A 19-year-old man recently broke into a home in Tulsa, Oklahoma in order to visit a girl, who was presumably his girlfriend, but he never expected his visit to end the way it did. Early in the morning on Sunday, police in Tulsa responded to the scene of the girl's home after they had received calls saying gunshots had been fired there. When they got to the home, the young male was lying on the ground unable to move because of a bullet wound. Police reported that the man allegedly entered the 19-year-old girl's bedroom through the window. Shortly after he entered the home, the couple started arguing, and he punched the girl in the face. The girl's mother heard the commotion coming from her daughter's room and she grabbed a gun, entered the
Simon Gittany was a male perpetrator. In almost 4 out of 5 intimate partner homicides the perpetrator was a male (Australian Institute of Criminology 1998).
In the year 2010, 26-year-old Kenzie Houk was found murdered in her bed. Kenzie was shot in her head. Kenzie was also eight months pregnant when she was murdered (nydailynews.com). The person who found the body was her 4-year-old daughter. When the police officers arrived at the scene, they searched to see if anybody broke into the house. The police officers were unable to find any force entry. The police officers even thought it was a possibility that Kenzie ex-boyfriend could of committed the murder, but they were unable to connect him to the murder. Eventually, the police officers found out that the murderer was none other then the 11-year-old Jordan Anthony Brown.
When you see the shows such as Homicide Hunter or Killer Instincts many times my mom and I try to figure out who is the murder. Most of the time my prediction is right because of the details my mom misses, and putting together all the clues. From then on I realised I had a gift, even if it was I was just watching television show. That is what sparked my interest the criminal justice area. I have contemplated the career choices that would best fit my interest leaving me with Homicide Detective and Criminologist. While both careers deal with criminal justice they differ greatly in the type of work environment, pay, skills/education.
The online documentary filmed by Frontline, The Killer at Thurston High, goes into the life of Kip Kinkel, leading up to him killing his parents, two fellow classmates and injuring 25 more. This film examines Kip Kinkel’s life, looking for clues that lead to him committing this mass murder. Areas that were explored such as his upbringing, social life, his hobbies, and events that led him to seeing a psychologist for depression. All of these areas that the documentary covered show a gradual, consistent build up in concerning behavior. This documentary shows that there were precursors leading up to these tragic events like the Thurston High shooting and the list of troubling behavior that can lead to this.
The use of what are now considered illegal drugs date back as far as 300 BC in many different places of the world. Historically, it has not only been criminals that used illegal drugs. Drugs were used for many things including medicinal purposes, spiritual enlightenment, rituals, as well as for recreation. They were also used by many different cultures, age groups, and social classes. There was a time when the only thing around to alleviate physical pain either from illness, injury, or even during the process of dying were some of these drugs. There were no illegal drugs in the United States until the mid-nineteenth century. This is an essay on 12 of these illegal drugs individually as reported on in the History Channels documentary “Hooked, Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way”.
Chapter 13 - after hearing about willie blount tries to convince the copland's to let him help but everyone says it will only make it worst.he tries to leave but he is drunk to he ends up in a room with dr copland and they talk about what to do but they end up getting in a fight
The mother called 911 and gathered her legally owned firearms. The mother, who was panicked, asked the 911 operator if she could shoot the intruder. The response from the operator was, “…you do what you have to do to protect your baby,” (Owens and Dolak). When the intruder entered the room, the mother took aim and fired. Upon being shot, the intruder fled and turned himself in to the police. The 911 call lasted twenty-one minutes. If the mother had been required to wait for police to arrive, she and her child could easily have been harmed, but because of Oklahoma’s “Stand Your Ground” laws the mother and child were able to survive the encounter unscathed. Unfortunately, there may not always time to call and wait for police assistance. Instead citizens are forced to take matters into their own hands to protect themselves. If people are unable to properly defend themselves, then the perpetrator may be able to successfully commit a crime and escape. If New Jersey adopts “Stand Your Ground” laws then mothers, fathers, and American citizens will be able to immediately protect themselves, their families, and their
The National Geographic film, A Portrait of a Killer, examines the types of stress that living beings can endure, and how it can thus affect the rest of their bodies. Severe chronic stress can lead even lead to the destruction of brain cells. Dr. Robert Sapolsky is a neurobiologist of Stanford University who has been researching stress for over thirty years. In order to study stress and its implications upon nonhumans, he went to Africa to study baboons. This species has only three hours of stress caused by eating, and the rest of their daily routine is consumed by about nine hours of free time. Much like Western society, baboons socially stress out one another, as they have social hierarchies to regulate how them interact with one another.
There are unquestionable sections of offences taken into consideration when determining the facts and giving orders in court. These can be an action of wrong doing or a crime which an individual did up to his/her choice without a conscious thought. Diminished responsibility can minimise a crime from a maximum sentence of murder to a lower sentence of manslaughter. Diminished responsibility involves a person murdering another person and the person who committed the crime will not be declared guilty of murder, but will be declared mentally unstable. For example, a less advanced state of mind or someone who might have been involved in an accident and his or her mind persuades them to commit a crime which is beyond their control.
People go missing all the time and are found in just a short amount of time. But what about the people who go missing and are never found again? Murders in Illinois are more common than not. In these four cases, the individual goes missing mysteriously and are recovered in pieces or not at all. How does this happen? People may never know but the families will keep fighting until someone gives them an answer.
Murder on a Sunday Morning is about an African American boy who was wrongly convicted of murder. He was only fifteen years old when his life changed forever. While first watching the documentary, it seems to the audience that Brenton Butler, the convicted boy, is guilty. Mr. Stephens, husband of the victim, Ann Stephens, claims that Butler came over, tried to take Anna Stephens’ purse, and then before she could comply, he raised his gun and shot her in the face. Sadly, Mr. Stephens was the only eye-witness, which is a major red flag, as he is connected to the victim. After being forced by the detective, Butler confesses. Once defense attorney, Patrick McGuinness is involved, he has Butler tell the court of his innocence and thus beings the criminal proceedings for Brenton Butler.
According to Salacuse (2006) organizations are composed of individuals with separate self-interest. If, an organization allowed these diverse individuals to exercise their own motivations the organization would not achieve its desired goal. Therefore, every organization provides a sense of direction that its members must abide with, in order to accomplish the desired outcome. Organizations utilize leaders to assist it defining, implementing and inspiring members to move in the desired direction.
Murder in the city occurs due to different reasons, and there is an interconnection of various factors that motivate individuals to commit crimes. Key factors for this phenomenon are social, economic, and political. Murder in the city can be analyzed or investigated from sociological approach since those who commit the crimes have to undergo a decision-making process for them to identify who to commit their heinous crime or whether they are justified to do.
At the scene of a murder rests a key piece of forensic evidence, a knife coated in two sets of blood. The blood of the victim and the blood of the murderer. Conveniently, luck sided with the hands of the law and the unidentified blood by chance happened to have an incredibly rare blood disorder only present within one of every one million men. The city’s police force are for certain that the murderer resides within their district and as the capital and surrounding area only hold a population of about 15 million citizens they are fully determined on catching the culprit. The police force instantly begin categorizing all the citizens within their database by their blood types in order to find a proper match. Once again with the evidence on their side, they quickly discovered a match. The suspect is brought in and swiftly marched off to trial with no other evidence to convict him other than ‘his blood at the scene of the crime’. The jury is told that there is a one in a million chance of the defendant being innocent of said crimes as there is solid evidence of his presence at the crime scene. Believing his involvement in the murder of the victim, the defendant is therefore duly convicted. The proposed question is, what is the probability that he did not commit the crime?
Laying down in your bed, you hear this consistent knocking. You try to sleep through it but it seems as if it will never quit. Curious, you roll out of bed away from the comfort of your wife’s warm body but cautiously move closer, step by step downstairs into the direction of the sound. Each step you take wondering whether or not your house is being robbed. You finally ease your way downstairs and quickly flip the light switch only to find your home empty and totally void of any damage or evidence of a theft of any kind; however, you still hear the sound. You notice it’s coming from your front door, but its 3 A.M. on a school night. The hairs on the back of your neck begin to rise and your heart beats faster, wondering who is violently knocking on your front door. You remember the incident at your store where a brick was thrown through the window and how you angered the community by canceling a game and blemishing a season with such a historical start. You pull the shade back on the front door, revealing not an angered parent, but Timo Cruz, once a player on your basketball team that you haven’t seen for weeks, covered in blood. You hastily unlatch the door and invite him in. At first sight, he begins muttering the events leading up to him now covered in his cousin’s blood. He tells how he scared off some bullies for the other players on the basketball team with the gun in his waistline, but only to witness his cousin slaughtered from across the street.