oth The Robber Bridegroom and The Trespasser are revised from its original versions. The novel of The Robber Bridegroom by Welty is based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale. In Campbell’s short story The Trespasser draws from the tale of Goldilocks and The Three Bears which was originated by the Robert Southey. In each work, there are similarities as well as changes that are made for significant reasons all related to folklore in which the context changes to better suit the audience. There are of course simple differences between Grimm and Welty’s portrayals of The Robber Bridegroom. One inconsistency is that Rosamund in Welty’s book is the daughter of a planter and in the other version the daughter of a miller. Although they are similar in plot as she must marry a rich man; whom she doesn’t know much about then follows him into the woods where she is either threatened to be killed or kept as a servant. There are more complex changes within the two Robber Bridegroom stories. In the Grimm version, the bride is seen as a helpless pawn. They story piles together foreshadowing signs of meetings with the bridegroom and the annihilation of the body, and the witnessing of the terrible fate of the “substitute” bride. There is also a difference in each ending in reference to the robber’s fate. In Grimm’s version, the robber is outed by the presence if the finger from Rosamund’s pocket and then executed for his wicked deeds. While in Welty’s version the story ends in marriage, with
To start, there are some differences between the two stories.In the passage from the novel The Georges and the Jewels the main character talks about falling off her horse, but instead of getting up right away she lies
These are just two examples out of many. The versions of fairy tales by Grimm and Disney are always similar in nature and moral. The differences in the details of the story range from minute to highly significant. The punishments placed upon the villains are always
The narrators in both works prove to be similar in several ways. In “The Tell-Tale Heart” the story is told through a psycho narrator; both stories contain apparent psychological imbalances within their story tellers, “
Their differences are from their fathers and royalty. In Aschenputtel, her father favors the stepsisters and he marries a new wife within the next season. When she goes to the ball, she meets the prince and he follows her home, finally finding her. Whereas in Twelve Months, the main character’s father is not included in the story at all. When she comes back, she meets a farmer. The farmer is considered the royal aspect in this tale. Their differences are what makes the story lines completely different, but have the same concept which is, good wins in the end.
A lot of the fairy tale stories that we have seen as young adults and even as adults are original folk tale stories that have been modified and rewritten to accommodate our new cultures. Cinderella happens to be one of these stories that have been changed over the years. There are many different versions of Cinderella, an African Cinderella, a Hungarian Cinderella and even a Chinese version. All of the Cinderella’s are similar in plot, but the author dictates the story’s theme based on the people whom he is writing for which completely changes the story’s tone, mood and other elements. While Perrault's version stresses the values and materialistic worries of his middle-class audience, Grimm’s' focus is on the harsh realities of life
These two stories were also very different, they were written in different views. The second story was written in first person, it told a story about a past experience. The first story was very general, it related to many women readers,
The narrators in the two stories both possess similar traits, but some aspects of each narrator are distinct. In “The Tell Tale Heart,” the narrator is
Some ways the original Tell Tale Heart and the rewritten version are similar are the mood and the plot. The mood of the stories are both suspenseful and erie and build up tension throughout the story. According to (Poes) text it states, “I arose and argued about trifles, in a high key and with violent gesticulations, but the noise steadily increased.” According to (Johnson’s) text it states,”We talked a little longer, and then suddenly he gripped his head, and doubled over. Something was wrong.” This quotation also built up suspense because the man across from the policemen fell over and made the policemen nervous about whether or not the man was the murderer. Another thing that makes both versions is the plot. The plot of both stories are in the old man’s house in the 1800’s. According to (Poes) text it states, “And then, when my head was well in the room, I undid it just so much that a single thin ray fell upon the vulture eye.” The narrator was in the old man’s bed room, waiting for the perfect time to commit the murder. According to (Johnson’s) text it states, “We went all around the large house, and saw nothing suspicious or anything that could have caused a murder. The man pulled up three wooden chairs, and let us sit and we chatted amongst ourselves, while he sat across from us.” The policemen sat in the exact place where the corpse was under the floorboards, and never noticed until the man showed them.
There are many different versions of the classic story, Cinderella. Grimm’s version was just as wonderful, but had more twisted moments than Disney’s story. Both stories are about a girl who overcomes the cruelty of her evil stepmother and stepsisters and ends up living happily ever after. Although, there are many differences, there are three that stand out. The three main differences are, the father died in disney's version but did not die in Gimms version, there was no fairy godmother in Grimm's version but there was in Disney's, and in the original version the stepsisters cut their heels and toes off so it would fit in the slipper but in the Disney version they did not.
This interactive oral touched on a number of different topics that helped further my cultural and contextual understanding of The Thief and the Dogs. Although all of the topics discussed by this group connected to the novel, I found the most connections within the topic explaining the Egyptian views on marriages and divorce in the 1950s. I learned that Egyptian laws tend to discriminate against women in terms of divorce and adultery. However, women are allowed to divorce their husbands so long as they can prove in a course of law that their husbands are not adequately providing for their families. Additionally, it is quite common for people to remarry after divorce and this practice is not frowned upon. This connects to the novel in terms of
The way Cinderella and Tam are getting married is the most significant difference between the two tales. According to country’s traditions and the culture, every tale takes a different way to find a partner. Cinderella meets the prince at the party. She dances with him; she loves him from the first sight. Otherwise, Tam never meets the prince. The prince loves the shoe 's owner after the birds have thrown it in front of him. He falls in love with Tam because he thinks the shoe 's owner will be pretty according to her feet 's size.
Today, the total percentage of forest cover of the earth is approximately thirty percent (“Deforestation”). That is about nine percent of the world’s total surface. The largest rainforest is the Amazon River Basin, located in South America. The Amazon is home to many species of animals, insects, plants and trees. Many of the trees and plants in the Amazon produce about twenty percent of the oxygen on earth, and absorb carbon. However, the Amazon is decreasing in size every day due to the ongoing deforestation of the land. Deforestation is when the forest of the land are cleared or destroyed, in order to be used for other actions (“Deforestation”). The Amazon is twenty percent less than it was about forty years ago (Wallace). In just about
1) Prescribed Text – The Book Thief a. Compose a summary/synopsis of the text (plot/themes/characters/key concerns). (100 words only)
Grimm’s tale conveys a story of a girl whose morals, soul, and faith in God and her mother’s words are what defines her beauty. They reinstate this point by describing even the step-sisters as works of beauty. By
Have you ever had a dark and gloomy day? Imagine having that feeling every single day. The Grimm’s Cinderella was written in 1812. 1812 was one of the harshest years for America. An event that formed it was the war against Great Britain and the United States. Not only was there a war, but there was also a series of disastrous harvests. Taxes got higher, and more than twenty people who were involved with a Luddite Act were hung. In 1812, there was also the only assassination of a prime minister, who was shot dead in the House of Commons. The Grimm Brothers have put the dark times of 1812 into their stories. Some of their stories contain violence, child abuse, and wicked mothers. They came up with these types of stories after their father died, and when they struggled out of school. That gave them enough time to research and put together a collection of folk tales. Now you can see why the Grimm’s Cinderella was dark and gloomy. Although the plot stayed the same, over the years, the story did get lighter. Disney’s Cinderella came out in 1950. In 1950, learning information was not by fear, but by engaging happiness. Disney’s Cinderella transforms the Grimm’s Cinderella into a happier atmosphere. While some similarities between Disney’s Cinderella and Grimm’s Cinderella are noticeable, the differences are pronounced, especially when referring to the slippers, her father, and the ball.