
The Roles Of Advertising : Women And Advertising

Decent Essays

Jessica Gomez
Humanities 109
Professor Trager
Sept. 15, 2017 Women and advertising
Cultural beliefs and values are emphasized through advertisement, which is a powerful weapon in society. In order to sell a product women were being objectified and viewed lower than men. Women have to look, act and do certain things in a certain way in order to be accepted in society. Women were viewed with stereotypical ideas and sexualization in the world of advertisement during the 1900’s.
Advertisement during the the 20th century was sexest. An image that was used for advertisement in the late 1920’s was the laundry detergent Tide. In the image there is a white middle class woman hugging a Tide box and it quotes “No wonder you women buy more TIDE than any other washday product! Tide’s got what women want!”. This shows how women, and only women, had a specific “feminine roles” in society. In Janet L. Tumpich Advertisements and Social Appeal: Reshaping of the Twentieth Century American Woman it states “Women were ‘selling out their intellect and their ambitions’ for the life that their mothers told them they should have..” Women were taught at a young age what their “role” in society should be. Society constructed an idea on what everyone should be like. Through eyes in society during the 20th century, “women's roles” were guidelines to be accepted by people especially men which meant sacrificing what women wanted for what men wanted. Women were viewed as housewifes and nothing else

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