History Paragraph about the Role of women in
Ancient China
Mulan is a Disney classic but does it contain historical facts? Is it a reliable or non-reliable source? There are many primary and secondary sources that show, that the 1998 film, is a reliable and un reliable source. I will discuss about Mulan as a reliable and non-reliable source and the changes that has happened from the Sui dynasty to the 21st century.
Women in ancient China were inferior to men. This meant that their whole lives were spent being subservient to the men in their families. Confucius taught that women's roles we to look after the men in their families. He believed that it was not acceptable for a woman to have her own ambitions and that she should have barely any life outside her own home.
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When she is young, she must submit to her son. These are the rules of property.” By Mother of Mencius (a follower of Confucius). Women were expected to produce male children. In order to be accepted by their family and experience feelings of belonging in the family. To bring honour they must have a birth of a baby boy or have marriage. It was a part of the three unfilial acts. To illustrate this, source 2: Ban Zhao female writer from the Han dynasty “On the third day after the birth of a girl, […] Now to lay the baby below the bed plainly indicated that she was lowly
It’s not hard to see that women were treated far worse than men were; this is just because the men never thought of them as equal and that was just the way it would be. Women in China were definitely treated like slaves as compared to Roman women who were given a little freedom; Chinese women would have to obey their husbands and had to make sure that their chores like cooking and cleaning were done by the end of the day. “In Rome women were treated inferior, but the men of the empire would always look after them; they would always have a male guardian with them most of the time,”(Ramirez et al 179). Chinese women were ordered around constantly and would never even think about disobeying their husbands. Roman women were treated more like precious gems; their husbands made sure that they avoided contact with men other than family members, they wanted to make sure their wives stayed pure and faithful to them at all times.
Women controlled many of the in house affairs, such as dealing with servants, family resources, and money. In terms of authority, a man’s mother and wife were treated with a higher level of respect than other women. Although, throughout both dynasties, when a women entered marriagehood, she became part of her husband's family; the women were also not able to obtain their dowry. During the Song Dynasty, confucian beliefs and social norms were much more present. Surrounding women, confucian beliefs generally say a women should stay at home and had the lion’s share of work. The custom of footbinding throughout the Song Dynasty further depressed women's role and social standing. Footbinding began at the higher class and elite; the custom was in place to make womens feet smaller and more attractive. This was a painful process of binding feet with cloth to achieve beauty and luxury, which became so socially acceptable that it was even forced by many parents onto their daughters. The fear was not being able to find a husband if the daughter had big feet. Over time, the status of women negatively declined between each dynasty.
Within chinese society, this meant that the ideals for a women were strictly tied to their role within the family home, and specifically the inner chamber. The prevalence of this model of feminine behavior is backed by the many writings directed toward the instruction of women. One of these is written by Song Ruozhao, and her Analectics for Women became a text of rules to aspire to within the Tang dynasty (SEAT, 415). This writing emphasises the role of women in maintaining the family, and the shame associated with “the ways of lazy women” (p. 419). In actuality, it is unlikely that this perfect female ideal could ever be achieved. This did not mean that women did not try, but it can be assumed that this would have been more common for those of the elite classes. For those women who were of lesser birth, it is probable that they would have had more flexibility with the gender roles, as their labor would have been needed to supplement with tasks that were seen as traditionally masculine, such as in
There are many similarities and differences between the women living in Rome and Han China during 753 B.C.E. to 330 C.E. In both societies; women were property to the male figure of the household whether that be their father or husband. Obviously equality was not a concept in neither Ancient Rome or Han China. In Rome, women played no public role whatsoever, but in Han China, women engaged in various professions in and outside of the home. Another important difference between these two places is that under no circumstances were the Roman women allowed to obtain political power, while, in Han China, women were given power. Regarding Ancient Rome, most of the information stated in this essay pertains to the women in the upper classes.
From the man’s view, women’s roles and duties in the household were key to a stable family, and men exerted their control over women to ensure their desired way of life. Roman women in their duties to the household and domestic life were an essential to life in the empire. The women’s duties included taking care of household duties, child care, attention to her husband, and cleaning. Women in Han China needed to fulfill her duties in order to be accepted by her husband and family while being obedient and following her husband’s orders. Han women were treated like servants by their husbands and were not allowed to address their husbands by their name which illustrated their limited freedom. According to Mencius an ancient Chinese philosopher, “I have heard that the etiquette between a man and a woman does not apply in their private room. But I lately have been too casual, and when my husband saw me
The idea of feminism has not always been common. The term “feminism” wasn’t introduced until the 1970s. This shows how society didn’t allow anything that had to due with everyone being equal because of the standards that society constructed. In all the versions of Mulan, I think that Disney’s Mulan was the most strict on her having Ancient China’s role of being a woman. This would be having kids, helping clean around the house and not working for money, but working for her husband and kids. In Disney’s Mulan, her family is more hard on her to be a lady and for her to be the proper role of a women. This is because they went to a “matchmaker” to find her husband, and after saving everyone several times, she was still looked down upon because she was a woman.
The civilizations of ancient Rome and China have long traditions of women occupying a lower position in society than men. While this was a common idea, in practice, there were significant differences in the way the two cultures treated women. Specific developments in both Rome and China led them in two very different directions with regard to the type of lives women could live. Although ancient Rome (750BC-AD500) and China (350BC-AD600) were both oppressive patriarchal societies, the application of technology, widespread use of slavery and the translation of government policies created more personal freedom for Roman women than Chinese women during that time.
Daily life during the Yuan dynasty was not so enjoyable life for woman. This is because woman had a very difficult life and had no rights,they were to be bossed around by men and couldn't accomplish anything themselves unless they make dinner.As well as ,girls were forbidden to have an education and only wealthy boys were able to attend school and because boys were able to succeed greater in society.According to this article called Ancient China:Daily life mentions something really interesting about woman “They were considered much less valuable than men. Sometimes when a baby girl was born she was put outside to die if the family didn't want it. This was considered okay in their society. Women had no say in who they would marry.”.Girls were
Up until now, there has always been a preference for sons. The yearning to give birth to a male heir has been so overwhelming that in South Korea, many women who failed to bear sons were treated poorly and even abused. Women have committed suicide or have been murdered for not being able to bear sons. Men have tied off their left testicle in hopes of producing male heirs. People have even
She was expected to give physically financially and emotionally to her family at all times. Roman aristocratic families expected women to have male children so they cold carry on the family name and also expected the wives to be perpetually pregnant. The women from the lower classes did not have to have as many children due to the financial situation of raising a large family. They were expected to work outside the home to help support them. If a roman man decided to expose of a female baby he was allowed to do so and the woman had no choice but to allow it. The reason for this was that girls could not carry on the family name and a dowry was expected of them when they married. (4)
Women were considered inferior to their husbands and were expected to be obedient to them. According to Mencius, one of Confucius’ most important follower who spread the teachings of Confucianism, “When a daughter marries, her mother instructs her. Sending her off at the gate, she cautions her, saying, ‘When you go to your family, you must be respectful, and you must be cautious. Do not disobey your husband.’ To regard obedience as proper is the Way of a wife or concubine.”
In traditional Chinese culture, women were inferior to men. They were not allowed to make any decisions concerning their families. Their only purpose in life was to stay home and take care of the households. "A woman's duties are to cook the five grains, heat the wine, look after her parents-in-law, make clothes, and that's all! ...she must follow the `three submissions.' When she is young, she must submit to her parents. After her marriage, she must submit to her husband. When she is widowed, she must submit to her son. These are the rules of propriety." ("The Mother Of Mencius", p.34) That's the principle that was followed in traditional China. Some of the examples of this are discussed in this
Additionally, women were expected to do certain tasks in the household that would keep them busy throughout the day and keep them from interfering with the outside, where men were supposed to be. Mozi, who was a great Chinese philosopher, mentioned that “women rise at
In both the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire, women were seen as delicate figures and had limited political freedom. Women in Han China were required to be accompanied and led by a male, whether
During the Song Dynasty (960–1279) in Ancient China, the gender in which a person was born as, changed their whole path of life. Their role in society, their education, their power in the household were very different depending on if they were male or female. A typical female had much less power compared to a man; they were considered the inferior gender. It was unfair, and to an extend, cruel, the way that women were treated compared to a man, but during that time in China, it was so normal that no one questioned it. The roles that each gender held were rigid, quite different, and clearly not equal. As China gained power during this time and became more powerful, women were greatly downgraded by men because men were thought to be the ones