Demographic Information on demographic drifts is indispensable in understanding the changing profile of a specific area, whether national, regional or local authority levels. According to Croydon Observatory (2015), 2011 censuses shows that the population in England and Wales has increased by 7.1% since 2001 and currently stands at 56.1 million people. Subsequently, in 2001, it has increased by 14% from 7.2 million to 8.2 million in 2011. Croydon is one of the most inhabited Borough in London with an estimated resident population of 339,500. Research reports in Croydon shows that one in four of the population aged 65 and above has more than one chronic condition. This presently shows 10,900 people, and is projected to rise to 12,925 by
• There are differing rates of hospital utilisation in Swansea in residents aged under 75, with statistically significiantly high emergency admission in 18 of Swansea’s 31 areas, but with a small proportion of areas with high rates of elective admission.
In 1996 the largest population consisted of people aged 30-50, there were not as many people in the dependency load. In 2011, there were more people aged 40-65, who are getting close to retirement. There are not as many babies being born today as previous years because people are choosing to not have as many children. The baby boomers are getting older and there will soon be more people in the dependency load as the workforce. In 2011 there were more people ages 85 and up because nowadays people have been able to live longer.
It might impact because more immigrant households are enrolling in early childhood programs. According to the enrollment has increased in certain regions to include the west and south regions. Latinos were one of the races that were in high attendance in those school districts. Changing demographics can impact the center due to teachers not adequately prepared to teach children from cultural and linguistic background. This impact would force centers to have teachers training programs to prepare teachers for a more diverse center. discusses that teachers will need to modify or change their teaching practices to now fit a changing demographic to specifically meet the needs of their students.
In England, the population fell from
However, the increasing rate of growth of immigration has caused problems for the UK government. Nicholas Soames and Frank Field (2013) said that immigration has caused UK to grow in an unsustainable rate. The Office for National Statistics (2013) estimate that the UK population will reach to 70 million from 63.2 million currently in 15 years and to accommodate all that amount of population, government will be require to build at-least 9 new cities, for example; another Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool etc and it is just
In 2001 Chatswood had a population of 16,006 people. This increased to 20,967 by 2011. In 2001 the fertility rate in Chatswood was 1.74, not replacement level however with a young population it meant substantial growing for the next few years. As well as this there was a surge in migration, mainly being asian immigrants.
London represents a unique kind of diversity, the rest of Britain is changing between 1991 and 2001 the UK population increased by 2.2 million some of the 1.14 million of whome were born abroad.
First, social changes swept all of the country at the end of World War II, as the country started to see the start of the Baby Boom and suburbanization, and television was able to compliment this transition in the county by proving itself to be a centerpiece of family togetherness. A large number of people returned from the war and they established families and produce children at greater rates than ever before. These families would purchase single family homes and the suburban housing divisions, which created the opening for television to grow. Media Historian Douglas Gomery notes that with the demographic, economic, and social factors created a change from of middle-class and working class families to step away from the attractions of the cities for entertainment, for they rather choose the amusement televise can offer in the privacy in their own homes. There was a desire to invest in a family-focused lifestyle, yet for family to
In the year ending 31 December 2009, Australia's estimated resident population (ERP) had increased by 433,000 people to 22.2 million, a 2.0% increase from December 2008. This followed growth of 460,000 people (or 2.2%) between December 2007 and December 2008. The rate of population growth has become considerably faster since the mid-2000s. Over the two decades prior to 2006, the annual growth rate had averaged 1.3%, adding an average of 234,000 people per year in that period. The recent growth rate of around 2% per year is faster than at any other time in the past several decades, and faster than nearly all other developed countries.
Dictator Pol Pot held goals of attaining independence in Cambodia. He was also determined in making both social and economic reforms in Cambodia. However, he did not achieve his goals. This was due to his fall in the year 1978. The effects of his poor leadership were the major causes of his fall. Based on the behaviorism approach, a leader should portray good characters that are beneficial to his people. Good behavior is rewarded while bad behavior is punished (Chandler, 1999). Therefore, his behavioral consequences were punished because he failed in his leadership. Due to his harsh and brutal leadership, revolts were made against him. As a result, he lost power before achieving his goals. Therefore, good leadership traits and behavior would lead pol to achieving
Over the past years, there has been an exceptionally large national increase which has caused several population issues. These issues include: homelessness, deforestation and more fields being used to make space for shops and houses disrupting the biodiversity growth. Problems like this are caused when there is an abnormal increase in the birth rate where more babies are born; this is also known as a ‘baby boom’. This can occur when nations have more children as a whole and events like this normally takes place after an achievement – an example being when we won the World War Two. The country was relieved that the fighting was over so their instantly celebrated which is why more children were born. In the last 50 years alone, the population has doubled showing just how fast the population is actually growing and even though it may seem fortunate that there are less recorded deaths, this makes the Economical
What does the population in your country look like? Are they all located in cities, farms, etc.? How old are the people in your county? Is this country more populated than its
Bury is a Greater Manchester town found in the north west of England that is known for its famous black pudding and open-air market. The town, with a population of 55,856, is strongly linked to neighbouring Manchester, and many choose to commute to the city from Bury. Rail systems such as the Manchester Metrolink offer convenient transport back-and-forth. Jobs in Bury have shifted in the past decade with a trend towards there being more service sector activity and less manufacturing work. Jobseekers should keep this in mind when choosing career paths. The cost of living in Bury is less expensive than Manchester with more affordable housing according to a Greater Manchester Economic Assessment.
The proportion of Britons age 65 and over consists of of 1. 17.4% the UK population. Projections are for 5½ million more elderly people in 20 years time. 2. Each individual ages differently both mentally and physically.
astound 1,379,302,771 and India comes at a close second place at 1,281,935,911. Some additional information I found compelling under components of population change is that on average every 8 seconds one birth occurs. One death tends to occur every 12 seconds, which is truly sad. One international migrant every 33 seconds and we net gain one person every 14 seconds. From my perspective,