
The Roles Of A Business Organization Essay

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A1. (a) The three roles described by Henry were INFORMATIONAL, INTERPERSONAL, and DECISIONAL. INFORMATIONAL includes Monitor, disseminator and spokesperson this is the part where all the information regarding the business are to be collected. Monitor:- According to me a business organization should do a great exercise regarding the business by reading trade press, periodicals and reports to know the market trend and the customer’s choice and preference without reviewing the market situation a business firm can make a great mistake and lead the business to the end. It also includes attending seminars taking trainings which enhance the skill of getting information’s and get the clear picture of the business environment. Disseminator: - It includes the passing the information, Reports and memos regarding the progress and the future steps to be taken about marketing, inventory maintaining, managing human resources. Spokesperson: - He is the individual who welcomes the untouchables the individuals who worry about the business are to takes an interest in gatherings/meeting, it additionally passes the data about the item to the clients. INTERPERSONAL is the context which refers as the communication with the internal members of the business organizations it includes three major points Figurehead, Leader and Liaison. Figurehead is the person who reflects the business, figurehead has to perform many duties social, legal etc. Eventually the person has to sign legal documents of

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