
The Role Of Change In The Paradigm Of Training In Anesthesia

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Trainees should first learn basic peripheral nerve blocks where the nerves lie superficial and are easily identifiable, and on patients who do not have challenging anatomy (e.g. obesity) in order to minimize complications. The initial phase of training should include ultrasound scanning so the trainees can understand image interpretation and identify various anatomical structures such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles and fascial planes. The next phase of clinical training should be needle insertion and the last phase can be injection of local anesthesia. Each phase can be taught separately and progression to the next phase should occur once each phase has been mastered. During performance the trainee should be able to describe each step of the procedure. Once competency is reached in all phases, clinical training is allowed to occur under supervision. Change in the Paradigm of Training in Anesthesia: …show more content…

For example, the process of gaining competency in regional anesthesia requires a student to gain expertise in these milestones progressing from basic understanding of regional anesthesia (Level 1) to independent performance of regional anesthesia procedures and management of complications (Level

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