
The Role Of Family In Metamorphosis

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Ohana means family and that no one gets left behind right? In some cases yes and in some no, the word family has this picture attached to it. A picture of a mother , father , brother and sister and perhaps a golden retriever named Buddy . It's a picture that no one has developed, every family has its own struggles and memories that makes them unique. The family in Metamorphosis was a very good example of how everyone is not perfect. The role of the family in this story was to show just how much a family could grow. The family was financially troubled because of a business gone bankrupt, the older brother, Gregor, took it upon himself to take care of his family. One morning he found himself turning into a bug, his family was horrified but in the midst of all of the confusion Gregor only thought about how his family would survive without him. Long story short at the end it shows how the family progressed after the death of Gregor, they had transformed into better people. The role the family had was to signify the reality of change, it took Gregor turning into a bug and dying for the family to …show more content…

“We had got on badly, partly because we shared, in our different fashions, the vice of stubborn pride.”(Baldwin,2295) This family suggests the role of the act of realization. His father wanted him to be a preacher like him but the son wanted to write. His father warned him about becoming friends with white people but he did it anyway. Later on after he moved to New Jersey he found himself receiving racism in a new light as he was really exposed to it. The way his father preached and all the things he had said about the lord the son dismissed and because of his father's death and his experiences with racism he began to realize that all his father's teaching were not meaningless. Even though they disagreed in his childhood the son finally knew what his father was trying to

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