In considering her rodent-esque, he certainly didn’t know how close to the truth he was. All her life, she had struggled with whether she was subhuman, or superhuman, but the fact remained that she was nothing more than a lab rat—a test subject with no choice in the matter. Prior to some… devastating events, her outlook on life was bleak—she was to remain in the facility, moving from her “private” quarters to various rooms for testing on the daily, getting fed nutrient-rich mush five times a day, exercising whenever they put her in the fitness room, et cetera. Her life was laid out for her, even down to most of her bathroom breaks. And though they told her that her room, with a small, twin-sized bed she sometimes rolled out of, in her sleep, in the middle of the night, with an incredibly small adjoined bathroom facility with what seemed like a two-foot-by-two-foot shower stall, a cold, harsh stainless steel toilet and sink, was private, but this was not true. There were cameras, hidden well, but still detectable, that could view her at any angle the scientists pleased. Degrading. A genetic miracle of science, she was given the name Genevieve by the scientists who had taken it upon themselves to raise her from “birth” to the age of four—at …show more content…
She had taken their life in her hands and ruined it, though this is a story for another time. One of the scientists who seemed to be far too personally invested in the little rat had lent her a hand in escaping, telling her, "Go, get out of here; if they cannot kill you, they will confine you for the rest of your existence. So go. And remember that you can trust nobody and you must talk to nobody, for, if someone were to find out exactly what you are, I cannot say for sure what would happen… but it will not be good. Apart from that, you will be hunted. Leave, now, and don’t you ever come
In, “Dog Lab”, Claire McCarthy is a student as Harvard Medical School. She is strong willed with a drive to become the best doctor. Upon hearing about a “dog lab”, she became interested in what the lab had to offer. During class one day the professor introduced the lab, in which students were required to perform an operation on a living dog. This shocked McCarthy in the sense it would require her to go against her morals. This would teach her a Signiant life lesson of having to do something against you believe in for the betterment of something. McCarthy explains “The lab took all day. We cut through the dog’s skin to find an artery and vein, into which we placed catheters. We injected different drugs and chemicals and watched what happened
The woman who changed science as we know it was never even supposed to even happen except the reason they got the information from her was because she never even knew what was going on when they were trying to figure what disease she had, the doctors took her cells and found something astonishing… they were immortal however the thing they didn’t know about this cell is how to feed it. After a while they gave it the right nutrition and now it’s in many places in the world today,
As Coretta Scott King once said, “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” The short story “Mojave Rats” by Kristin Valdez Quade explores the relationship between Monica, who offers no compassion to the people around her, her daughters Cordelia and Beatrice, and her second husband Elliot. They moved from Los Angeles to Shady Lanes RV park in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Monica feels superior and out of place and lives convinced that Elliott will soon finish his geological expedition so that they can climb into academia and live a flawless and carefree life as a happy family. They live isolated from the rest of their community and Monica does not have any allies to help her through her
Rat infestations have swarmed throughout the world, looking for food, and spreading diseases, so of course people attempt to get rid of them. First off, they spread disease. It states in Source 1, “Around 60% of the rodents carry Weil's disease...” This quote states that the majority of all rodents, have Weil’s disease. That means that if you see a rat, it is probably infected with disease. This is incredibly dangerous for people walking the street, or someone without a home. That person who does not have a home, could get a disease very easily. The rats can carry disease and they can spread that disease, it even states in Source 4, “It was this rat which ushered in the Black Plague.” In this piece, they are speaking of Black Rats. These rats were probably one of the unlucky 60%, or it was a carrier something that was on them.
The black rat originated in Asia in the Mongolian Empire. They were wild borrowing animals who hosted the microorganism Yersinia pestis, which was natural disease in the wild borrowing animal’s population. Humans and these animals did not cross paths until the development of roads crossing through the domain of the rats. Following the onset of the leprosy scare throughout Europe, another deadlier infection was about to change their perspective on life and the world. The Church held the most power over the monarchs and peasant people life, alike, during the leprosy endemic, but at the start of a new infection they would lose their power vary rapidly as it came to be. Just as the Church lost it power and influence different churches emerged from the plague as did other lasting societal impacts. The plague ravaged through Europe and destroyed their current way of life and inflicting societal changes that are still present today.
Aimee Klein, Ms. Emfield, World Literature, 4 March 2024. Comparison Essay: The similarities and differences of text. In the story, “The Most Dangerous Game,” the antagonist of the story, General Zaroff, could have easily killed the protagonist, Rainsford, at any moment in the text. They have gone face to face with each other many times, while Rainsford was very much vulnerable.
In “Word of Mouse” by James Patterson, the characters intelligent and confident qualities contribute to the speaker's message is that “Knowledge is power and power is confidence”. For example,“The rats are gigantic. It doesn’t matter. Like I said, I have this pretty incredible thing I can do. KIBBLE!, I scream. The rat looks at me. I recognize that look.It’s fear, in a flash,they’re gone”(25).This shows how Intelligent Isaiah is by scaring the rats away by screaming, “Kibble”, and that’s what made him feel more confident to survive on his own in the real world. Another example is when he was attacked by a cat named Lucifer, he found a sprinkler system and made the cat afraid of Isaiah, making him feel more intelligent. Thus, after they ran
(at Page 68). They had treated him as if he was an animal and didn't
Coco follows Miguel Rivera’s journey to becoming a musician. Miguel, a young boy, comes from a family of shoemakers that started with his great-great-grandmother Imelda Rivera. The Rivera family hates music as Imelda’s husband left her to pursue music. However, Miguel loves music which creates a rift between him and his family. He idolizes Ernesto De La Cruz the world’s most popular musician that came from his home town.
Michelle was sitting in her OB-GYN’s office, having just confronted him with the dilemma she was facing.
A virtual rat, Sniffy, was used for this experiment. Sniffy the Virtual Rat, Pro Version 3.0 allows for the demonstration of Pavlovian and operant conditioning of a virtual rat. Tom Alloway, Greg Wilson, and Jeff Graham, authors of Sniffy the Virtual Rat designed this program to be an affordable alternative for students to gain “access to the main phenomena of classical and operant conditioning that courses on the psychology of learning typically discuss” (Jakubow, 2007). The program allows for simulations for Pavlovian conditioning such as acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, stimulus-intensity effects, compound conditioning, blocking, overshadowing, overexpectation, inhibition, sensory preconditioning,
There are many different forces that cause poverty in America as well as other places around the world. All countries and or territories have some type of poverty, No one can deny that. Different forces such as bad government policy, overpopulation, high standards of living, costs of living, environmental degradation, and lack of individual responsibility are some of the forces that contribute to poverty. The poor in developing countries are trapped. They lack education, good nutrition, and a safe place to raise their families. They cope with harsh social, economic, and environmental hardships that leave them cold, hungry and sick.
Once upon a time there lived a lanky little rat named Rudy. Rudy’s fur was very dull and felt like needles. She lived in a tiny village where all the animals knew each other. Every afternoon she would meet with her friends at the riverbank to tell stories of their morning. One day Rudy scurried to the riverbank excited to share with her friends a cheesecake she had baked just for them, but when she arrived at the meeting spot, no one was there. Worried and confused, Rudy hurried in to town to look for her friends there. Just as she reached the main road, her body froze as she watched the most beautiful creature strolling through town. Rudy looked around and noticed she was not the only animal in the village mesmerized by this beautiful
First, Yep feels that he isn’t good enough for his father. Yep feels that he isn’t strong enough or smart enough to play a single game of ball. Next, Yep feels that his dad hates him and likes Eddy better because his dad always plays ball with Eddy. Yep feels that his dad ignores him because he is a failure to his dad. Then, Yep feels like he isn’t good at anything and he can’t succeed being with his dad. Yep feels that he can’t be strong like his dad. In conclusion, Yep feels that his father hates him and that Yep is nothing but a little bug to his dad.
Punka gently took the rat's gift to them, holding the precious candle in their hand instead of shuffling it directly into a pocket. Somehow, the texture felt nice. They just wanted to hold onto it and roll it around in their palm. /How cute!/ they thought. Not as many people were as privledged as them as to recieve gifts from rats. Star was a very special rat, no less. And although they had never seen the full extent of how much magic the rat held, they did know that a rat with any amount of magic was no ordinary rat. /Oh man, I should've brought Clementine along. She would've loved to play with Star,/ they thought. Clementine had asked them to come with, and there wouldn't have really been any trouble in it, but Punka wasn't sure of bringing a human to a witch's meeting. They'd actually felt kinda bad to say no, but would reconsiter for the next one.