In the novel, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, we are introduced to a world filled with spectacle and surveillance. The world where one male and one female from 12 districts must complete to the death on live television as punishment for revolting against those in power, the Capitol. With the help of a theoretical lens, we can see a thing we might not have noticed the first time, such as the purpose of the games, why do the Capitol and the districts view the games so differently, does surveillance end after the game, etc. Using Jeremy Bentham’s idea of “Panopticon” with the help of William Staples and Michel Foucault, we can dive in deeper into the book and discuss matters that were once not seen. Foucault’s description of his set of
Until page 50 it was a perfect beginning , and I had a good time in reading this pages and a lot of something to learn and something make me feel interest, such as, the deep description of the characters, places, and even food which made me feel the moment and as if I were living with them. Also, the way that the author had depicted how people suffered because of the hanger and poverty. Another thing that I want to notice about is that girl – Katniss – who was the ideal sister and daughter, when she prefers to go to The Hunger Games instead of her sister – Prim- ,and when she takes care of her ill mother. Furthermore, while all the bad things that happened to her and all the responsibilities that placed on her, but it didn't prevented her
Can you imagine the feeling knowing that at anytime, a close one could be taken away. A best friend could be stolen. A family member could be killed. Even yourself could be sacrificed for nothing. Do you think that the emotions a family member may encounter, the sadness of an entire community, or even just the thought of dying, is worth it to provide a dominant government their “Hollywood ending”? Well, in the book “The Hunger Games” written by Suzanne Collins, Katniss Everdeen lives in a dystopian society where her community is divided by 13 different groups. Each year, their government randomly selects two participants from each group to play in the Hunger Games, which is a fight to the death among the other participants. In the book, Katniss’
In a life where one must rebel to stand up for what is right. In a world where there is only one government. In a game to kill or be killed. Who truly has the power? In the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, power is shown in many parts of the book. Although the government is initially successful at controlling everyone’s lives in the Districts, as Katniss’ journey of survival progresses in the Hunger Games, her rebellious actions damage the Capitol’s power. This causes her to prove the Capitol that they do not own her, and she has self-power. Throughout the book, Suzanne Collins portrays that everyone has certain control. Collins uses the Districts, the rebellions, and the Capitol to get this message across to the readers.
Dystopian literature adheres to certain conventions; the theme of a dystopian future typically encompasses a severely repressed society, with socio-political dysfunction and class stratification. Themes of surveillance, censorship and personal independence have been established by authors such as George Orwell, and are recurrent throughout 2008 novel “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins, although Orwellian dystopia and conceived ideas of freedom are juxtaposed in an intriguing fashion. “The Hunger Games” revolves around the notion of the various districts of Panem offering in tribute one young man and woman, to fight to the death in a pageant of honor, courage and sacrifice, Panem being the nation that was established during an unknown period of time, and the pageant of honor being the barbaric means of controlling its citizens. Whilst more recent dystopian literature derives heavily from Orwellian conventions in some respects, it arguably differs greatly in others, redefining to an extent the genre.
The dystopian genre makes parallels between the fabricated society and actual society. The reality TV element of the games demonstrates the link between the society of Panem and our society. From child beauty pageants to a rich family that no one knows why is famous, these shows are watched by many in today's society. People forget that these people are real and living their own lives compared to the “scripted” TV shows with paid actors. Capitol dwellers are obsessed with their image, making body modifications to look young and to stay in trend. This aspect of the novel makes a comment on plastic surgery and image in today’s society (Frade, 2014). The use of the hunger games as a social event shows that Capitol views the people in the districts as lesser individuals and are willing to watch people die for their entertainment. The games are watched “At homes and community halls around the country, every television set is turned on. Every citizen of Panem is tuned in” (Collins, 2008, p. 124). There is a disconnection from the people in the Capitol and the children fighting in the games. To the Capitol, those children are just part of an elaborate game, but for the Districts, those children are daughters, sons, brothers, and sisters. The view of humans as lesser individuals can be translated into society today. The top 1% of the population that control most of the wealth have power over the individuals that have less money. The Capitol is comparable to the top 1% and the Districts are comparable to the rest of the world. The geographical aspect of
The title “Hunger Games” evokes a clear message: the way people living in the districts see this terrifying event as something fun, calling it a “game”. The whole event is shown on screens in all the different districts and people gather and enjoy watching their tributes. This clearly relates to a televised sporting event in which participants compete to win. The enthusiasm of the population is seen especially during the opening ceremony with “the pounding music, the cheers “. Moreover, the Games recall the gladiatorial Games of Ancient Rome in which armed competitors, some voluntary and others not, would fight to death. The fact that the games are televised and discussed in Panem’ s media also recalls today’s reality television, and the novel consequently draws a parallel between the gladiatorial Games and reality TV.
In The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins expresses two themes. The first one is that we can’t let the government use their power to treat, and use people like they want, they are oppressing them. “At one o’clock, we head of the square. Attendance is mandatory unless you are on deaths door. This evening, officials will come around and check to see if this is the case. If not you will be imprisoned.” (Collins, 16) we can see that the Capitol forces the people to participate in the reaping by threatening them. “When I was younger, I scared my mother to death, the things I would blurt out about District 12, about the people who rule our country, Panem, from the far-off city called the Capitol. Eventually I understood this would only lead us to
Corruption is a fraudulent behaviour that occurs excessively in the world of Suzanne Colin's novel, "The Hunger Games". Furthermore, this form of activity takes place most often in the Capitol. It's difficult to say if the capitol is corrupted or not, however many believe that the capital is doing what they must to survive. Citizens of the capitol do radiate a form of corruption over power. The capitol is undeniably corrupt and advantageous. Three meaningful reasons that corroborate to the contention are: The totalitarian government of Panem is noticeably corrupted because of the drastic differences in the treatment of its citizens. Secondly, the capitol forces voyeurism to symbolise authority and power, to grasp obedience from the districts. Thirdly, the future of the districts will be non-existent if the Capitol continues to make them pay sacrificial benefits with their respective citizens. These reasons noticeably state one of Suzanne Collins most prioritised morals. Too much power leads to corruption.
In a not-too-distant, some 74 years, into the future the United States of America has collapsed, weakened by drought, fire, famine, and war, to be replaced by Panem, a country divided into the Capitol and 13 districts. Each year, two young representatives from each district are selected by lottery to participate in The Hunger Games; these children are referred to as tributes (Collins, 2008). The Games are meant to be viewed as entertainment, but every citizen knows their purpose, as brutal intimidation of the subjugated districts. The televised games are broadcasted throughout Panem as the 24 participants are forced to eradicate their competitors, literally, with all citizens required to watch. The main character
The Hunger Games, the movie, was adapted from the popular young adult novel by Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games is sometimes described as another cliche love story for which the young adult genre is infamous. Despite appearances, The Hunger Games illustrates a complex and creative dystopian world with a much deeper underlying message, including topics such as, politics, history, and celebrity worship. The setting appears to be a futuristic version of America. This future America is very classist, and the tyrannical government is sure to keep the classes divided by heavily oppressing the working class. The working class is divided into twelve districts, which used to be thirteen districts until the thirteenth district was annihilated as a result of its uprising. In response to the thirteenth district’s resistance, the President created a game called “The Hunger Games” in an effort to instill obedience in the remaining twelve districts. Through the course of the movie, we learn that “The Hunger Games” are not only a mechanism to force obedience on the working class, but also to serve as entertainment for the elite society who live in the Capitol. The Games require 24 randomly selected children from the working class districts to fight to the death in an elaborately staged battle, all of which is filmed and broadcasted to the entire nation, working class and elite alike. Thesis: The Hunger Games, the movie, has a hauntingly feasible storyline and clear references to real
The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins illustrates a dystopian society where the government tries to apply a perfect society to maintain the power in all of Panem. The author shows an elaborate and horrifying description of a society not so unlike our own and provides a clear warning about the danger of governmental control. The government of Panem has a government which controls everything. The government shows totalitarianism, a post-apocalyptic setting, and the world ranks. These three main points are what shows how the The Hunger Games is a great example of a dystopian literature.
The Hunger Games contribute to the sea of dystopian films, within this film social commentary is exposed in the gruesome scenes of murder preadolescents are forced to commit. In the dystopian film, the totalitarian nation of Panem is divided into 12 districts and the Capital. Each year two young representatives from each district are chosen to participate in The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games are televised throughout Panem and are used as part entertainment ,and as part retribution for a past rebellion. The 24 participants are forced to kill one another until there is one left. During this gruesome act the citizens of the Panem are forced to watch. Social commentary is shown throughout the whole movie as subtle evaluations of the society
Reality television has differed throughout the years. At one point it was meant to be a literal depiction of everyday life. Now, reality television has changed to be more dramatic and outrageous than an average person or family’s life. The Hunger Games, in a way, depicts the lives of those who live in the poorer districts where the necessities for life are not in such abundance as in the Capitol. Although children are not forced to kill each other in the districts, there is still the struggle for one’s livelihood. That reality is depicted in the games and it seems that The Capitol takes that theme and develops it into The Hunger Games that we know and love. The Hunger Games suggests that reality television is manipulated to the point where the viewers see what the creators (game makers) want them to see.
The Hunger Games presents a rather dystopian alternative to life in the United States as compared to the present time. To audiences, the story provides exciting entertainment as well as raising many ethical, moral, and political questions. However, there is another aspect of The Hunger Games which proves fascinating in an economical sense – the technology. Throughout the drama, contrasts in technological advancement show how important technology is to economic health.
The film The Hunger Games, released in 2012 and based off the first book of a literary trilogy, has become a source of entertainment and intrigue among many Americans. Featuring a futuristic and dystopian United States, it has captured the imagination for some and kindled a intense obsession for others. While on the surface this movie might seem to simply be a story with a riveting plot line about young love, vicious combat, and survival, it is much more than that. As most films do, if one takes a closer look, The Hunger Games gives rise to multiple sociological patterns and themes. If one observes with an informed and critical eye, sociological issues that are embedded in the film are revealed. From this, one can draw cultural and