Education, school; words that in America, are as common and as free as the air
around us. Even though our education has been hard earned, we don’t fully harness our
educational freedoms. Many countries in this world do not have access to education;
there are children and teenagers all over the world who cannot go to school to make a
better future for themselves and their nation. Yet the education we have here in America
is free to anyone who wants it. Why don’t we try to better our education? It is because
of this, our country has fallen from its high position in the international rankings and is
suffering greatly. Traditional school year schedules were originally designed in
compliance with agriculture. In the time schools were developed, life was centered on
farming, making the summer break a necessity for students so that they could be home
for planting and harvest seasons. Even after the importance of agriculture dwindled,
schools stuck to the traditional schedule in part because it was difficult to hold classes
during the summer months without air conditioning. The year round school schedule
would be beneficial to this country’s education and future success.
In the early 1900s, American schools started to incorporate year round schedules,
but the idea did not become popular until the past two decades when it became clear
that American test scores were failing. Year round schooling is a misleading term; many
students imagine they
Most students enjoy summer vacation, but some educators feel that the summer break is too long and that students do not retain information as easily when they return in the fall. Some people argue that there should be year-round schools, where there would by a 3-4 week break in the summer, a long winter break, and a week off in the spring and fall. I disagree with those people. The biggest problem with this schedule would be the summer break, it just isn’t long enough. I believe year-round school is a bad idea because summer break is a time when students get to take a break, parents may not be able to find a caretaker during the shorter breaks, and schools may not have sufficient funds.
One school district, took off 15 school days, and added 30 minutes to each day, all part of a $3 million budget cut. Having the 30 minutes added to the school day,
Since this is a controversial school schedule due to the shorter summer break, each school system should have a string of schools (elementary, middle, and high school) try the schedule out for five-years and track the improvement throughout the years. Teachers no longer feel as if they are on the edge of a breakdown because of the new system. Since the teachers and students are in school for nine weeks have a week of break, they can know look forward to up to two or three weeks of break. With the cut down on the summer break to add to the other breaks throughout the year, students have a better chance of retaining knowledge. It would be beneficial for schools to switch to the year-round school schedule because the teachers are happier and not on the verge of a breakdown, the breaks are longer, and the students retain the knowledge from the previous
Should kids have a summer break or have year round schooling? I think that that students should have summer break because of the complications it brings with having a year-round schooling.
Going to a year-round school is way better than going to a traditional calendered school. According to the article “Should You Give Up Summer Vacation?,” there are many pieces of evidence that show that going to a year-round school is a better choice than going to a traditional schedule school. A couple examples of why going to a year-round school is better for students is that the shorten breaks lessen how much students forget, more shorter breaks relieves the stress students have and because other countries are way more advance than the United States. Year-round and traditional calendered schools are very similar. They both have the same amount of days that the students go to school for and the same amount of when the students don´t have
Year round schooling may sound scary but read this and I might change your mind. Year round school is pretty much what is sounds like, except it is the same amount of school days as a regular year, and it has more spread out breaks. Year round school would be beneficial because it consist of less review due to “summer slide”, more “family time”, and longer more spread out breaks.
In America most public schools go to school on a 10-month system established when America was mainly agriculture, and the children had to work in the fields during the summer. Year-round school was first used in the early 1900s to fight overcrowding and underfunding. It wasn’t until the 60s that year-round school was used again when a school in California became the first school to use it since 1904. I believe that the school schedule is fine the way it is. Some of the cons of year-round school are students can’t have summer jobs, most programs such as lunch and buses cost more, and extracurricular conflicts.
Would you rather be home playing video games or going on vacations during the summer or in school? Year round schools are TERRIBLE. They spend way too much money, and they have to run their AC all summer long. They have to pay a lot of money to keep bus drivers and other staff members.
The topic of year around school has been brought up many times throughout my time in school. Though it has been brought up, it has not actually been considered by my fellow students and I. We have all taken surveys regarding it and most of the people I know have been against it. With our school being in a small town in Iowa I do not think having year round schooling would benefit us or the community.
How would the population react if the schedule that structures many peoples’ entire year were to change? This change is a reality for a growing number of families across the country as a method of improving primary and secondary education through year-round school. Although many have come to accept or even embrace year-round school in an effort to help students retain more material, year-round school would actually disrupt the learning environment, be potentially detrimental for students and their family’s financial health, as well as that of the schools, and could take away from family and personal time.
Some people say that year-round schooling would disrupt summer and other already made schedules. Summer break would be shorter, but other breaks throughout the year to make up for it. For parents concerned about what they would do with their child during breaks, day care programs either through the school or other programs, will adjust. High school students looking forward to summer jobs could help run day cares or baby sit during breaks. This would also help to solve the previous
It is evident that the state should extend many school's starting time , and even consider year round school . Others may disagree and think that schools should remain the same time and not change but i feel diffrent . The first reason why I feel like the state should extend school times back by atleast 30-40 minutes is because it will actually help them stay focused in class by giving them more time to to get them selfs ready to learn at school and the time can let them sleep for at least 10-15 minutes longer. Many teachers and staff are noticing that students sleep in class most of the time and the average high school student is recommended with at least 8.5-9.25 hours of sleep on school nights as stated in the text . In order for them to
Whether Florida should become a year-round schooling state is a new issue. Year-round school is when the bread is broken up and scattered throughout the school year. The children would go to school for a few weeks, then get a few weeks off. This process would repeat. Floridians should not go to year-round schooling because the constant breaks are disruptive and teens can’t get summer jobs to help pay for college. However, many believe children won’t forget information with the short breaks. There are too many problems with year-round schooling, Florida should not do it.
Some schools decided to initiate YRE and ESD because of swelling enrollments and lack of student achievement. There were many issues raised when deciding if YRE and ESD were a step in the right direction. For one, we are all creatures of habit, and to implement a new school schedule would mean extensive changes. Second,
It is October 15th. Normally, students would be at school, working for hours on end at math, communication arts, and science. But this year is different. This year your school has now entered into the year-round calendar system. At home, you can enjoy the season of fall with pumpkins, Halloween, and beautiful weather. The idea of year round school has most commonly been pushed aside because of the misconception that it is too much school, or an on-going cycle of learning. However, those who declare this, do not understand the year-round school concept. Year-round school provides the same number of days as the traditional calendar. The difference, which will change our society and the achievement rate of our students in the future, is that the days are reordered into intersessions. The mechanisms of year round school include students attending school for a nine week period, then following this is a three week break. This rotation occurs year-round with a slightly longer summer break. Consequently, Though many people agree with keeping tradition with the popular school calendar, new evidence and testimony proves that year-round school provides the better avenue because the world is evolving, it benefits low income students, and intersessions are more effective than summer break.