
The Road Not Taken Literary Devices

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If asked to name the most historically famous poet, an array of names such as Emily Dickenson, William Wordsworth, Shakespeare, or Robert Frost may arise. However, if the same question, regarding the most poem was asked, a common denominator would be likely to be found. Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken” is one of the most historically and scholarly renowned poems that has ever been published. Despite a substantial portion of its fame coming from an optimistic interpretation of the poem, thoroughly reading through and studying the poem will lead most people to the consensus that it is very much worthy of being acclaimed as one of the best poems ever written. The poem “The Road Not Taken” uses both its structure and an array of literary …show more content…

Robert Frost uses a plethora of literary devices to present the idea that humans are the product of the decisions they make. “The Road Not Taken” uses analogy, and an allegorical story where a man is walking down a road and is forced to choose a path to follow. While the poem illustrates a man walking down a road, the actual words of the poem can be translated into a deeper meaning of person being forced to pick between two paths of life. Frost some time to describe the different paths. In the second two lines of the first stanza, the narrator explains that he looked down one path as far as he could, but under growth prevented him from seeing far. In this instance, frost used a metaphor to express that when it comes to decision making, analyzing the future outcome can only help to a certain extent. The following stanzas expresses that the narrator chooses the other path. Frost uses the alliteration “wearing want” to describe that path, to highlight the reasoning the narrator used to decide to take that path. In the final stanza, Frost expresses again about two different paths. He uses repetition to reiterate the importance of decision-making. Frost eloquently illustrates that the path a person chooses will determine who he will …show more content…

Rather than using Iambic Pentameter, the most common use of iambs, the author uses Iambic Tetrameter. This alone makes the outcome of poem stand out, as Frost chose that path not usually taken. Robert Frost skillfully organizes the structure and stanzas of his poem in a way that highlights the process of decision making. The first stanza illustrates a man realizing that there is a split in the road, and he must choose which way to go. The second stanza shows the man considering his options. The third stanza is where the man finally makes his decision of which path he will take. The fourth stanza illustrates the man’s acceptance of the decision he made. The last two lines in the last stanza leave a resounding impact on the reader. The lines read: “I took the one less traveled by, /And that has made all the difference.” The last line is often misinterpreted and used to support the idea of going a separate way, rather than following the crowd. However, a richer understanding is found in the realization that Frost is emphasizing that a person will be the product of the path that they

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