
The Role Of Native Americans In Popular Media

Decent Essays

Interview Process To establish rapport, I made contact with the head of the Native American student council at EOU and attended one of the Speel-Ya Club meetings on campus to get to know some of the native students. The project was explained and discussed with them through e-mail. They were particularly helpful in informing me of the Speel-Ya Club meetings and sending word to native students about my project. My subjects were interviewed face to face via digital voice recorder or email interview if they felt uncomfortable with having their voice recorded. I kept in mind that “it may be surprising when Native Americans are reluctant to engage in a proposed research project, even if the outcome is anticipated to be beneficial” (Harding, et al. 2012:6). I also made sure to remember that native students (or interview subjects in general) have the right to remain …show more content…

Some of these issues are considered at the institutional review board (IRB) level as they relate to basic human rights, informed consent, and beneficence. Pseudonyms instead of names were provided in each interview summary. Each individual was asked a total of seven questions regarding the portrayal of Native Americans in popular media. The questions I asked were all open ended questions, so as to acquire more information instead of just a “yes” or “no” answer. Responses to the open-ended questions are integrated within the paper. The findings are reported by voice recorded and/or email responses to the open-ended question. Participants were told they could answer only the questions they felt comfortable with, which is why some answered more than others. Each in person interview was expected to last at

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