
Gattaca Self Determination Essay

Decent Essays

The role of self-determination is quite present throughout multiple scenes within the movie involving Vincent and his brother competing in their own swimming contest dubbed “Chicken” in which they attempt to out swim the other. Initially, Anton outswims brother in almost every race because of his innate physical advantages not due to his determination as throughout Anton’s life he never had to try due to him being a valid. Though Vincent eventually succeeds and beats his brother in chicken as through sheer determination as unlike Anton, Vincent was constantly told that he was naturally inferior. Every time he swam against Anton, he put in all his effort. This is the first demonstration of the role of self-determination within the film as despite losing almost every time Vincent does not lose hope but instead becomes more determined than before. This proves to Vincent that if he is capable of beating his valid brother, he is able to fulfil his dream of becoming an astronaut at Gattaca. The role of self-determination is also apparent towards the end of the movie in which the two brothers play “chicken” one last time in which Vincent beats his brother once more. Anton yells, “Vincent! How are you doing this Vincent? How have you done any of this? We have to go back.” To which Vincent later replies, “You wanna know how I did it? This is how I did it Anton. I never saved anything for the swim back.” This shows that Vincent is 100% dedicated to the task that he is willing to

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