
The Role Of Paraplegia In Tricia Downing's Life

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Paraplegia, or leg paralysis, occurs after a spinal cord injury. This type of injury is caused by damage to the vertebrae, ligaments, or disks in the spinal column. On September 17, 2000, paraplegia became a factor in Tricia Downing’s life. Downing, a competitive cyclist at the age of 31, became injured in a collision with a moving vehicle while riding her bicycle. Little did Downing know that she was about to fight her most difficult battle. While fighting this battle, the avid cyclist learned suffering, endurance, and character in facing these hardships. Her faith strengthened her to become one of the most determined racers in human history. From being an adopted child to becoming a paralyzed possibility, Downing proved giving up is not an …show more content…

These memories play a very important role in the book because they show us how Downing trained all her life and how much effort she put into her career. Also, these memories show us how Downing went from being a professional to being paralyzed. She was admitted to St. Anthony Hospital on the day of her accident. A long road of suffering was in store for this trained athlete. Some major setbacks she faces while being hospitalized include having two surgeries. The first surgery is the operation on her spine and the second surgery is gallbladder surgery. Downing needed her gallbladder taken out a week before she was to transfer to Craig Hospital, a rehabilitation center. Once transferred, another surgery is taken place on her coccyx. This surgery is so dangerous, Downing had to lay flat for 6 weeks. Suffering through all of this pain, she begins to lose …show more content…

She was discharged from Craig Hospital and moved into her new condo. She heard about a new study from UCLA in Los Angeles which was founded by Dr. Susan Harkema, who became a forerunner in helping those with spinal cord injuries. Tricia learned of a marathon that was taking place in Hawaii and decided to go and be part of it. She finished the marathon in less than three hours. Downing came back to finish her study sessions with the doctor. She left for Minnesota to visit her friend, Stacey. Stacey had convinced her to run a marathon in Duluth. This race was 26.2 miles long. The thought of being a part of this race brought back a glimpse of her former life, where accepting risk and attempting beyond-my-comfort-zone trials were the norm and a sense of pride and adventure for her (128). Through all the hardships and trials she has had to face, this race played a major factor in her recover. Tricia Downing finished the race. She was not last. Downing learned endurance and endured through all the pain and began to believe in herself. She felt victorious!
Tricia Downing’s true character began to show. Downing started to believe in herself again. She decided to compete in an Ironman Triathlon. Over the years, she did nothing but train for these races. She failed at two of them. After her second, she married her husband, Steve, and started another triathlon. She fought to win this one and began to show

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