Climate change in today’s day in age attracts people’s attention very easily. There is no doubt that climate change will indeed affect everyone.
New York City will be my home for the next two years whilst I attend The City College. I believe that climate change will put coastal areas at risk. With the sea levels rising due to the melting of the ice sheets, extreme storm surges due to changes in weather patterns, and flooding they’ll threaten coastal infrastructure (buildings, transport, energy and water supply).
Climate itself adjusts time to time however recently it’s been noted that it’s been getting warmer more rapidly than expected, which in turn has melted ice sheets in the artic.The change the Artic will have an impact on the earth.
The Call of the Wild is a book that was made by an author called Jack London. The Call of the Wild is a Nonfiction book, meaning it did not happen in real life, that is about a dog named Buck going through treacherous landscapes just to get a bunch of different people to Alaska, so they can go gold panning. The main reason why people call this story a classic is because it is a story that people remember for a long time. These kinds of books are most of the time passed down from generation to generation which is what usually gives books the name classic. This book also inspires other people to write books that are very similar to it; an example of this is Lassie Come-Home.
Climate change includes changes in the average climate, such as a general warming in mean annual air temperature, and changes in the frequency of extreme temperature and precipitation events. Some world’s largest cities are located in coastal areas. This increases their vulnerability to rising sea levels and storm surges, risking livelihoods, property, and urban infrastructure.
Climate change is a issue that widely talked today. As the National Weather Service reports, the hottest temperature records are extending all over the United States since year 2010 (Schlesinger, William H, 2014). It is obvious that our world is heating. Global warming become more and more seriously. With the increase of temperature, many environment problems occur to have huge impact on our urban life, including: the sea level rise, air pollution and drought. These environment problems also endanger our area in a large part.
In the book, New York 2140, we can see the many effects that climate change has on a city like New York. This hypothetical future is a likely scenario for us if we don’t evaluate our actions and ideologies about the Earth and the climate. Throughout the novel we see how climate change has impacted the lives of the characters of the book and their actions. One of the thing that I believe is key to the book is Hurricane Fyodor.
Climate change is the most serious issue humankind is facing in the 21th century. Future generations depend on our ability to make the necessary social changes, before reaching the tipping point of irreversibility, which will lead the planet into a catastrophe incompatible with life.
With the rise of calamitous news regarding extremists groups taking over certain states, countries threatening to go to war, and viruses spreading throughout the world; the outlook of humanity does not look good. In addition to these dire headlines is the matter of climate change, which, unfortunately, is not as alarming to the public eye. Nonetheless, climate change is a pressing matter as it will impact every facet of society from economy to even human survival. Perhaps the general public find climate change as a vapid subject because of its nature to react belatedly to human activity, and how it is often represented with numbers, graphs, and projections; things that are not compelling to those that do not understand its importance. Even
One of the most unique aspects of climate change is its ability to impact every person in every nation across the world. Its omnipotent presence calls for, what I predict will be, the largest global initiative and
The earth’s climate has been changing and will continue to do so in the future. It is only going to keep on getting worse and it is getting to the point where humans will most likely end up in a situation of life threatening diseases and even death. Contagious diseases are spreading menacingly due to weather extremes as heat wave, droughts, cyclones, floods, and tornados (Dhaka). That is just the start of the effect of climate change and its consequences. Many scientists have already warned that millions of people would die in this century because of climate change unless the major reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is made (Dhaka). However, there are more than just reducing greenhouse gas emissions to help solve for climate change.
Climate change has been a subject of discussion in the media for many years, supported with the use of arguments against oil polluting the environment and extreme scare tactics of Polar ice caps flooding civilians backyards. The issue has been ignored by the majority of lay people as seeming too complicated, and with all the conflicting information in the media in the past, who can blame them? However, scientifically, climate change and what perpetrates it is fairly simple to understand and society as a whole is beginning to come to a clear consensus on climate change. Thanks in part to more readily available forms of media and information, people have become cognizant of the fact that climate change is a legitimate problem which requires immediate amelioration. While this may seem melodramatic, society is realizing that climate change is an issue which can no longer be denied if the human race wishes to continue.
Global warming, along with all of its negative impacts, harms the populations living on the Earth. Whether it is direct harm to an individual or harm caused to something which then impacts an individual, the effects of global warming do not go unnoticed. Due to its level of impact, “[c]limate change is … the greatest threat facing humanity. It will lead to small island states disappearing from the face of the earth, serious global threats to our food and water supplies, and ultimately the death of hundreds of millions of the poorest people in the world over the course of this century” (Doebbler). The list of consequences associated with climate change is infinite. This list will only continue to grow if society does not make an effort to do anything about it. If people were to realize that they themselves are the ones posing a threat to humanity, the situation would be different. However, most humans fail to recognize that global warming even exists, let alone the environmental, social, and economic toll it takes on the world. Instead, society concerns itself with other conflicts which it views as more important, leaving no room to worry about climate change. Many controversial issues exist in today’s society. They all have their own degree of importance and numerous consequences associated with them, and most of these issues will in some way, shape, or form impact
Climate change is a significant problem all around world for all species alike but one state that faces great possible endangerment of it is the state of New York. 1 Climate change by definition is the "a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels" There can be many causes and outcomes of climate change due to its ongoing increase in highly extreme temperatures. 2 Some causes of climate change are natural. These include changes in Earth 's orbit and in the amount of energy coming from the sun. Ocean changes and volcanic eruptions are also natural causes of climate change. According to "Most scientists say it 's very likely that most of the warming since the mid-1900s is due to the burning of coal, oil and gas. Burning these fuels is how we produce most of the energy that we use every day. This burning adds heat-trapping gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the air." The gases are being created causing harm to local states like New York and other states and countries alike are called greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases can cause great effects and conflicts of interest within the environment and ecosystem. Due to the increase in greenhouse gasses and carbon dioxide in atmosphere, the result has caused global temperatures to increase more than 1 degree Fahrenheit causing global
We are all well aware of climate change and the consequences that follow it, aren't we? Melting polar ice caps, disappearance of bees, greenhouse gases, extinction of animals - the list goes on. The world’s top scientists, including Stephen Hawking, all agree that climate change is one of the biggest threats facing our world and if we don’t act now to try to prevent it, things could spiral out of control.
Climate change is one of the most harmful things to humanity because it affects everyone who lives on Earth. Though there are social problems, such as war or racism, that may affect certain groups of people, even those with no human contact are affected by climate change in some way.
Climate change otherwise known as global warming has been an ongoing issue for decades. Beginning in the 19th century, climate change has increasingly affected Earth and its atmosphere. Rising levels of carbon dioxide are warming the Earth’s atmosphere, causing rising sea-levels, melting snow and ice, extreme fires and droughts, and intense rainfall and floods. Climate change has and will continue to affect food production, availability of water, and can add to many health risks in humans and animals. In fact, in an article by Justin Gillis titled, “Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries” he focuses on a paper written by a former NASA climate scientist, James E. Hansen, explaining the effects of climate change on Earth today. Although many believe Hansen’s theories in the paper are quite far-fetched, the author mentions, “Despite any reservations they might have about the new paper, virtually all climate scientists agree with Dr. Hansen’s group that society is not moving fast enough to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, posing grave risks” (Gillis). Gillis validates the fact that climate change has been rapidly expanding throughout Earth and society has not been able to reduce it fast enough. Many negative risks are being posed and will continue to mount if the issue of climate change is not taken seriously. Although climate change negatively affects nearly all aspects of Earth, it poses a big
Change in climate is becoming a major concern on a global scale, as it has had a tremendous impact on urban environment. Oxford dictionary defines climate change as: