
The Role Of Autonomy In Sports

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Review of Literature A sampling of sport participants was surveyed using a 2x2 achievement goal framework with the intent of gaining an understanding of coach’s support for autonomy and how it complied with the basic psychological and motivational needs that an athlete might exhibit. Those motivational needs would be divided into four major categories which are components of two major halves, those four parts being, mastery avoidance goals, mastery performance goals, performance approach goals, and performance avoidance goals (Weston, 2011). The investigators used a standard deviation (M= 14.67, SD= 1.05). The results were collected, evaluated, then shared which highlighted that the majority of those surveyed played multiple sports and those sports included but weren’t limited to, soccer, volleyball, basketball, swimming, and tennis. The results of this study showed the investigators that, intrinsic motivational factors were …show more content…

More times than not the motives that these athletes possess, allow them to bridge any cultural or racial gap that might exist between their team mates, and or community which will ultimately allow said athlete or individual to raise their motivational climate, which in turn leads them to some form of success. That form of success again is predicated on whether or not that athlete believes in a higher power. For example, it has been proven that one motivational climate can be adversely affected by several different motivational factors, but investigators have yet been able to classify which factor or variable is most important. Some researchers might propose that belief plays the biggest part, in comparison to anything else because, if an athlete is truly exercising his or her faith would he or she not cast all other concerns, variables, and other motives to the side and truly focus on doing the work for the

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