As an international student from Taiwan, chances are I already carry different perspectives in terms of what role of an Occupational Therapist is in our daily life or what specialty an Occupational Therapist should possess, let alone the cultural difference. For example, there is a phenomenon, at least in Taiwan, where many people treat medical personnel like a babysitter and lack the ability to distinguish medical personnel’s specialty. As I pursue OT degree with such background, I believe I can enrich the program, and even the entire OT field, by unveiling the issues, taking Taiwan as the reflection, that other countries might undergo likewise or confront someday; the profession can be enhanced by exploring both common and new issues. In
Patricia have been in the hospital since 2015, she asked to the occupational therapy to help to be discharge from the hospital to live in the community center. The OT starting to discuss about the discharge process with the therapist team. In result, the therapist orientated the client prepare for the discharge interview, and worked in researches possible places. The occupational therapist working two times a week to get Patricia independent, and giving the client information about how attain success in the interview process.
My roles of occupation in my life are being a student, daughter, sister, and an employee. As this moment, my main role is being student in occupational therapy program. I attend to every single classes with a main purpose that I will receive the knowledge that I need to know in order to get my degree in Occupational Therapy Assistance.
Each day clients engage in meaningful and purposive occupations that can be affected by a multitude of incidents that may either support or hinder a client’s ability to function. Traumatic injuries are just one example of incidents that may hinder a client’s occupational performance. Injury can often times lead clients to experience disruptions in their capacities to achieve full occupational performance. Clients who do experience diminished occupational performance can find support through an Occupational Therapist (OT). The OT will utilize a therapeutic decision making process to determine the most appropriate theory along with the client’s knowledge of his or her own needs and wishes to guide therapy. Employing and supporting the client as an advocate for their own needs can allow an OT to determine theories of practice that are best suited for the client’s return to wellbeing. An OT should first attempt to realize the needs and wishes of a client and once an understanding has evolved of what is meaningful to the client the therapist can assess performance skills and patterns that can be addressed by theories developed specifically for OT.
“You treat a disease: you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you win-no matter what the outcome.”— Patch Adams This quote motivates me to become an occupational therapist. An Occupational therapist has to apply their specific knowledge to enable people to engage in activities of daily living that have personal meaning and value. Develop, improve, sustain, or restore independence to any person who has an injury, illness, disability or psychological dysfunction("Occupational Therapists."Ohio Means Jobs). Occupational therapy allows people across the lifespan to do the activities they want and need to do and a Occupational therapist will help kids get there ("Occupational Therapist." About Careers). An occupational therapist offers many benefits and opportunities because you get to be with kids and help kids while you work.
Living longer, living better is a policy designed by the Gillard Government in 2012 which aims to firstly combat the provision of the ageing population, and secondly to facilitate the enablement of the older population to live a higher quality of life and promote a positive ageing experience. Active ageing refers to the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. This new aged care reform has multiple target populations including older individuals, carers, and aged care providers. The policy also targets employers by supporting them to enable older adults to remain in the workforce for longer, as well as culturally and linguistically diverse groups, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex community, veterans and Indigenous Australians. This essay will cover a background into this policy including a historical perspective. The essay will also highlight the key messages within this policy and will draw on and relate to occupational therapy models and practice. This essay will also include the relation of the policy to the health promotion principles.
If you were to walk around a college campus and randomly ask students what they were going to do with their lives you would most likely be answered with tears, confused looks, and some near breakdowns. Luckily for me I’ve always known that I’ve wanted to become an Occupational Therapist.
The name of the society changed in 1923, due to hospitals wanting a national directory of qualified occupational therapists. There now was a minimal standard of training that had to be met before an individual was put in the directory (AOTA, 2009). The name was changed to the American Occupational Therapy Association. The American Medical Association worked with the American Occupational Therapy Association starting in 1933 on getting improved education programs for occupational therapists (AOTA, 2009).
Without occupational therapists, millions of people would struggle to live their everyday lives. Occupational therapists give specialized assistance to people with physical, developmental, social or emotional problems. This assistance is used to live productive and independent or semi independent lives. Occupational therapists can be used, and is effective for people of all ages. Many people have not heard of occupational therapy and are not aware of the positive impact it has on members of our society. With this paper I want to spread the knowledge that I have on occupational therapy. Many people that could benefit from occupational therapy do not even know that it exists. This career is difficult for everyone involved, but the impact it has
Occupational Therapist work on patients who have been through illnesses or are disabled and they help improve the skills patients use in their daily life. They observe, evaluate, demonstrate exercises, develop treatments, evaluate patient's homes, educate family members of what they have to do, reccomend special kinds of equipment, and record the patient's progress. Many occupational therapist use special equipment to help with some of the activities they do with the patients especially autistic children. This career is very helpful and useful to many people who have problems doing activities they do in their everyday life. Occupational therapist have a copious amount of requirements or qualifications, they have a very gratifying salary and
For my career exploration assignment I have chosen the field of occupational therapy. Not only am I a certified occupational therapists assistant, but I also have a passion for this field. Occupational therapy wasn’t something that I have always wanted to pursue, but once I got into college and observed an occupational therapist I fell in love with the occupation. Occupational therapy is the unique focus on occupation and daily life activities and the application of an intervention process that facilitates engagement in occupation to support participation in everyday life (American Occupational Therapy Association [AOTA], 1994). As therapists we are here to help our patients return to the highest level of independent physical function. Patients come to us in their lowest time, and it is our job to help build them up, and teach them how to be more independent, and to live their life to the fullest. Occupational therapists assistants do everything from increasing a patient’s standing/sitting tolerance and balance, safety with transfer training, dressing, bathing, grooming, and bed mobility. A lot of people always ask, “Physical therapy and occupational therapy are the same thing right?” That is not true. Physical therapy helps with the bigger movements, such as walking and lower extremity muscles, where as occupational therapy focuses on smaller, more fine motor movements, such as clothing manipulation, and grooming tasks. Occupational therapy helps to regain independence
Due to their inability to adjust to American culture and traditions, European Immigrants crowded Psychiatric facilities. Mental illness was looked at from the medical perspective and was viewed as incurable, causing individuals to be directed to asylums. Revolutionizing ideas about the causes and treatments of mental illness and deinstitutionalization revived the role of Occupational Therapist in the role of treatment of mental illness. A century later, and though the assistance of occupational therapy in mental health and in the community remain available, still the prevalence in the 18-25-year-old group continues at double the rate of the general population (AOTA). The recovery model emphasizes independence and supports a person’s journey
The summer before my junior year I shadowed an OT and had my first glimpse of the profession. The week after shadowing I left to work as a camp counselor at Victory Junction, a camp for children with chronic and terminal illnesses. That summer provided opportunities that have truly changed my life. I worked in a cabin each week with children from a different disease group, including diabetes, cancer, spina bifida, and cerebral palsy. Since we became their primary caretakers for the week we were responsible for all aspects of their care. This included monitoring blood sugar during diabetes week, setting up feeding tubes for children with gastrointestinal disorders, and monitoring temperatures closely during sickle cell week. I also acquired
Occupational Therapist enables people to engage and participate in everyday activities trough occupation. The latter role is not only applicable for individuals but also groups or populations. Eventually, with the increase of the aging population, expensive health care services, occupational therapists will have to incorporate health promotion practices into their actual roles.To cope with this phenomenon and to better meet older adult’s needs, the occupational therapist 's role would benefit from being enlarged.Expanding their knowledge and their practices in promoting health will facilitate their work in other domains.This will help them to shift from an individual to a population approach. To achieve that transition, therapists should be more involved in decisions taken by politicians regarding health and to develop services and programs that promote well-being, health, and quality of life. Also, collaboration with other fields such as schools, workplaces, industries, deputies and organizations will help them spread strategies that promote awareness and enable the population to control and maintain an independent healthy lifestyle. Also, therapists understand that the environment can be a crucial factor on health population. Therefore ,they can put pressure on the government to make public places more accessible to disabled people such as providing the subway of a wheelchair ramp and adapt crosswalks to the blind by adding pedestrian signals that include speakers at
The entire profession of Occupational Therapy draws on the idea that occupation can be used to alter an individual 's mental and physical well-being. Occupational therapists use occupation as a tool to achieve this. Participation in occupation is believed to be a significant factor in providing a method for individuals to not only promote, but also maintain their health and well-being (Law, Steinwender and Leclair, 1998).
Occupational therapy (OT) is a theory based therapy that supports people who have mental or