
The Role Of Antislavery In Uncle Tom's Cabin

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During the 1850s, a mass of abolitionist lectures, conventions, and literature increased antislavery sentiment in the North. Media outlets such as antislavery newspapers, covered rescues of fugitives, Dred Scott case, and the bloody crisis in Kansas. Political representatives such as the Republican candidates in the state and local elections, voiced their concerns about slavery’s expansion and southern power. Such factors spread the antislavery sentiment; reaching individuals beyond committed abolitionists.

Literature played a crucial role within the antislavery movement. Words were used as tools to relay the harsh and evil structure of slavery. When the Fugitive Slave Act was passed, Northerners were reconsidering their role in sustaining the institution of slavery. Such feelings of negativity toward slavery were heightened by the release of the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The novel was comprised of the accounts from former slaves, abolitionist lectures, and writers. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was read by millions; exceeding the reach of other abolitionist literature. The autobiographies of …show more content…

The Dred Scott decision declared that Congress had no stitutional authority to exclude slavery from any territory, thereby nullifying the Missouri Compromise and future efforts to restrict the expansion of slavery. In response, Northerners became livid, believing that a Slave Power conspiracy had taken control over the government. The overall case created tension and distrust within society and the government. Perspectively, this contributed to the ideas of the antislavery movement and depicted what they were specifically fighting for.

The press, government, and overall abolitionist movement created a rise in awareness of the cruelty and fight against slavery. Many individuals who were not abolitionist began to see the reality of slavery and the

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