain both suffered financially because of the war with significant long-term
To begin with, Britain obtained lands from both France and Spain as an outcome of the Treaty of Paris. They gained Florida from Spain and under “French negotiator Choiseul... Britain would gain all French territory east of the Mississippi” (Treaty of Paris 1). Also, because of their victory, the British were able to take down many of France’s naval bases, including Quebec, Guadeloupe,
Great Britain ended up making decisions that greatly harmed the colonists. As stated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, they were harmed in numerous ways. Jefferson said their seas were plundered, their towns were ravaged,
Let's start with India. India during this age had a lot to offer Britain. India was filled with raw materials that Britain wanted. They started the British East India Company in order to take over. They continuously grew in power and started to influence
On the map in Doc E a map of the world is shown showing how much of the world’s oceans Britain had under control. Then in Doc F we’re shown imperialism in the size of colonial empires. Once again, Britain had the most square miles of empire. Due to this, many countries felt threatened by Britain (as well as Russia) and promptly made Austria-Hungary and Germany worried about their trade. Nonetheless, this is not the underlying cause of war either. Control over more land doesn’t warrant a war.
Imperialist is considered a primary cause of war. With Europe’s growing economy and wealth, rivalries and competition for colonies among European nations were more
Imperialism occurred due to non-economic reasoning, which in the long term affected countries in a positive manner. Imperialism was a problem because the competing economic systems of the great modern empires posed a threat to world peace. Political ideas played a large role in Imperialism. Political ambitions arose from nationalism, in which they had a desire to become a stronger nation by expanding. In powerful countries, nationalism can lead to imperialism. For example, as seen decades before World War I, nationalism was rising in Germany, although many Germans believed that Germany needed to achieve an empire so they could prove they were as superior as France and England. But because of European industrialization, nations had an increased
By the 1900s, the British Empire ruled over colonies in North America, Australia, India and Africa. Over time,